120 research outputs found

    Japanese Loanwords Adopted into the Vietnamese Language by Vietnamese Students and Temporary Workers

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    Developing Rural Tourism with the Participation of Related Parties in Bac Kan Province

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    Tourism development policy will pay attention to stakeholders, especially the people, who play an important role. However, in reality, when people participate in rural tourism development, they are not equipped with basic knowledge and skills in managing and serving tourists. Because the benefits between stakeholders are still not clear, the participation of people in rural tourism development is currently only passive. Active participation need to be directed from the Government and local authorities because the concept that rural tourism development is not only about creating economic benefits but also associated with conservation and preservation, together with keeping and promoting cultural - historical values in rural areas

    Effect of plant growth regulators on growth and lipid accumulation of microalgal Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow in two-stage culture

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    Haematococcus pluvialis cells were cultured in aerated liquid Bold’s Basal medium in two-stage (initial stage during in 7 weeks for increased biomass growth and second stage during in 3 weeks for increased lipid accumulation) with different volumes 250 mL, 10 L, and 1,000 L. With a volume of 250 mL, the medium was supplied with benzyl adenine (BA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or gibberellic acid (GA3) at concentration from 0.1 - 0.2 mg/L in initial stage and IAA or GA3 at concentration from 0.1 - 0.2 mg/L in second stage. After 10 weeks of culture, results showed that supplement of 0.1 mg/L BA in initial stage and 0.125 mg/L IAA in second stage increased cell density, and microalgal cells had green color with a spherical shape. On the contrary, supplement of 0.15 mg/L IAA in initial stage and 0.175 mg/L GA3 in second stage increased lipid accumulation, and microalgal cells had red color with a spherical shape. With a volume of 10 L, the medium was supplied with 0.1 mg/L BA in initial stage, and treated with separation or combination from 2 - 3 of these factors (nitrogen starvation, 0.5% NaCl, 4.98 mg/L FeSO4) were applied in second stage. The result showed that the cultures was treated with nitrogen starvation increased dry biomass and biofuel, but treated with 4.98 mg/L FeSO4 only increased biofuel. With a volume of 1,000 L, microalgal cells were cultured in BB liquid medium in initial stage, and treated with 4.98 mg/L FeSO4 increased fresh 78.67 mg/mL and dry biomass 2.05 mg/L and total lipid content 28.24 %/ DW

    Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in Investigating Consumption Behavior in Vietnam

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    This study explored the consumer behavior based on TPB model in Vietnam. The hypotheses are empirically tested using survey data obtained from consumer who purchased green products of household appliances in Hanoi– the capital of Vietnam. During the study, the research team added the “trend” variable which is a characteristic variable in Vietnam. The results of the multiple regression analysis show that attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, trend have significant and positive effect on household appliances product. The research findings are discussed and implications for government, manufacturing businesses, retail businesses to embrace green consumption behavior Keywords: Consumption Behavior; Vietnam; TPB; Household appliances DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-18-16 Publication date:June 30th 202


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    Being a basaltic volcano, Con Co island is an isometric hill 2.3 km2 wide and 63 m high, located far 24 km from the mainland, and guards the entrance to the Gulf of Tonkin. It is isolated, but unique in location, and relatively closed to mainland. Despite its small size, the characteristics of morphology and spatial structures, geological composition, area, height, ecological landscape, dynamics and stability of the island... create great values of geo-natural position resources and favorable environment for island residents. Regarding geo - economic position resources, the island is a district under the Quang Tri province, a priority location for development of the country’s marine and island economy, and the economic centre at the entrance of the Gulf of Tonkin. This is also a convenient site for the development of marine economic sectors such as fishery, natural conservation, services - tourism and some others. In terms of geo-political position resources, the island has tremendous advantages for the sovereignty, sovereign rights and national interests at sea. As an outpost at the highly sensitive geo-political area, the Con Co island has the great value of defense, as a solid military base in the entrance of the Gulf of Tonkin and the most important link in the line of defense from coastal islands in the North Centre. It possesses many valuable cultural heritages, especially the heroic relics during the war against the US.Đảo Cồn Cỏ nguồn gốc núi lửa bazan, dạng đồi đẳng thước rộng 2,3 km2, cao 63 m, nằm cách xa bờ 24 km. Đảo có vị trí lẻ loi ở cửa vịnh Bắc Bộ và khá gần bờ Việt Nam. Mặc dù diện tích đảo nhỏ, nhưng các đặc điểm về hình thể và cấu trúc không gian, cấu tạo địa chất; diện tích, độ cao và cảnh quan sinh thái; động lực và tính ổn định... đã tạo ra giá trị lớn cho đảo về tài nguyên địa - tự nhiên và môi trường sinh cư thuận lợi cho các loài sinh vật và con người. Về giá trị vị thế địa - kinh tế, Cồn Cỏ thuộc đơn vị hành chính cấp huyện thuộc tỉnh Quảng Trị, là vị trí ưu tiên đối với phát triển kinh tế biển - đảo của đất nước; là vị trí trung tâm của không gian kinh tế khu cửa vịnh Bắc Bộ. Đây là một địa bàn thuận lợi cho phát triển các lĩnh vực kinh tế biển như thủy sản, bảo tồn biển, dịch vụ - du lịch cùng với các loại hình dịch vụ khác. Về giá trị vị thế địa - chính trị, đảo Cồn Cỏ có giá trị to lớn đối với việc bảo vệ các quyền và lợi ích quốc gia của Việt Nam trên biển. Là đảo tiền tiêu nằm trong vùng địa - chính trị nhạy cảm cao, đảo có giá trị lớn về phòng thủ, là một cứ điểm quân sự vững chắc ở vùng cửa vịnh Bắc Bộ và mắt xích quan trọng nhất trong phòng tuyến các đảo ven bờ Bắc Trung Bộ. Cồn Cỏ có các giá trị di sản văn hoá biển đảo, đặc biệt là những chiến tích anh hùng trong thời chiến tranh chống Mỹ