102 research outputs found

    Soft interaction model and the LHC data

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    Most models for soft interactions which were proposed prior to the measurements at the LHC, are only marginally compatible with LHC data, our GLM model has the same deficiency. In this paper we investigate possible causes of the problem, by considering separate fits to the high energy (W>500GeVW > 500\, GeV), and low energy (W<500GeVW < 500\, GeV) data. Our new results are moderately higher than our previous predictions. Our results for total and elastic cross sections are systematically lower that the recent Totem and Alice published values, while our results for the inelastic and forward slope agree with the data. If with additional experimental data, the errors are reduced, while the central cross section values remain unchanged, we will need to reconsider the physics on which our model is built.Comment: 12 pp, 12 figures in .eps file

    Diffractive dissociation including pomeron loops in zero transverse dimensions

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    We have recently studied the QCD pomeron loop evolution equations in zero transverse dimensions [Shoshi:2005pf]. Using the techniques developed in [Shoshi:2005pf] together with the AGK cutting rules, we present a calculation of single, double and central diffractive cross sections (for large diffractive masses and large rapidity gaps) in zero transverse dimensions in which all dominant pomeron loop graphs are consistently summed. We find that the diffractive cross sections unitarise at asymptotic energies and that they are suppressed by powers of alpha_s. Our calculation is expected to expose some of the diffractive physics in hadron-hadron collisions at high energy.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; numerous explanations added, matches the published versio

    Gluon recombination in high parton density QCD: inclusive pion production

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    We argue that the collinear factorization of the fragmentation functions in high energy hadron and nuclei collisions breaks down at transverse momenta kT < Qs/g due to high parton densities in the colliding hadrons and/or nuclei. We calculate, at next-to-leading order in projectile parton density and to all orders in target parton density, the double-inclusive cross section for production of a pair of gluons in the scalar J^(PC)=0^(++) channel. Using the low energy theorems of QCD we find the inclusive cross section for pi-meson production.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Gluon multiplicity in coherent diffraction of onium on a heavy nucleus

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    We derive the cross section for the diffractive gluon production in high energy onium-nucleus collisions that includes the low-x evolution effects in the rapidity interval between the onium and the produced gluon and in the rapidity interval between the gluon and the target nucleus. We analyze our result in two limiting cases: when the onium size is much smaller than the saturation scale and when its size is much larger than the saturation scale. In the later case the gluon multiplicity is very small in the quasi-classical case and increases when the low-x evolution effects in onium become significant. We discuss the implications of our result for the RHIC, LHC and EIC phenomenology.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Two-scale hadronic structure and elastic pp scattering: predicted and measured

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    We update the comparison with experiment of the dynamical model of high-energy hadron interactions based on the two scale structure of hadrons. All predictions made over decade ago are confirmed with a high precision by the TOTEM experiment at LHC.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    The Sheinbein Case and the Israeli-American Extradition Experience: A Need for Compromise

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    This Article will examine the political ramifications of the extradition process and the need for compromise to prevent domestic politics from undermining the ends of law enforcement. This Article will also suggest possible measures to ease the complications that extradition poses to international law enforcement cooperation. Part II of this Article will examine the facts of the most recent and dramatic example of the politics of extradition as played out in the Sheinbein case. Part III will analyze other issues which have placed obstacles in the path of practical law enforcement and international relations, and the way that the United States has reacted to each issue. Special emphasis will be placed on U.S.-Israeli extradition problems. Finally, Part IV will discuss compromises which might be made by the United States and other nations such as Israel to ease the extradition process, particularly in cases involving a national of the asylum state, without sacrificing national sovereignty

    Study of Nuclear Suppression at Large Forward Rapidities in d-Au Collisions at Relativistic and Ultrarelativistic Energies

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    We study a strong suppression of the relative production rate (d-Au)/(p-p) for inclusive high-pT hadrons of different species at large forward rapidities (large Feynman xF). The model predictions calculated in the light-cone dipole approach are in a good agreement with the recent measurements by the BRAHMS and STAR Collaborations at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. We predict a similar suppression at large pT and large xF also at lower energies, where no effect of coherence is possible. It allows to exclude the saturation models or the models based on Color Glass Condensate from interpretation of nuclear effects.Comment: Revised version (6 pages, 4 figures) to appear in Physical Review

    Anonymous Juries: In Exigent Circumstances Only

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    The Post-Sheinbein Israeli Extradition Law

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    In this Article, the Authors examine Israel\u27s stance on extradition. In Part II, the Article offers an historical timeline of the development of Israel\u27s extradition policies, from common law to reciprocity. In Part III, the Article examines Israel\u27s initial attempts to address the problems inherent in its operating extradition policy. This section also includes an analysis of the reform movement\u27s effect on specific cases. In Part IV, the Article examines the most recent reform of Israel\u27s extradition policy

    Inclusive Gluon Production In High Energy Onium-Onium Scattering

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    We calculate the inclusive single-gluon production cross section in high energy onium-onium scattering including pomeron loop effects. The resulting inclusive cross section is given by the k_T-factorization formula with one of the unintegrated gluon distribution functions depending on the total onium-onium scattering cross section, which includes all pomeron loops and has to be found independently. We discuss the limits of applicability of our result and argue that they are given by the limits of applicability of pomeron loop resummation approach. Since the obtained k_T-factorization formula is infrared divergent we conclude that, in order to consistently calculate the (infrared-finite) gluon production cross section in onium-onium scattering, one has to include corrections going beyond the pomeron loop approximation.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; v2: version accepted to Phys. Rev. D, minor corrections include