127 research outputs found

    On Decoupling of Massless Modes in NCOS Theories

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    We revisit the decoupling phenomenon of massless modes in the noncommutative open string (NCOS) theories. We check the decoupling by explicit computation in (2+1) or higher dimensional NCOS theories and recapitulate the validity of the decoupling to all orders in perturbation theory.Comment: 12 pages, latex2e, 2 figures; reference added, some modification without changing resul

    Fine-Tuning the Retrieval Mechanism for Tabular Deep Learning

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    While interests in tabular deep learning has significantly grown, conventional tree-based models still outperform deep learning methods. To narrow this performance gap, we explore the innovative retrieval mechanism, a methodology that allows neural networks to refer to other data points while making predictions. Our experiments reveal that retrieval-based training, especially when fine-tuning the pretrained TabPFN model, notably surpasses existing methods. Moreover, the extensive pretraining plays a crucial role to enhance the performance of the model. These insights imply that blending the retrieval mechanism with pretraining and transfer learning schemes offers considerable potential for advancing the field of tabular deep learning.Comment: Table Representation Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 202

    Closed Strings Interacting with Noncommutative D-branes

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    Closed string dynamics in the presence of noncommutative Dp-branes is investigated. In particular, we compute bulk closed string two-point scattering amplitudes; the bulk space-time geometries encoded in the amplitudes are shown to be consistent with the recently proposed background space-time geometries dual to noncommutative Yang-Mills theories. Three-point closed string absorption/emission amplitudes are obtained to show some features of noncommutative Dp-branes, such as modified pole structures and exponential phase factors linearly proportional to the external closed string momentum.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; v2. references added, minor corrections; v3. final version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)-induced Mallory-Weiss laceration in a patient who underwent aortic and mitral valve replacement -A case report-

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    Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a relatively noninvasive and highly valuable diagnostic modality to monitor cardiac surgery. TEE is utilized to estimate the results of the surgical correction or the cardiac function on a real time basis. Accordingly, the frequency of TEE usage is increasing. Previous studies have shown low risk of TEE-associated complications; nonetheless, major gastrointestinal trauma can occur on a rare occasion. We herein present a case of Mallory-Weiss laceration after an intraoperative TEE examination

    UV/IR Mixing in Noncommutative Field Theory via Open String Loops

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    We explicitly evaluate one-loop (annulus) planar and nonplanar open string amplitudes in the presence of the background NS-NS two-form field. In the decoupling limit of Seiberg and Witten, we find that the nonplanar string amplitudes reproduce the UV/IR mixing of noncommutative field theories. In particular, the investigation of the UV regime of the open string amplitudes shows that certain IR closed string degrees of freedom survive the decoupling limit as previously predicted from the noncommutative field theory analysis. These degrees of freedom are responsible for the quadratic, linear and logarithmic IR singularities when the D-branes embedded in space-time have the codimension zero, one and two, respectively. The analysis is given for both bosonic and supersymmetric open strings.Comment: 15 pages, 3 eps figures; v2. An error in gauge boson amplitudes corrected and now they are identical to the ones in hep-th/000318

    Protective Effects of Gabapentin on Allodynia and α2δ1-Subunit of Voltage-dependent Calcium Channel in Spinal Nerve-Ligated Rats

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    This study was designed to determine whether early gabapentin treatment has a protective analgesic effect on neuropathic pain and compared its effect to the late treatment in a rat neuropathic model, and as the potential mechanism of protective action, the α2δ1-subunit of the voltage-dependent calcium channel (α2δ1-subunit) was evaluated in both sides of the L5 dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Neuropathic pain was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by a surgical ligation of left L5 nerve. For the early treatment group, rats were injected with gabapentin (100 mg/kg) intraperitoneally 15 min prior to surgery and then every 24 hr during postoperative day (POD) 1-4. For the late treatment group, the same dose of gabapentin was injected every 24 hr during POD 8-12. For the control group, L5 nerve was ligated but no gabapentin was administered. In the early treatment group, the development of allodynia was delayed up to POD 10, whereas allodynia was developed on POD 2 in the control and the late treatment group (p<0.05). The α2δ1-subunit was up-regulated in all groups, however, there was no difference in the level of the α2δ1-subunit among the three groups. These results suggest that early treatment with gabapentin offers some protection against neuropathic pain but it is unlikely that this action is mediated through modulation of the α2δ1-subunit in DRG

    Dissection Manual for Open Rhinoseptoplasty in a Silicone Nose Model

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    Open rhinoseptoplasty has been widely performed in the field of otorhinolaryngology. However, from the perspective of beginners, rhinoseptoplasty is a hard-to-learn surgery that involves a relatively steep learning curve. Therefore, practical guidance is essential to enhance the skills needed for excellent surgical outcomes. Here, we provide a step-wise dissection manual using a commercialized silicone nose model designed for rhinoseptoplasty. The contents include general approaches with regard to transcolumellar inverted V incision, flap elevation, osteotomy, septoplasty, modification of the lower lateral cartilage for tip surgery, and dorsal augmentation using silicone implants. In addition, we introduce novel techniques such as dorsal augmentation using a ready-made mold with tissue glue applied to diced cartilage and polycaprolactone mesh for rhinoseptoplasty. The present study also provides photos of individual surgical procedures using a silicone nose model for actual guidance. The authors expect that this manual will help beginning rhinoseptoplasty surgeons improve their confidence

    Noncommutative Field Theory from String Theory: Two-loop Analysis

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    Noncommutative \phi^3 field theory in six dimensions exhibits the logarithmic UV/IR mixing at the two-loop order. We show that open string theory in the presence of constant background NS-NS two-form field yields the same amplitude upon taking a decoupling limit. The stretched string picture proposed on the basis of one-loop analysis naturally generalizes to the two-loop amplitudes in consideration. Our string theory formulation can incorporate the closed string insertions as well as open string insertions. Furthermore, the analysis of the world-sheet partition function and propagators can be straightforwardly generalized to Riemann surfaces with genus zero but with an arbitrary number of boundaries.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures; v2. a reference added and typos corrected. Version to appear in Nuclear Physics