16 research outputs found

    Epidemilogical Description Of A New Viral Disease Afflicting Cultured Cyprinus Carpio In Israel

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    Since spring 1998, a new disease causing high mortality has afflicted cultured ornamental and common carps (Cyprinus carpio) in Israel. The clinical signs of the disease are fatigue, gasping movements in shallow water, gill necrosis, sunken eyes, pale patches on the skin and increased mucus secretion. The disease was experimentally transmitted to koi and common carp of vari- ous ages by injection with affected tissue filtrates, cohabitation trials and exposure to the isolat- edviralagent.Immersionofhealthyfishintankscontaining2.7x104 plaqueformingunits(PFU) per l or intraperitoneal injection (0.2 ml) of a viral inoculum of 1000 PFU/ml were sufficient to induce the terminal disease in over 80% of the fish. Here we report that the disease is restrict- ed to C. carpio, that young fish of 2.5 g and 6 g are more sensitive to the virus than adults (230 g) and that the virus remains active in the water for at least four hours

    Description of an as Yet Unclassified DNA Virus from Diseased Cyprinus carpio Species

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    Numerous deaths of koi and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were observed on many farms throughout Israel, resulting in severe financial losses. The lethal viral disease observed is highly contagious and extremely virulent, but morbidity and mortality are restricted to koi and common carp populations. Diseased fish exhibit fatigue and gasping movements in shallow water. Infected fish had interstitial nephritis and gill necrosis as well as petechial hemorrhages in the liver and other symptoms that were not consistent with viral disease, suggesting a secondary infection. Here we report the isolation of carp nephritis and gill necrosis virus (CNGV), which is the etiologic agent of this disease. The virus propagates and induces severe cytopathic effects by 5 days postinfection in fresh koi or carp fin cell cultures (KFC and CFC, respectively), but not in epithelioma papillosum cyprini cells. The virus harvested from KFC cultures induced the same clinical signs, with a mortality of 75 to 95%, upon inoculation into naive koi and common carp. Using PCR, we provide final proof that the isolated virus is indeed the etiologic agent of food and ornamental carp mortalities in fish husbandry. Electron microscopy revealed viral cores with icosahedral morphology of 100 to 110 nm that resembled herpesviruses. Electron micrographs of purified pelleted CNGV sections, together with viral sensitivities to ether and Triton X-100, suggested that it is an enveloped virus. However, the genome of the isolated virus is a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecule of 270 to 290 kbp, which is larger than known herpesviruses. The viral DNA seems highly divergent and bears only small fragments (16 to 45 bp) that are similar to the genomes of several DNA viruses. Nevertheless, amino acid sequences encoded by CNGV DNA fragments bear similarities primarily to members of the Poxviridae and Herpesviridae and to other large dsDNA viruses. We suggest, therefore, that the etiologic agent of this disease may represent an as yet unclassified virus species that is endemic in C. carpio (carp)

    Pathogenesis of Acute Viral Disease Induced in Fish by Carp Interstitial Nephritis and Gill Necrosis Virus

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    A lethal disease of koi and common carp (species Cyprinus carpio) has afflicted many fish farms worldwide since 1998, causing severe financial losses. Morbidity and mortality are restricted to common carp and koi and appear in spring and autumn, when water temperatures are 18 to 28°C. We have isolated the virus causing the disease from sick fish, propagated it in koi fin cell culture, and shown that virus from a single clone causes lethal disease in carp and koi upon infection. Intraperitoneal virus injection or bathing the fish in virus-containing water kills 85 to 100% of the fish within 7 to 21 days. This virus is similar to the previously reported koi herpesvirus; however, it has characteristics inconsistent with the herpesvirus family, and thus we have called it carp interstitial nephritis and gill necrosis virus. We examined the pathobiology of this disease in carp by using immunohistochemistry and PCR. We found large amounts of the virus in the kidneys of sick fish and smaller amounts in liver and brain. A rapid increase in the viral load in the kidneys was detected by using both immunofluorescence and semiquantitative PCR. Histological analyses of fish at various times after infection revealed signs of interstitial nephritis as early as 2 days postinfection, which increased in severity up to 10 days postinfection. There was severe gill disease evidenced by loss of villi with accompanying inflammation in the gill rakers. Minimal focal inflammation was noted in livers and brains. This report describes the etiology and pathology of a recently described viral agent in fish

    Isolation and characterization of koi herpesvirus (KHV) from Indonesia: identification of a new genetic lineage

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    Koi herpesvirus (KHV) is the aetiological agent of an emerging disease (KHVD) associated with mass mortalities in koi and common carp and reported from at least 30 countries. We report the first isolation of KHV from koi and common carp in Indonesia and initial characterization of the isolates. Clinical signs, histopathology and virion morphology are similar to those of isolates from other countries. Phylogenetic analyses using the thymidine kinase gene amplified from each isolate and from carp tissue samples collected from KHVD outbreaks throughout Indonesia indicated that the Indonesian isolates are more closely related to the Asian than the European KHV lineage. Sequence analysis of two other variable regions between ORF29 and ORF31 (marker I) and near the start of ORF 133 (marker II) indicated that all Indonesian isolates displayed a marker I allele (I++) previously identified only in isolates of the Asian lineage. However, in the marker II region, all Indonesian isolates displayed the II- allele, which has been reported previously only amongst isolates of the European lineage, and nine of these displayed a mixed genotype (II+II-). The I++II- genotype has not been reported previously and appears to represent a new intermediate lineage that may have emerged in Indonesia

    Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 : an archetype of fish alloherpesviruses

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    The order Herpesvirales encompasses viruses that share structural, genetic, and biological properties. However, members of this order infect hosts ranging from molluscs to humans. It is currently divided into three phylogenetically related families. The Alloherpesviridae family contains viruses infecting fish and amphibians. There are 12 alloherpesviruses described to date, 10 of which infect fish. Over the last decade, cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) infecting common and koi carp has emerged as the archetype of fish alloherpesviruses. Since its first description in the late 1990s, this virus has induced important economic losses in common and koi carp worldwide. It has also had negative environmental implications by affecting wild carp populations. These negative impacts and the importance of the host species have stimulated studies aimed at developing diagnostic and prophylactic tools. Unexpectedly, the data generated by these applied studies have stimulated interest in CyHV-3 as a model for fundamental research. This review intends to provide a complete overview of the knowledge currently available on CyHV-3