233 research outputs found

    North Ecliptic Pole Wide Field Survey of AKARI: Survey Strategy and Data Characteristics

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    We present the survey strategy and the data characteristics of the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Wide Survey of AKARI. The survey was carried out for about one year starting from May 2006 with 9 passbands from 2.5 to 24 micron and the areal coverage of about 5.8 sq. degrees centered on NEP. The survey depth reaches to 21.8 AB magnitude near infrared (NIR) bands, and ~ 18.6 AB maggnitude at the mid infrared (MIR) bands such as 15 and 18 micron. The total number of sources detected in this survey is about 104,000, with more sources in NIR than in the MIR. We have cross matched infrared sources with optically identified sources in CFHT imaging survey which covered about 2 sq. degrees within NEP-Wide survey region in order to characterize the nature of infrared sources. The majority of the mid infrared sources at 15 and 18 micron band are found to be star forming disk galaxies, with smaller fraction of early type galaxies and AGNs. We found that a large fraction (60~80 %) of bright sources in 9 and 11 micron stars while stellar fraction decreases toward fainter sources. We present the histograms of the sources at mid infrared bands at 9, 11, 15 and 18 micron. The number of sources per magnitude thus varies as m^0.6 for longer wavelength sources while shorter wavelength sources show steeper variation with m, where m is the AB magnitude.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, to appear in PASJ, Vol. 61, No. 2. April 25, 2009 issu

    A Rare Case of Recurrent Myoid Hamartoma Mimicking Malignancy: Imaging Appearances

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    Myoid hamartoma is an uncommon type of breast hamartoma and its recurrence is very rare. We report the imaging appearance of an unusual case of recurrent myoid hamartoma of the breast mimicking malignancy in a 43-year-old woman. Although the mammographic and ultrasonographic findings have long been described in the literature, MR finding with a dynamic study has not, to the best of our knowledge, been reported previously

    Orbital Apex Syndrome in a Patient with Sphenoid Fungal Balls

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    Orbital apex syndrome (OAS) is a rare disease that presents with a complex of symptoms, including ophthalmoplegia, ptosis and visual loss. Due to the poor prognosis, making a prompt diagnosis and administering the appropriate treatment must be initiated without delay if OAS is suspected. We report here on a case of a patient with sphenoid fungal balls, and he presented with acute visual loss and ophthalmoplegia

    Analysis of Swine Leukocyte Antigen Haplotypes in Yucatan Miniature Pigs Used as Biomedical Model Animal

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    The porcine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is called swine leukocyte antigen (SLA), which controls immune responses and transplantation reactions. The SLA is mapped on pig chromosome 7 (SSC7) near the centromere. In this study, 3 class I (SLA-1, SLA-3, and SLA-2) and 3 class II (DRB1, DQB1, and DQA) genes were used for investigation of SLA haplotypes in Yucatan miniature pigs in Korea. This pig breed is a well-known model organism for biomedical research worldwide. The current study indicated that Korean Yucatan pig population had 3 Class I haplotypes (Lr-4.0, Lr-6.0, and Lr-25.0) and 3 class II haplotypes (Lr-0.5, Lr-0.7, and Lr-0.25). The combinations of SLA class I and II haplotype together, 2 homozygous (Lr-4.5/4.5 and Lr-6.7/6.7) and 3 heterozygous (Lr-4.5/6.7, Lr-4.5/25.25, and Lr-6.7/25.25) haplotypes were identified, including previously unidentified new heterozygous haplotypes (Lr-4.5/4.7). In addition, a new SLA allele typing method using Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer was developed that permitted more rapid identification of SLA haplotypes. These results will facilitate the breeding of SLA homozygous Yucatan pigs and will expedite the possible use of these pigs for the biomedical research, especially xenotransplantation research

    Clinical outcomes of pneumococcal pneumonia caused by antibiotic-resistant strains in Asian countries: a study by the Asian network for surveillance of resistant pathogens

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    To evaluate the clinical outcomes of pneumococcal pneumonia caused by antibiotic-resistant strains in Asian countries, we performed a prospective observational study of 233 cases of adult pneumococcal pneumonia in 9 Asian countries from January 2000 to June 2001. Among 233 isolates, 128 (55%) were not susceptible to penicillin (25.3% were intermediately susceptible, and 29.6% were resistant). Clinical severity of pneumococcal pneumonia was not significantly different between antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-susceptible groups. Mortality rates among patients with pneumococcal pneumonia caused by penicillin-, cephalosporin-, or macrolide-resistant strains were not higher than those with antibiotic-susceptible pneumococcal pneumonia. Bacteremia and mechanical ventilation were significant risk factors for death, but any kind of antibiotic resistance was not associated with increased mortality due to pneumococcal pneumonia. Outcome of pneumococcal pneumonia was not significantly affected by drug resistance, and current antimicrobial regimens are mostly effective in the treatment of pneumococcal pneumonia, despite the widespread emergence of in vitro resistance

    Comparison of anti-oxidant activities of seventy herbs that have been used in Korean traditional medicine

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    Many herbs have been used as therapeutics in Korean traditional medicine. In view of their clinical indications, anti-oxidant activity may contribute to their pharmacological effects. However, anti-oxidant information on these plants has not been available. In this study, seventy herbs which have been used in Korean traditional medicine were selected and screened for anti-oxidant activity using their water extracts. The anti-oxidant activity was assessed by their ability to inhibit three oxidation reactions; luminol/Fenton reagent, 2, 7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCHF)/Fenton reagent and DCHF/peroxynitrite. In each assay, 70 herbs were divided into two groups; anti-oxidant group which inhibited the respective oxidation reaction and was majority (about 60 herbs), and pro-oxidant group which enhanced the oxidation reaction but was minority (more or less 10 herbs). When the herbs were listed in the order of their anti-oxidant strength, the orders obtained from each assay were found to be quite similar. The upper top rankers (more or less 10 herbs) in each assay showed strong activity compared to the others. The uppermost rankers in each assay were Rubus coreanus Miquel/ Rubus schizostylus, Schisandra chinensis Baillon/ Schizandra chinensis and Terminalia chebula Retzius/ Terminalia chebula. Of the pro-oxidant herbs, about 4-5 herbs were strongly pro-oxidant, which enhanced the control oxidation reactions to 150-300%. But the meaning of this observation is not known since few of them in one assay were also anti-oxidant in other assays. The results obtained in the present study may serve as information for understanding pharmacological effects of these herbs and developing new drugs from them