24 research outputs found

    Interaction and ordering of vacancy defects in NiO

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    By using a first-principles method employing the local density approximation plus Hubbard parameter approach, we study point defects in NiO and interactions between them. The defect states associated with nickel or oxygen vacancies are identified within the energy gap. It is found that nickel vacancies introduce shallow levels in the density of states for the spin direction opposite to that of the removed Ni atom, while the oxygen vacancy creates more localized in-gap states. The interaction profiles between vacancies indicate that specific defect arrangements are strongly favored for both nickel and oxygen vacancies. In the case of nickel vacancies, defect ordering in a simple-cubic style is found to be most stable, leading to a half-metallic behavior. The ionized oxygen vacancies also show a tendency toward clustering, more strongly than neutral pairs. The microscopic origin of vacancy clustering is understood based on overlap integrals between defect states. © 2008 The American Physical Society.open343

    Compositional assessment of carotenoid-biofortified rice using substantial equivalence

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    One important aspect in assessing the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops for human consumption is characterizing their nutrient composition. A β-carotene-biofortified rice was generated by inserting phytoene synthase (Psy) and carotene desaturase (Crtl) genes isolated from Capsicum and Pantoea into the genome of a conventional variety of rice (Nakdongbyeo). Nutrients (proximates, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins), anti-nutritive components (trypsin inhibitors and phytic acid), and ferulic acid in GM rice were compared with those in the parent line Nakdongbyeo. Statistical comparisons to test for equivalence showed that all of the analyzed components in the GM plants were equivalent to those in its non-transgenic counterpart, and most nutritional components fell within the range of values reported for other commercial lines, indicating the safety of the GM plant.Key words: Genetically modified crop, β-Carotene, Transgenic rice, Nutrient, Substantial equivalence

    Akira Shimamoto Development of Shape Memory TiNi Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composite and Its Properties

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    Shape memory alloy TiNi fiber epoxy resin composite (SMA-FEC

    Potential Energy Surfaces for LiH 2

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    Property database for single-element doping in ZnO obtained by automated first-principles calculations

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    Throughout the past decades, doped-ZnO has been widely used in various optical, electrical, magnetic, and energy devices. While almost every element in the Periodic Table was doped in ZnO, the systematic computational study is still limited to a small number of dopants, which may hinder a firm understanding of experimental observations. In this report, we systematically calculate the single-element doping property of ZnO using first-principles calculations. We develop an automation code that enables efficient and reliable high-throughput calculations on thousands of possible dopant configurations. As a result, we obtain formation-energy diagrams for total 61 dopants, ranging from Li to Bi. Furthermore, we evaluate each dopant in terms of n-type/p-type behaviors by identifying the major dopant configurations and calculating carrier concentrations at a specific dopant density. The existence of localized magnetic moment is also examined for spintronic applications. The property database obtained here for doped ZnO will serve as a useful reference in engineering the material property of ZnO through doping. © 2017 The Author(s)131

    Analysis of surface roughness and surface free energy characteristics of various orthodontic materials

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in surface characteristics of various orthodontic materials; this might provide valuable information on bacterial adhesion to orthodontic materials. Methods Surface roughness (SR) and surface free energy (SFE) characteristics of 5 orthodontic adhesives (2 composites resins, 2 resin-modified glass ionomer cements, and 1 compomer), 5 bracket materials (2 stainless steel, 1 monocrystalline sapphire, 1 polycrystalline alumina, and 1 plastic) and bovine incisors were investigated by using confocal laser scanning microscopy and the sessile drop method. Results There were significant differences in SR and SFE characteristics among orthodontic materials. Bovine incisors showed the roughest surface, and monocrystalline sapphire showed the smoothest surface. However, there were only small variations in SR (less than 0.3 μm) among the materials, except for bovine incisors. In contrast to SR, there were big differences in SFE characteristics among materials. Generally, bracket materials showed lower SFE—specifically, dispersive and polar components on their surfaces—than orthodontic adhesives. Resin-modified glass ionomer cements had the highest SFE, dispersive component, and polarity; these conditions are more favorable for bacterial adhesion. Conclusions This study suggests that SFE characteristics can influence bacterial adhesion to orthodontic materials more than SR, and bracket materials might have less favorable SFE characteristics for bacterial adhesion than orthodontic adhesives.Supported by a grant of the Korea Healthcare Technology R&D Project, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, Republic of Korea (A091074)

    Just Accepted Manuscript •

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    Abstract In this work, we investigated the effect of Rb and Ta doping on the ionic conductivity and stability of the garnet Li 7+2x-y (La 3-x Rb x )(Zr 2-y Ta y )O 12 (0≤x≤0.375, 0≤y≤1) superionic conductor using first principles calculations. Our results indicate that doping does not greatly alter the topology of the migration pathway, but instead acts primarily to change the lithium concentration. The structure with the lowest activation energy and highest room temperature conductivity is Li 6.75 , has a lower activation energy than c-LLZO, but further Rb doping leads to a dramatic decrease in performance. We also examined the effect of changing the lattice parameter at fixed lithium concentration and found that a decrease in the lattice parameter leads to a rapid decline in Li + conductivity, whereas an expanded lattice offers only marginal improvement. This result suggests that doping with larger cations will not provide a significant enhancement in performance. Our result