2,724 research outputs found

    Communication and Monetary Policy

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    One role of monetary policy is to coordinate expectations in the economy and greater transparency of monetary policy may lead to greater coordination. But if transparentCommunication, Monetary policy, Transparency, Common knowledge

    Regulating Financial Conglomerates

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    We analyse a model of financial intermediation in which intermediaries are subject to moral hazard and they do not invest socially optimally, because they ignore the systemic costs of failure and, in the case of banks, because they fail to account for risks which are assumed by the deposit insurance fund. Capital adequacy requirements are designed to minimise the social costs of these effects. We show that banks should always have higher regulatory capital requirements than insurance companies. Contrary to received wisdom, when banks and insurance companies combine to form financial conglomerates we show that it is socially optimal to separate their balance sheets. Moreover, the practice of "regulatory arbitrage", or of transfering assets from one balance sheet to another, is welfare increasing.

    Tuning Locality of Pair Coherence in Graphene-based Andreev Interferometers

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    We report on gate-tuned locality of superconductivity-induced phase-coherent magnetoconductance oscillations in a graphene-based Andreev interferometer, consisting of a T-shaped graphene bar in contact with a superconducting Al loop. The conductance oscillations arose from the flux change through the superconducting Al loop, with gate-dependent Fraunhofer-type modulation of the envelope. We confirm a transitional change in the character of the pair coherence, between local and nonlocal, in the same device as the effective length-to-width ratio of the device was modulated by tuning the pair-coherence length xi(T) in the graphene layer.open1133sciescopu

    Curvature-induced spin-orbit coupling and spin relaxation in a chemically clean single-layer graphene

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    The study of spin-related phenomena in materials requires knowledge on the precise form of effective spin-orbit coupling of conducting carriers in the solid-states systems. We demonstrate theoretically that curvature induced by corrugations or periodic ripples in single-layer graphenes generates two types of effective spin-orbit coupling. In addition to the spin-orbit coupling reported previously that couples with sublattice pseudospin and corresponds to the Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling in a corrugated single-layer graphene, there is an additional spin-orbit coupling that does not couple with the pseudospin, which can not be obtained from the extension of the curvature-induced spin-orbit coupling of carbon nanotubes. Via numerical calculation we show that both types of the curvature-induced spin-orbit coupling make the same order of contribution to spin relaxation in chemically clean single-layer graphene with nanoscale corrugation. The spin relaxation dependence on the corrugation roughness is also studied.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Transcription-induced active forces suppress chromatin motion by inducing a transient disorder-to-order transition

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    Recent experiments have shown that the mobility of human interphase chromosome decreases during transcription, and increases upon inhibiting transcription, a finding that is counter-intuitive because it is thought that the active mechanical force (FF) generated by RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) on chromatin would render it more open and mobile. Inspired by these observations, we use a copolymer model to investigate how FF affects the dynamical properties of a single chromatin. The movements of the loci in the gene-rich region are suppressed in an intermediate range of FF, and are enhanced at small and large FF values. In the intermediate FF, the bond length between consecutive loci increases, becoming commensurate with the location of the minimum in the attractive interaction between the active loci. This results in a transient disorder-to-order transition, leading to the decreased mobility during transcription. Transient ordering of the loci in the gene-rich region might be a mechanism for nucleating a dynamic network involving transcription factors, RNAPII, and chromatin.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental Materia

    Point-Like Graviton Scattering in Plane-Wave Matrix Model

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    In a plane-wave matrix model we discuss a two-body scattering of gravitons in the SO(3) symmetric space. In this case the graviton solutions are point-like in contrast to the scattering in the SO(6) symmetric space where spherical membranes are interpreted as gravitons. We concentrate on a configuration in the 1-2 plane where a graviton rotates with a constant radius and the other one elliptically rotates. Then the one-loop effective action is computed by using the background field method. As the result, we obtain the 1/r^7-type interaction potential, which strongly suggests that the scattering in the matrix model would be closely related to that in the light-front eleven-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, v2) references adde

    Spin relaxation in mesoscopic superconducting Al wires

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    We studied the diffusion and the relaxation of the polarized quasiparticle spins in superconductors. To that end, quasiparticles of polarized spins were injected through an interface of a mesoscopic superconducting Al wire in proximity contact with an overlaid ferromagnetic Co wire in the single-domain state. The superconductivity was observed to be suppressed near the spin-injecting interface, as evidenced by the occurrence of a finite voltage for a bias current below the onset of the superconducting transition. The spin diffusion length, estimated from finite voltages over a certain length of Al wire near the interface, was almost temperature independent in the temperature range sufficiently below the superconducting transition but grew as the transition temperature was approached. This temperature dependence suggests that the relaxation of the spin polarization in the superconducting state is governed by the condensation of quasiparticles to the paired state. The spin relaxation in the superconducting state turned out to be more effective than in the normal state.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    ENSO Teleconnection Pattern Changes over the Southeastern United States under a Climate Change Scenario in CMIP5 Models

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    A strong teleconnection exists between the sea surface temperature (SST) over the tropical Pacific and the winter precipitation in the southeastern United States (SE US).This feature is adopted to validate the fidelity of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) in this study. In addition, the authors examine whether the teleconnection pattern persists in the future under a global warming scenario. Generally, most of the eight selected models show a positive correlation between November SST over Ni˜no 3 region and December–February (DJF) mean daily precipitation anomalies over the SE US, consistent with the observation. However, the models with poor realization of skewness of Ni˜no indices fail to simulate the realistic teleconnection pattern in the historical simulation. In the Representative Concentration Pathways 8.5 (RCP8.5) run, all of the models maintain positive and slightly increased correlation patterns. It is noteworthy that the region with strong teleconnection pattern shifts northward in the future. Increased variance of winter precipitation due to the SST teleconnection is shown over Alabama and Georgia rather than over Florida under the RCP8.5 scenario in most of themodels, differing fromthe historical run in which the precipitation in Florida is the most attributable to the eastern Pacific SST

    ENSO Teleconnection Pattern Changes over the Southeastern United States under a Climate Change Scenario in CMIP5 Models

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    A strong teleconnection exists between the sea surface temperature (SST) over the tropical Pacific and the winter precipitation in the southeastern United States (SE US).This feature is adopted to validate the fidelity of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) in this study. In addition, the authors examine whether the teleconnection pattern persists in the future under a global warming scenario. Generally, most of the eight selected models show a positive correlation between November SST over Ni˜no 3 region and December–February (DJF) mean daily precipitation anomalies over the SE US, consistent with the observation. However, the models with poor realization of skewness of Ni˜no indices fail to simulate the realistic teleconnection pattern in the historical simulation. In the Representative Concentration Pathways 8.5 (RCP8.5) run, all of the models maintain positive and slightly increased correlation patterns. It is noteworthy that the region with strong teleconnection pattern shifts northward in the future. Increased variance of winter precipitation due to the SST teleconnection is shown over Alabama and Georgia rather than over Florida under the RCP8.5 scenario in most of themodels, differing fromthe historical run in which the precipitation in Florida is the most attributable to the eastern Pacific SST

    Smearing Effect in Plane-Wave Matrix Model

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    Motivated by the usual D2-D0 system, we consider a configuration composed of flat membrane and fuzzy sphere membrane in plane-wave matrix model, and investigate the interaction between them. The configuration is shown to lead to a non-trivial interaction potential, which indicates that the fuzzy sphere membrane really behaves like a graviton, giant graviton. Interestingly, the interaction is of r^{-3} type rather than r^{-5} type. We interpret it as the interaction incorporating the smearing effect due to the fact that the considered supersymmetric flat membrane should span and spin in four dimensional subspace of plane-wave geometry.Comment: 26 pages; added referenc