205 research outputs found

    High permeability explains the vulnerability of the carbon store in drained tropical peatlands

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    Tropical peatlands are an important global carbon (C) store but are threatened by drainage for palm oil and wood pulp production. The store's stability depends on the dynamics of the peatland water table, which in turn depend on peat permeability. We found that an example of the most abundant type of tropical peatland—ombrotrophic domes—has an unexpectedly high permeability similar to that of gravel. Using computer simulations of a natural peat dome (NPD) and a ditch-drained peat dome (DPD) we explored how such high permeability affects water tables and peat decay. High permeability has little effect on NPD water tables because of low hydraulic gradients from the center to the margin of the peatland. In contrast, DPD water tables are consistently deep, leaving the upper meter of peat exposed to rapid decay. Our results reveal why ditch drainage precipitates a rapid destabilization of the tropical peatland C store

    Borehole water level response to barometric pressure as an indicator of aquifer vulnerability

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    The response of borehole water levels to barometric pressure changes in semiconfined aquifers can be used to determine barometric response functions from which aquifer and confining layer properties can be obtained. Following earlier work on barometric response functions and aquifer confinement, we explore the barometric response function as a tool to improve the assessment of groundwater vulnerability in semiconfined aquifers, illustrated through records from two contrasting boreholes in the semiconfined Chalk Aquifer, East Yorkshire, UK. After removal of recharge and Earth tide influences on the water level signal, barometric response functions were estimated and aquifer and confining layer properties determined through an analytical model of borehole water level response to barometric pressure. A link between the thickness and vertical diffusivity of the confining layer determined from the barometric response function, and groundwater vulnerability is proposed. The amplitude spectrum for barometric pressure and instrument resolution favor determination of the barometric response function at frequencies to which confining layer diffusivities are most sensitive. Numerical modeling indicates that while the high frequency response reflects confining layer properties in the immediate vicinity of the borehole, the low frequency response reflects vertical, high diffusivity pathways though the confining layer some hundreds of meters distant. A characteristic time scale parameter, based on vertical diffusivities and thicknesses of the saturated and unsaturated confining layer, is introduced as a measure of semiconfined aquifer vulnerability. The study demonstrates that the barometric response function has potential as a tool for quantitative aquifer vulnerability assessment in semiconfined aquifers

    Salt-freshwater dynamics in a subterranean estuary over a spring-neap tidal cycle

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    This paper presents field measurements and numerical simulations of pore water salinities and groundwater flow in the intertidal zone of an unconfined coastal aquifer over a spring-neap tidal cycle. The study provides insight into the extent and time-scales of mixing between fresh groundwater and recirculating seawater in a tidally influenced subterranean estuary. Salt-freshwater dynamics in subterranean estuaries are currently not well understood despite their potentially important implications for fluxes of chemicals to coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge. The data and simulation results show that changes in the tidal shoreline excursion over the spring-neap cycle induce significant variations in the intertidal salinity structure. Observed higher frequency salinity fluctuations demonstrate further the intensity and complexity of the salt-freshwater mixing process. In contrast with the salinity variations, fresh groundwater was found to discharge around a distinct intertidal beach slope break throughout the spring-neap period. This suggests that the slope break may affect significantly groundwater flow and salt transport near the shore. Measurements of pH and dissolved oxygen distributions revealed important biogeochemical zonations in the system. These zonations are expected to strongly influence the fate of many reactive chemicals in the nearshore aquifer and their subsequent discharge to coastal waters

    There is no such thing as ‘undisturbed’ soil and sediment sampling: sampler-induced deformation of salt marsh sediments revealed by 3D X-ray computed tomography

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    Purpose: Within most environmental contexts, the collection of 'undisturbed' samples is widely relied-upon in studies of soil and sediment properties and structure. However, the impact of sampler-induced disturbance is rarely acknowledged, despite the potential significance of modification to sediment structure for the robustness of data interpretation. In this study, 3D-computed X-ray microtomography (ÎŒCT) is used to evaluate and compare the disturbance imparted by four commonly-used sediment sampling methods within a coastal salt-marsh. Materials and methods: Paired sediment core samples from a restored salt-marsh at Orplands Farm, Essex, UK were collected using four common sampling methods (push, cut, hammer and gouge methods). Sampling using two different area-ratio cores resulted in a total of 16 cores that were scanned using 3D X-Ray computed tomography, to identify and evaluate sediment structural properties of samples that can be attributed to sampling method. Results and discussion: 3D qualitative analysis identifies a suite of sampling-disturbance structures including gross-scale changes to sediment integrity and substantial modification of pore-space, structure and distribution, independent of sediment strength and stiffness. Quantitative assessment of changes to pore-space and sediment density arising from the four sampling methods offer a means of direct comparison between the impact of depth-sampling methods. Considerable disturbance to samples result from use of push, hammer and auguring samplers, whilst least disturbance is found in samples recovered by cutting and advanced trimming approaches. Conclusions: It is evident that with the small-bore tubes and samplers commonly used in environmental studies, all techniques result in disturbance to sediment structure to a far greater extent than previously reported, revealed by ÎŒCT. This work identifies and evaluates for the first time the full nature, extent and significance of internal sediment disturbance arising from common sampling methods

    A New Type of Large-Capacity Sampler

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    VarumÀrkesutveckling i nystartade klÀdföretag

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    I mikroföretag samt smÄ- och medelstora företag (SMF) Àr varumÀrkesutveckling en avgörande faktor nÀr det kommer till om företaget kommer att lyckas etablera sig pÄ marknaden eller inte. Till skillnad frÄn större organisationer mÄste SMF, pÄ grund av deras begrÀnsade resurser, tackla arbetet med varumÀrkesutveckling med ett betydligt större fokus och effektivitet. Inom den svenska modebranschen sysselsÀtter 95 % av företagen fÀrre Àn 10 personer, vilket innebÀr att 95 % av företagen i den svenska modebranschen tillhör kategorin mikro inom SMF. De företag som sysselsÀtter fler Àn 250 personer, utgör endast 0,1 % av modeföretagen i Sverige. Trots detta rÄder det en brist pÄ forskning och litteratur rörande varumÀrkesutveckling inom SMF. Tidigare forskning och litteratur fokuseras till stora delar pÄ stora- multinationella företag och deras varumÀrkesutvecklande aktiviteter Àr oftast varken lÀmpliga, eller logiska, att tillÀmpa inom SMF. Denna brist pÄ uppmÀrksamhet ligger till grund för studiens syfte. Syftet Àr att granska hur nystartade klÀdvarumÀrken, med begrÀnsade resurser, arbetar med varumÀrkesutveckling för att etablera sitt varumÀrke. Med hjÀlp av fyra företag frÄn BorÄs kommun, grundade mellan Är 2013 och 2016, som alla Àr verksamma inom klÀd-/modebranschen har det empiriska underlaget för studien skapats. Tidigare forskning rörande varumÀrkesutveckling inom SMF har lagt grunden för den teoretiska referensramen. Studien har under intervjuerna, samt analysen av empirin, anvÀnt sig av en egenformad teoretisk modell. Den insamlade empirin har sedan kopplats tillbaka till teorin och tidigare forskningsresultat. Studien visar att entreprenörers personliga bakgrunder kan pÄverka hur entreprenörer i nystartade klÀdvarumÀrken arbetar med varumÀrkesutveckling. DÀr framförallt entreprenörernas personliga intressen leder till att entreprenörerna arbetar mer med de varumÀrkesutvecklande aktiviteter som de Àr intresserade av. Studien visar Àven att entreprenörer i nystartade klÀdvarumÀrken ser varumÀrkesutveckling som en viktig del i varumÀrkets förutsÀttning att nÄ en etablering pÄ marknaden, dÀr kommunikation med externa intressenter Àr den stora delen. Studien visar till sist att nystartade klÀdvarumÀrken till största del arbetar med varumÀrkesutvecklande aktiviter som krÀver en liten budget eller som Àr gratis, som ett resultat av att nystartade klÀdvarumÀrken har begrÀnsat med resurser
