27,606 research outputs found

    Unified Analysis of Cosmological Perturbations in Generalized Gravity

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    In a class of generalized Einstein's gravity theories we derive the equations and general asymptotic solutions describing the evolution of the perturbed universe in unified forms. Our gravity theory considers general couplings between the scalar field and the scalar curvature in the Lagrangian, thus includes broad classes of generalized gravity theories resulting from recent attempts for the unification. We analyze both the scalar-type mode and the gravitational wave in analogous ways. For both modes the large scale evolutions are characterized by the same conserved quantities which are valid in the Einstein's gravity. This unified and simple treatment is possible due to our proper choice of the gauges, or equivalently gauge invariant combinations.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure

    Cosmological perturbations in a gravity with quadratic order curvature couplings

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    We present a set of equations describing the evolution of the scalar-type cosmological perturbation in a gravity with general quadratic order curvature coupling terms. Equations are presented in a gauge ready form, thus are ready to implement various temporal gauge conditions depending on the problems. The Ricci-curvature square term leads to a fourth-order differential equation for describing the spacetime fluctuations in a spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmological background.Comment: 5 pages, no figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Collective charge density fluctuations in superconducting layered systems with bilayer unit cells

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    Collective modes of bilayered superconducting superlattices (e.g., YBCO) are investigated within the conserving gauge-invariant ladder diagram approximation including both the nearest interlayer single electron tunneling and the Josephson-type Cooper pair tunneling. By calculating the density-density response function including Coulomb and pairing interactions, we examine the two collective mode branches corresponding to the in-phase and out-of-phase charge fluctuations between the two layers in the unit cell. The out-of-phase collective mode develops a long wavelength plasmon gap whose magnitude depends on the tunneling strength with the mode dispersions being insensitive to the specific tunneling mechanism (i.e., single electron or Josephson). We also show that in the presence of tunneling the oscillator strength of the out-of-phase mode overwhelms that of the in-phase-mode at k=0k_{\|} = 0 and finite kzk_z, where kzk_z and kk_{\|} are respectively the mode wave vectors perpendicular and along the layer. We discuss the possible experimental observability of the phase fluctuation modes in the context of our theoretical results for the mode dispersion and spectral weight.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The quasiparticle spectral function in doped graphene

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    We calculate the real and imaginary electron self-energy as well as the quasiparticle spectral function in doped graphene taking into account electron-electron interaction in the leading order dynamically screened Coulomb coupling. Our theory provides the basis for calculating {\it all} one-electron properties of extrinsic graphene. Comparison with existing ARPES measurements shows broad qualitative agreement between theory and experiment. We also calculate the renormalized graphene momentum distribution function, finding a typical Fermi liquid discontinuity at k_F. We also provide a critical discussion of the relevant many body approximations (e.g. RPA) for graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Cosmological Gravitational Wave in a Gravity with Quadratic Order Curvature Couplings

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    We present a set of equations describing the cosmological gravitational wave in a gravity theory with quadratic order gravitational coupling terms which naturally arise in quantum correction procedures. It is known that the gravitational wave equation in the gravity theories with a general f(R)f(R) term in the action leads to a second order differential equation with the only correction factor appearing in the damping term. The case for a RabRabR^{ab} R_{ab} term is completely different. The gravitational wave is described by a fourth order differential equation both in time and space. However, curiously, we find that the contributions to the background evolution are qualitatively the same for both terms.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure

    Lines on projective varieties and applications

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    The first part of this note contains a review of basic properties of the variety of lines contained in an embedded projective variety and passing through a general point. In particular we provide a detailed proof that for varieties defined by quadratic equations the base locus of the projective second fundamental form at a general point coincides, as a scheme, with the variety of lines. The second part concerns the problem of extending embedded projective manifolds, using the geometry of the variety of lines. Some applications to the case of homogeneous manifolds are included.Comment: 15 pages. One example removed; one remark and some references added; typos correcte

    The Origin of Structures in Generalized Gravity

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    In a class of generalized gravity theories with general couplings between the scalar field and the scalar curvature in the Lagrangian, we can describe the quantum generation and the classical evolution of both the scalar and tensor structures in a simple and unified manner. An accelerated expansion phase based on the generalized gravity in the early universe drives microscopic quantum fluctuations inside a causal domain to expand into macroscopic ripples in the spacetime metric on scales larger than the local horizon. Following their generation from quantum fluctuations, the ripples in the metric spend a long period outside the causal domain. During this phase their evolution is characterized by their conserved amplitudes. The evolution of these fluctuations may lead to the observed large scale structures of the universe and anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 5 pages, latex, no figur

    Negative Differential Resistance Induced by Mn Substitution at SrRuO3/Nb:SrTiO3 Schottky Interfaces

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    We observed a strong modulation in the current-voltage characteristics of SrRuO3_3/Nb:SrTiO3_3 Schottky junctions by Mn substitution in SrRuO3_3, which induces a metal-insulator transition in bulk. The temperature dependence of the junction ideality factor indicates an increased spatial inhomogeneity of the interface potential with substitution. Furthermore, negative differential resistance was observed at low temperatures, indicating the formation of a resonant state by Mn substitution. By spatially varying the position of the Mn dopants across the interface with single unit cell control, we can isolate the origin of this resonant state to the interface SrRuO3_3 layer. These results demonstrate a conceptually different approach to controlling interface states by utilizing the highly sensitive response of conducting perovskites to impurities

    COBE constraints on inflation models with a massive non-minimal scalar field

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    We derive power spectra of the scalar- and tensor-type structures generated in an inflation model based on a massive non-minimally coupled scalar field with the strong coupling assumption. We make analyses in both the original-frame and the conformally transformed Einstein-frame. We derive contributions of both structures to the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation, and compare the contributions with the four-year COBE-DMR data. Previous study showed that sufficient amount of inflation requires a small coupling parameter. In such a case the spectra become near Zeldovich spectra, and the gravitational wave contribution becomes negligible compared with the scalar-type contribution which is testable in future CMBR experiments.Comment: 4 pages, no figure, To appear in Phys. Rev.