2,321 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of polyneuropathy in the peripheral t-cell lymphoma with cytostatics

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    This paper presents data on the occurrence and form of polyneuropathy in the peripheral T-cell lymphoma, and its main pathogenesis elements. Here the toxic effects of cytotoxic drugs and their role in the impairment of the nervous system have been describe

    The possibility of administration of glutamate receptors antagonists in the treatment of parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease is the slow-progressing chronic neurodegenerative disease. Modern medicine has not yet found methods of curing disease, however, the existing methods of conservative and surgical treatment significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and slow the progression of the diseas

    The definition of specific antiparkinsonian effects of Rapitalam

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    Previously, we identified a metabotropic glutamate receptor 4 (mGluR4) as a potential target for drugs and predicted that activation of mGluR4 could provide a palliative advantage in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Determine the mechanism of action of Rapitalam in vitro on a cell culture with mGluR4 over expression. The HEK293T cell line expressing human mGluR4 was used in the wor


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    Целью наших исследований являлось изучение воздействия ультразвука на способность прорастания пивоваренного ячменя, так как показатель жизнеспособности ячменя является серьезной проблемой для пивоваренной промышленности. Скорость прорастания зерен, подвергнутых воздействию ультразвука, сравнивали со скоростью прорастания зерен, не подвергавшихся воздействию ультразвука, которые прорастали в нормальных условиях. Оптимальные параметры обработки были получены путем двухфакторного анализа с учетом исходного состояния зерна после хранения. Мощность и продолжительность ультразвукового воздействия варьировались от 360 до 630 Вт, 1 и 5 минут соответственно. Исследование показало увеличение всхожести обработанных зерен на 9–10 % по сравнению с необработанными. Мощность нагрева 360 Вт и продолжительность обработки 5 минут оказали сильнейшее влияние на повышение всхожести семян. Конечным результатом исследования являлось нахождение оптимальных параметров ультразвуковой обработки для повышения всхожести кондиционированного ячменя для пивоварения. Предлагаемый способ дает возможность наблюдать за ходом процесса и контролировать характер обменных процессов в прорастающих зернах.We investigated the way ultrasound exposure enhances the germinating of barley for brewing as germination is a major issue for the brewing industry. The rate of germinating of ultra-sound-exposed grains were compared to those of non-exposed ones that germinated under normal conditions. Optimum parameters of treatment were obtained by two-factor analysis, with regard to post-storage initial state of the grains. Power and duration of ultrasonic exposure varied between 360 and 630 W, 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. The research found 9–10 % increase in germinating capacity of the treated grains versus germinating capacity of the non-treated ones. Heating power of 360 W and treatment duration of 5 minutes proved to have the strongest effect on the increase of the germinative ability. The aim of the study was to find the optimum non-conditions of ultrasound treatment to enhance the germination of conditioned barley for brewing. The method offers an opportunity to monitor the process the process and control the nature of metabolic processes in germinating grains

    Zero modes, beta functions and IR/UV interplay in higher-loop QED

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    We analyze the relation between the short-distance behavior of quantum field theory and the strong-field limit of the background field formalism, for QED effective Lagrangians in self-dual backgrounds, at both one and two loop. The self-duality of the background leads to zero modes in the case of spinor QED, and these zero modes must be taken into account before comparing the perturbative beta function coefficients and the coefficients of the strong-field limit of the effective Lagrangian. At one-loop this is familiar from instanton physics, but we find that at two-loop the role of the zero modes, and the interplay between IR and UV effects in the renormalization, is quite different. Our analysis is motivated in part by the remarkable simplicity of the two-loop QED effective Lagrangians for a self-dual constant background, and we also present here a new independent derivation of these two-loop results.Comment: 15 pages, revtex


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    F. tularensis ssp. novicida, considered earlier as a representative of a separate species, has been recently classed among F. tularensis variety, based on the results of comparative analysis of 16S-ribosomal RNA. Subspecies novicida can cause disease only in immunocompromised humans and is low virulent for rabbits. Despite this, high rate of homology of the nucleotide sequence of F. tularensis intraspecific taxon is established. Objective of the study is to obtain protective surface antigen complex from F. tularensis ssp. novicida Utah 112 (ATTC 15 482) cells and investigate its properties. Materials and methods. Protein, carbohydrate, and lipid content of the antigen preparation was measured using conventional colorimetric methods, SDS-PAGE was conducted according to U.Laemmli, and immunoblotting – to H.Towbin. For purification and molecular mass determination column chromatography was applied. Immune-chromatographic activity was analyzed by immune-enzyme assay. Immunogenicity of the produced preparation was tested on scrub white mice, with LD50 and ED50 calculated according to Karber’s method. Results and conclusions. Carried out has been comparative analysis of physical-chemical, antigenic and bio-chemical peculiarities of the protective antigen complex obtained from F. tularensis Utah 112 cells and equivalent antigen complex obtained from the vaccine strain – F. tularensis 15 NIIEG. Protectivity of the preparation has been tested through inoculation of the immunized white mice with virulent F. tularensis 503/840 strain. Demonstrated have been distinctive features of the new preparation, by structure and composition, as compared to similar antigen from the vaccine producer strain, as well as the slowdown of its immunochemical and protective activities

    Improving Methodological Approach to Measures Planning for Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil Fields

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    Goal of the research is development of an integrated approach to the planning of hydraulic fracturing (HF) treatment taking into account geo-technical, hydrodynamic, technological and economic criteria for the selection of wells for inclusion in the programs of HF with increasing importance of economic criteria. Stages of formation of the program for HF of the oil company are selected, systematized and analyzed. It is shown that high potential effectiveness of enhanced oil recovery method in fields with hard-to-recover reserves, on the one hand, and the complexity and high cost of application, on the other, determine the need to optimize the parameters of this business process at all stages of implementation and improve its planning methods. The priority directions for improving the hydraulic fracturing planning were justified: a clear definition of the criterion for the payback period of hydraulic fracturing activities, taking into account their technological features, improving the procedure for calculating the costs of implementing this technology and improving the reasonableness of selecting candidate wells for inclusion in the hydraulic fracturing program. Feasibility of using an additional criterion in the formation of hydraulic fracturing programs – marginal minimum cost-effective wall capacity – has been shown and a method for calculating it has been developed. The use of this criterion will allow to take into account not only technological limitations, but also limits of economic efficiency of conducting hydraulic fracturing at each specific well and, at the preliminary selection of candidate wells, exclude a priori unprofitable measures. It is advisable to take into account proposed directions for improving planning of hydraulic fracturing in the development of corporate regulatory documents, which will help to improve the quality of planning geological and technical measures, minimize investment risks, make more rational use of oil companies' resources for improving oil recovery, choosing the best management decision

    The ethno-cultural essence of linguistic consciousness

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    Postmodernism gave rise to a system of values where culture is a system of signs, and ethno-linguistic consciousness is a psychic mechanism of interpreting signs in terms of a specific linguistic cultur

    «Антиплагиат.РГБ» - система для верификации авторских текстов

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    For handling the problem of falsification in science and combating the intellectual plagiarism there is required verification system of document texts originality. The «Antiplagiat.RSL» system can serve as an example of such a system, for it is an independent expertise tool, performing comparative semantic and stylistic assessment of textual matching content. Expert Certificate on the Originality of Text, issued by the Russian State Library, is an official document, containing information on presence/absence of plagiarism in scientific texts.Для решения проблемы фальсификаций в науке и борьбы с плагиатом необходима оценка оригинальности текстов документов. Реализовать ее можно с использованием системы «Антиплагиат.РГБ», которая является инструментом независимого эксперта, осуществляющего сравнительную смысловую и стилистическую оценку заимствований. Заключение об оригинальности, выданное Российской государственной библиотекой, является официальным документом, информирующим о наличии некорректных заимствований (плагиата) в научных текстах

    Current regulatory requirements for non-clinical evaluation of prophylactic vaccines

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    Vaccines are subject to specific regulatory requirements for the evaluation of their quality, safety, and efficacy. In 2005, the World Health Organisation (WHO), as the main international organisation coordinating measures to combat infectious disease outbreaks, began developing documents on the evaluation of vaccine quality, safety, and efficacy. The world’s leading regulatory authorities (FDA, EMA, etc.) have also issued recommendations for conducting non-clinical studies of vaccines.The aim of this study was a critical review of the regulatory requirements established by foreign national and international regulatory authorities for non-clinical evaluation of the safety and efficacy of vaccines.According to the study results, since the 2000s, the WHO and the world’s leading regulatory authorities have produced more than 40 regulatory documents describing certain aspects of non-clinical studies of the safety and efficacy of vaccines. These documents can be divided into two groups: the first group addresses non-clinical studies of vaccines in general, and the second one dwells upon the evaluation of the quality, safety, and efficacy of specific types of vaccines. For the Russian guidelines on non-clinical evaluation of the quality, safety, and efficacy of immunobiologicals, the latest revision dates back to 2013 and does not provide any information on new medicinal products. Currently, work is underway to prepare the regulatory framework for medicines, including vaccines, in the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). This review of regulatory documents on non-clinical safety and efficacy studies of vaccines may be useful in drafting harmonised guidelines for the relevant groups of vaccines in the EAEU. It may also be of use to developers, manufacturers, and researchers involved in the creation and non-clinical study of vaccines