8 research outputs found

    Pleuro-pulmonary tumours detected by clinical and chest X-ray analyses in rats transplanted with mesothelioma cells

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    New strategies for cancer therapy must be developed, especially in severe neoplasms such as malignant pleural mesothelioma. Animal models of cancer, as close as possible to the human situation, are needed to investigate novel therapeutical approaches. Orthotopic transplantation of cancer cells is then relevant and efforts should be made to follow up tumour evolution in animals. In the present study, we developed a method for the orthotopic growth of mesothelioma cells in the pleural cavity of Fischer 344 and nude rats, along with a procedure for clinical survey. Two mesothelioma cell lines, of rat and human origin, were inoculated by transthoracic puncture. Body weight determination and chest X-ray analyses permitted the follow-up of tumour evolution by identifying different stages. Autopsies showed that tumours localized on the whole pleural cavity (diaphragm, parietal pleura), mediastinum and pericardium. Tumour morphology and antigenic characteristics were consistent with those of the inoculated cells and were similar in both types of rats inoculated with the same cell type. These results demonstrate that mesothelioma formation in rats can be followed up by clinical and radiographic survey after gentle intrathoracic inoculation of mesothelioma cells, thus allowing the definition of stages of interest for further experimental trials. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Use of tumor markers for differential diagnosis of mesothelioma and secondary pleural malignancies.

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    International audienceSTUDY OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to assess diagnosis value of tumor markers for differential diagnosis between mesothelioma and other pleural tumors. DESIGN AND METHODS: Prospective study of 85 patients attending our hospital with malignant pleural effusion. The diagnostic approach involved routine pleurocentesis followed by pleural needle. When precise diagnosis was not achieved, thoracoscopy with pleural biopsies was performed. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), hyaluronic acid, tissue polypeptide antigen and cyfra 21 to 1 were measured in serum and pleural fluid. RESULTS: By using receiver operating characteristics curves and area under curves, the best diagnostic characteristics were obtained with pleural and serum CEA concentrations. The area under the curve was larger for pleural ACE than for serum ACE. The sensitivity and specificity of a pleural CEA level exceeding 3 ng/mL for ruling out the diagnosis of mesothelioma were 100% and 77%, respectively. CONCLUSION: A CEA level above 3 ng/mL in pleural fluid eliminated the diagnosis of mesothelioma, whereas the other markers were not sufficiently discriminant. However, despite a negative predictive value of 100% at a cutoff of 3 ng/mL, CEA assay in pleural fluid only avoids a small number of diagnostic thoracoscopies

    Use of tumor markers for differential diagnosis of mesothelioma and secondary pleural malignancies.

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    International audienceSTUDY OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to assess diagnosis value of tumor markers for differential diagnosis between mesothelioma and other pleural tumors. DESIGN AND METHODS: Prospective study of 85 patients attending our hospital with malignant pleural effusion. The diagnostic approach involved routine pleurocentesis followed by pleural needle. When precise diagnosis was not achieved, thoracoscopy with pleural biopsies was performed. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), hyaluronic acid, tissue polypeptide antigen and cyfra 21 to 1 were measured in serum and pleural fluid. RESULTS: By using receiver operating characteristics curves and area under curves, the best diagnostic characteristics were obtained with pleural and serum CEA concentrations. The area under the curve was larger for pleural ACE than for serum ACE. The sensitivity and specificity of a pleural CEA level exceeding 3 ng/mL for ruling out the diagnosis of mesothelioma were 100% and 77%, respectively. CONCLUSION: A CEA level above 3 ng/mL in pleural fluid eliminated the diagnosis of mesothelioma, whereas the other markers were not sufficiently discriminant. However, despite a negative predictive value of 100% at a cutoff of 3 ng/mL, CEA assay in pleural fluid only avoids a small number of diagnostic thoracoscopies

    La prostatite bilharzienne: A propos d\'un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Les lésions génitales masculines dues à Schistosoma haematobium sont rares dans nos régions. Pourtant les travaux de Chaker en 1889 et de Lortet et Vialleton qui ont décrit les premières lésions des vésicules séminales en sont le témoignage. Nous rapportons un cas de prostatite bilharzienne de découverte anatomo-pathologique chez un patient de 65 ans après résection transurétrale de prostate. African Journal of Urology Vol. 14 (1) 2008: pp. 59-6