12 research outputs found

    Mise en oeuvre du programme national VIH/sida de 1999 à 2000: état des activités en 1999 dans les différents domaines sous les angles de la couverture et de la durabilité

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    Le présent rapport décrit la situation en 1999 des activités dans le domaine VIH/sida en Suisse, au moment du début de la mise en oeuvre du nouveau programme national VIH/sida de 1999 à 2003. Ses objectifs sont les suivants: - décrire les principales dimensions de la situation d'ensemble au niveau national de chacun des 18 domaines considérés: instances assumant la responsabilité générale du domaine, acteurs et activités développées, couverture assurée par ces activités, financement et durabilité des activités, appréciation de la situation par les acteurs; (...) La récolte des données utilisées a consisté en une recension des activités entreprises dans les cantons dans le domaine VIH/sida, effectuée à l'aide d'un questionnaire... [Auteurs, p. 5] [Table des matiÚres] 1. Méthodes. 1.1. Construction du questionnaire. 2. Situation dans les domaines. 2.1. Prévention sida en milieu scolaire (tous les niveaux, yc apprentissage) et pour les jeunes hors du systÚme de formation. 2.2. Population générale, femmes et hommes hétérosexuels. 2.3. Prévention sida spécifiques selon le genre pour les femmes ou les hommes hétérosexuel(le)s / adultes (sauf HSH). 2.4. Hommes avec rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH). 2.5. Migrant(e)s (Populations étrangÚres en Suisse). 2.6. Prévention sida pour les personnes en prison : information et conseil, VIH, distribution de matériel d'injection et de désinfection, de préservatifs, etc. 2.7. Voyageurs. 2.9. Prostitution. 2.10. Toxicomanes : matériel d'injection stérile, préservatifs. 2.11. Prévention des risques professionnels. 2.12. Test de dépistage du VIH. 2.13. Prophylaxie post exposition VIH (PEP). 3. Conclusions générales. 3.1. Types de problÚmes. 3.2. Définition des rÎles respectifs du niveau national et du niveau régional. 5. Questionnaire sur l'état des activités dans le domaine VIH/sida en Suisse = Fragebogen zum Stand der AktivitÀten im Bereich HIV/AIDS in der Schweiz

    The impact of cataract surgey on vision-related quality of life for bilateral cataract patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: To determine the impact of cataract surgery on vision-related quality of life (VRQOL) and examine the association between objective visual measures and change in VRQOL after surgery among bilateral cataract patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. METHODS: A cohort of older patients with bilateral cataract was assessed one week before and one to three months after first eye or both eye cataract surgery. Visual measures including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and stereopsis were obtained. Vision-related quality of life was assessed using the NEI VFQ-25. Descriptive analyses and a generalized linear estimating equation (GEE) analysis were undertaken to measure change in VRQOL after surgery. RESULTS: Four hundred and thirteen patients were assessed before cataract surgery and 247 completed the follow-up assessment one to three months after first or both eye cataract surgery. Overall, VRQOL significantly improved after cataract surgery (p < 0.001) particularly after both eye surgeries. Binocular contrast sensitivity (p < 0.001) and stereopsis (p < 0.001) were also associated with change in VRQOL after cataract surgery. Visual acuity was not associated with VRQOL. CONCLUSIONS: Cataract surgery significantly improved VRQOL among bilateral cataract patients in Vietnam. Contrast sensitivity as well as stereopsis, rather than visual acuity significantly affected VRQOL after cataract surgery

    Les besoins des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida en Suisse

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    [Table des matiĂšres] 1. Zusammenfassung. 2. Introduction et contexte de l'Ă©tude. 3. MĂ©thode. 4. Besoins des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida, amis et partenaires. 5. Etudes donnant des indications sur certaines catĂ©gories de besoins des personnes sĂ©ropositives. 5.1.Programme national VIH/sida de 1999 Ă  2003. 5. 2. Test de dĂ©pistage du VIH. 5.3. Prophylaxie post exposition VIH (PEP). 5.4. La sexualitĂ© des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida. 5.5. Discriminations institutionnelles Ă  l'encontre des personnes vivant avec le VIH en Suisse. 5.6. Evaluation de la stratĂ©gie de prĂ©vention du sida en Suisse sur mandat de l'Office fĂ©dĂ©ral de la santĂ© publique : sixiĂšme rapport de synthĂšse. 5.7. ActivitĂ© de prĂ©vention du sida des mĂ©decins de premier recours, le counselling prĂ©-test. 5.8. Comparaison 1989/1997 : est-ce que l'amĂ©lioration du traitement mĂ©dical se rĂ©percute aussi sur la perception des patients de leur maladie ? 5.9. Histoires individuelles avec le VIH, bien-ĂȘtre psychophysique, coping, charge psychosociale. 5.10. Etude mĂ©dico-ethnologique sur la prise en charge et les choix thĂ©rapeutiques. 5.11. QualitĂ© des soins d'un service ambulatoire spĂ©cialisĂ© dans le suivi des patients infectĂ©s par le VIH, le point de vue des patients. 5.12. PrĂ©vention de la transmission du VIH dans les prisons suisses : analyse secondaire sur la base de la littĂ©rature disponible. 5. 13. Recommandations. 5.14. Formation VIH/sida 1989-1999. 5.15. Etude sur les nouveaux traitements du VIH/sida dans la perspective des patients. 5.16. Projet SESAM. 5.17. Etude : Evaluation du site HivNet. 5.18. Etudes relatives Ă  la paupĂ©risation des personnes vivant avec le VIH. 5.19. Travail, revenu et pauvretĂ© chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida de la "Swiss Cohort Study". 5.20. SĂ©ropositivitĂ©, sida et les assurances sociales. 5.21. Politiques et pratqieus cantonales en matiĂšre de prĂ©vention VIH/sida et d'Ă©ducation sexuelle Ă  l'Ă©cole. 5.22. DonnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques sur le VIH/sida issues du systĂšme de surveillance. 5.23. DonnĂ©es descriptives issues de la Swiss HIV Cohort Study. 6. Tableau rĂ©capitulatif : conclusions et recommandations

    Les thérapies antirétrovirales hautement actives (HAART) du point de vue du patient

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    [Table des matiÚres] 1. Méthodes. 1.1. Population de l'étude. 1.2. Collecte de l'information dans la base de données "Cohorte". 1.3. Questionnaire. 1.4. Représentativité des répondants. 1.5. Questions d'éthique. 2. Résultats. 2.1. Entreprendre une thérapie antiretrovirale hautement active : proposition, consentement et processus de décision. 2.2. Consentement éclairé : information destinée à son obtention. 2.3. Satisfaction du patient à propos de l'exhaustivité et de l'intelligibilité de l'information reçue. 2.4. Raisons de refuser ou d'accepter la thérapie. 2.5. Attentes des patients qui entreprennent une HAART. 2.6. La HAART en général. 2.7. Caractéristiques du traitement en cours. 2.8. Conséquences du traitement. 2.9. ProblÚmes vécus pendant les six derniers mois de thérapie. 2.10. Les effets secondaires en particulier. 2.11. Ressources à disposition du patient description de leur nature et de leur "qualité". : environnement thérapeutique et médico-social, relation patient-médecin, lacunes ressenties dans la prise en charge. 2.12. Facteurs associés à l'observance au traitement : caractéristiques de la prise en charge. 2.13. Interruptions volontaires du traitement. 2.14. Facteurs associés au fait de rester en cure ou de l'abandonner. 3. Questionnaire : les trithérapies du point de vue des patients

    Robust Fault Estimation Using the Intermediate Observer: Application to the Quadcopter

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    In this paper, an actuator fault estimation technique is proposed for quadcopters under uncertainties. In previous studies, matching conditions were required for the observer design, but they were found to be complex for solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). To overcome these limitations, in this study, an improved intermediate estimator algorithm was applied to the quadcopter model, which can be used to estimate actuator faults and system states. The system stability was validated using Lyapunov theory. It was shown that system errors are uniformly ultimately bounded. To increase the accuracy of the proposed fault estimation algorithm, a magnitude order balance method was applied. Experiments were verified with four scenarios to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Two first scenarios were compared to show the effectiveness of the magnitude order balance method. The remaining scenarios were described to test the reliability of the presented method in the presence of multiple actuator faults. Different from previous studies on observer-based fault estimation, this proposal not only can estimate the fault magnitude of the roll, pitch, yaw, and thrust channel, but also can estimate the loss of control effectiveness of each actuator under uncertainties

    A longitudinal cohort study of the impact of first and both eye cataract surgery on falls and other injuries in Vietnam

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    Aim: Little information exists on the impact of cataract surgery on falls and other injuries in Vietnam. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of first and both eye cataract surgery on the number of falls and other injuries among bilateral cataract patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Materials and methods: A longitudinal cohort study was conducted involving 413 bilateral cataract patients aged 50+ years. Participants were assessed at three time points: 1 week before, 1–3 months after, and 1 year after first-eye cataract surgery. Visual measures (visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and stereopsis) were taken, and self-reported falls and injury data were collected. A multilevel longitudinal Poisson regression model was used to investigate change in the number of falls after surgery. Results: The risk of falls decreased by 78% (incidence-rate ratio [IRR] 0.22, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.06–0.77; P=0.018) in the year after cataract surgery for participants who had first-eye surgery only and 83% (IRR 0.17, 95% CI 0.04–0.69; P=0.012) for participants who had the second eye operated on compared to before surgery. The risk of falls was three times higher for females than males (IRR 3.13, 95% CI 1.53–6.40; P=0.002). Improved binocular contrast sensitivity was also associated with a decrease in falls (IRR 0.40, 95% CI 0.17–0.97; P=0.042). The prevalence of other injuries also decreased after cataract surgery. Conclusion: Cataract surgery reduced the number of falls and other injuries in Vietnam. Contrast sensitivity may be important for ophthalmologists to consider when prioritizing patients for surgery and assessing their fall risk

    The inpact of cataract surgery on depressive symptoms for bilateral cataract patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Background: Depression is common among older populations with cataract. However, the impact of cataract surgery on depression in both developed and developing countries remains unclear. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of cataract surgery on depressive symptoms and to examine the association between objective visual measures and change in depressive symptoms after surgery among a Vietnamese population in Ho Chi Minh City. Methods: A cohort of older patients with bilateral cataract were assessed the week before and one to three months after first eye surgery only or first- and second-eye cataract surgeries. Visual measures including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and stereopsis were obtained. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the 20-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). Descriptive analyses and a generalized estimating equations (GEE) analysis were undertaken to determine the impact of cataract surgery on depressive symptoms.Results: Four hundred and thirteen participants were recruited into the study before cataract surgery. Two hundred and forty-seven completed the follow-up assessment after surgery. There was a significant decrease (improvement) of one point in the depressive symptoms score (p = 0.04) after cataract surgery, after accounting for potential confounding factors. In addition, females reported a significantly greater decrease (improvement) of two points in depressive symptom scores (p = 0.01), compared to males. However, contrast sensitivity, visual acuity, and stereopsis were not significantly associated with change in depressive symptoms scores. First-eye cataract surgery or both-eye cataract surgery did not modify the change in depressive symptoms score. Conclusion: There was a small but significant improvement in depressive symptoms score after cataract surgery for an older population in Vietnam

    Predictive Factors of Mortality in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Treated in the Intensive Care Unit: A Single-Center Study in Vietnam

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    Abstract Introduction The fourth outbreak of COVID-19 with the delta variant in Vietnam was very fierce due to the limited availability of vaccines and the lack of healthcare resources. During that period, the high mortality of patients with severe and critical COVID-19 caused many concerns for the health system, especially the intensive care units. This study aimed to analyze the predictive factors of death and survival in patients with severe and critical COVID-19. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional and descriptive study on 151 patients with severe and critical COVID-19 hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of Binh Duong General Hospital. Results Common clinical symptoms of severe and critical COVID-19 included shortness of breath (97.4%), fatigue (89.4%), cough (76.8%), chest pain (47.7%), loss of smell (48.3%), loss of taste (39.1%), and headache (21.2%). The abnormal biochemical features were leukopenia (2.1%), anemia, thrombocytopenia (18%), hypoxia with low PaO2 (34.6%), hypocapnia with reduced PaCO2 (29.6%), and blood acidosis (18.4%). Common complications during hospitalization were septic shock (15.2%), cardiogenic shock (5.3%), and embolism (2.6%). The predictive factors of death were being female, age > 65 years, cardiovascular comorbidity, thrombocytopenia (< 137.109/l), and hypoxia at inclusion or after the first week or blood acidosis (pH < 7.28). The use of a high dose of corticosteroids reduced the mortality during the first 3 weeks of hospitalization but significantly increased risk of death after 3 and 4 weeks. Conclusions Common clinical symptoms, laboratory features, and death-related complications of critical and severe COVID-19 patients were found in Vietnamese patients during the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this study provide new insight into the predictive factors of mortality for patients with severe and critical COVID-19