8 research outputs found


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    The author examines "The role of pastors and parents in educating children and adolescents in improving education in the church" in the Padasuka congregation, Cimahi, Bandung, and the application of this verse context in the church itself.This research was specifically addressed to the Padasuka congregation, Cimahi. Bandung. The research has 4 indicators, namely: (1) "The role of the pastor in educating children and adolescents in the church", (2) "Actions taken by parents in educating children and adolescents in the church", (3) "The concept of educating children and Youth in the Bible ", and (4)" Getting education that is in the Church".The researcher has a basis with four indicators to be discussed, namely: The role of the pastor in educating children and adolescents in the church. The second indicator is about actions taken by parents in educating children and adolescents in the church. The third indicator concerning the concept of educating children and adolescents in the Bible, and the fourth indicator is about obtaining education in the ChurchThis research is divided into two parts, namely theoretical research and field research. The results of theoretical research are the role of pastors in educating children and adolescents in the church. Actions taken by parents in educating children and adolescents in the church. The concept of educating Children and Youth in the Bible. Get education in theChurch.The results of field research conducted through questionnaires were distributed to 35 members of the Padasuka Seventh-day Adventist Church, Cimahi, Bandung, where the questionnaire contained 45 questions, resulting in a data that could be concluded that the respondents had very good views on the one to four.The method that I use to complete this scientific work is by the method of collecting data through: the Bible, books, magazines, dictates, reflections, interviews, the internet, and other articles relating to the writing of this scientific paper

    Impact Of The China-Us Trade War On The Global Value Chain Of Asia's Economies

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    The US-China trade war will significantly affect the world trading system. This paper evaluates the effect of the US and Chinese governments' successive rounds of tariff increases on the global value chain, including the concentration on the major economies of the Asian Region. This study simulates a trade war between the US and China that arose from the sanctions implemented by the US government and the tit-for-tat strategy adopted by China. How and to what extent changes in circumstances surrounding US-China trade affect the economies of various countries in the Asian Region. This study uses a qualitative method which is a method to explore phenomena intensively with a library research approach. The type of data used in this study is secondary data obtained from several literatures such as books, journals and other relevant literature. In this study it can be concluded that China is increasing its participation mainly as a seller to international networks, while US integration. in the Global Value Chain is decreasing. Countries in the Asian region are increasing relations with the US and increasing regional integration in the Asian region

    The Effect Of Food Prices Rising On Security Stability: Case Study Of Indonesia

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    Rice, as a fundamental component of food production in Indonesia, holds a critical position in fulfilling the basic needs of the population. While the authorities in the food sector assert that the national rice supply is currently adequate, concerns arise due to the escalating trend in rice prices. Anticipating an anticipated further increase in the future, effective measures must be implemented to prevent potential disturbances within the community. This research employs qualitative methods with a descriptive approach to analyze the impact of rising rice prices on security stability, subsequently influencing national stability. Despite assertions of sufficient rice availability, the prevailing issue is the upward trajectory of rice prices. The study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the repercussions resulting from this increase, particularly concerning security stability. Elevated rice prices have the potential to trigger social unrest, impacting the overall stability of the nation. The research sheds light on the intricate relationship between rising food prices and national security, emphasizing the need for proactive government interventions to ensure a harmonious balance between supply and demand. Furthermore, the paper extends beyond analysis to propose recommendations from various perspectives, addressing policies related to meeting the food requirements of the community. These recommendations emphasize the importance of a holistic approach, considering socio-economic factors and community welfare. In conclusion, this research contributes valuable insights to the discourse on the intricate interplay between food prices, security stability, and national well-being, underscoring the necessity for preemptive and comprehensive governmental actions to mitigate potential challenges

    Defense Economic Review Of War Treaties During Indonesia’s Regional Wars

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    The Dutch began a spice expedition all the way to Indonesia to trade and was well received by the Indonesian people until finally establishing the Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie (VOC) in 1602. The VOC expanded its power in various parts of Indonesia with the aim of controlling all colonies by entering the government of each region. The adverse policies of the VOC were met with resistance from various regions so war broke out. The regional war against the Dutch could be stopped by treaties agreed upon by divisiveness. This paper aims to explain the economic aspects of the post-war treaty in the regional war. The method used is qualitative with a literature study and documentation approach by collecting information related to the topic being studied. The result of this reconciliation was that the resistance ended in a post-war agreement for both the defeat of the region and the defeat of the invaders. But in the end, the forced cultivation system and commodity monopoly in the regions continued to occur, causing harm to the community. In addition, the introduction of the money system, the development of agriculture, irrigation canals, and the opening of foreign investor roads were the positive impacts of the Dutch government in Indonesia. However, the Indonesian nation experienced great turmoil, namely a slumped education system, monopolies, and people's misery due to forced cultivation and other policies.

    Severe malaria in children leads to a significant impairment of transitory otoacoustic emissions--a prospective multicenter cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: Severe malaria may influence inner ear function, although this possibility has not been examined prospectively. In a retrospective analysis, hearing impairment was found in 9 of 23 patients with cerebral malaria. An objective method to quickly evaluate the function of the inner ear are the otoacoustic emissions. Negative transient otoacoustic emissions are associated with a threshold shift of 20 dB and above. METHODS: This prospective multicenter study analyses otoacoustic emissions in patients with severe malaria up to the age of 10 years. In three study sites (Ghana, Gabon, Kenya) 144 patients with severe malaria and 108 control children were included. All malaria patients were treated with parental artesunate. RESULTS: In the control group, 92.6 % (n = 108, 95 % confidence interval 86.19-6.2 %) passed otoacoustic emission screening. In malaria patients, 58.5 % (n = 94, malaria vs controls p < 0.001, 95 % confidence interval 48.4-67.9 %) passed otoacoustic emission screening at the baseline measurement. The value increased to 65.2 % (n = 66, p < 0.001, 95 % confidence interval 53.1-75.5 %) at follow up 14-28 days after diagnosis of malaria. The study population was divided into severe non-cerebral malaria and severe malaria with neurological symptoms (cerebral malaria). Whereas otoacoustic emissions in severe malaria improved to a passing percentage of 72.9 % (n = 48, 95 % confidence interval 59-83.4 %) at follow-up, the patients with cerebral malaria showed a drop in the passing percentage to 33 % (n = 18) 3-7 days after diagnosis. This shows a significant impairment in the cerebral malaria group (p = 0.012 at days 3-7, 95 % confidence interval 16.3-56.3 %; p = 0.031 at day 14-28, 95 % confidence interval 24.5-66.3 %). CONCLUSION: The presented data show that 40 % of children have involvement of the inner ear early in severe malaria. In children, audiological screening after severe malaria infection is not currently recommended, but is worth investigating in larger studies

    Legal Analysis of the Crime of Theft with Violence committed by Children (Study of Decision No.5/Pid-Sus-Anak/2018/PN.Ktn)

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    70 HalamanTindak pidana Pencurian dengan Kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh Anak pada umumnya disetiap peradilan dalam memutuskan suatu perkara itu sama saja yaitu dengan melihat dari beberapa unsur, bukti-bukti, serta keterangan saksi yang dihadirkan dalam persidangan. Sama halnya seperti apa yang telah diputuskan oleh Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Kutacane dalam memutuskan suatu perkara yang dilakukan oleh seorang anak dibawah umur. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah ketentuan rumusan delik pencurian dengan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh anak menurut hukum pidana dan penjatuhan pemidanaan terhadap anak pelaku tindak pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan pada Studi Putusan No.5/Pid-Sus-Anak/2018/PN.Ktn. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Yuridis Normatif, dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni Library Research (penelitian kepustakaan) yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan berdasarkan sumber bacaan yaitu, Undang-undang, Buku-buku, Data online, serta jurnal hukum yang berkaitan dengan permasalahannya, yaitu mengenai surat putusan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pengadilan Negeri Kutacane terhadap Putusan Nomor 5/Pid-Sus-Anak/2018/PN.Ktn. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah rumusan delik pencurian dengan kekerasan yang dilakukan anak menurut Hukum Pidana pada studi putusan Nomor 05/Pid-Sus- Anak/2018/PN.Ktn ditetapkan berdasarkan h asil pemerikasaan dan pertimbangan yang diperkuat oleh bukti, saran, hasil keterangan saksi dan pernyataan anak serta pertimbangan dari hal-hal yang meringankan dan memberatkan pada diri anak. Penjatuhan sanksi pidana terhadap anak sebagai pelaku tindak pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan pada putusan Nomor 05/Pid-Sus-Anak/2018/PN.Ktn ialah dengan melihat terpenuhi semua unsur-unsur pasal dalam Dakwaan yang disusun dalam bentuk dakwaan tunggal yaitu dakwaan Pasal 365 ayat (1) KUHPidana Undang- undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Anak dimana berdasarkan bukti ditambah keyakinan hakim maka, hakim menyatakan bahwa anak dinyatakan bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman pidana penjara selama 8 (delapan) bulan serta membebani anak agar membayar biaya perkara sebesar Rp. 2.000 (dua ribu rupiah). In general, the criminal act of theft with violence committed by children in every court in deciding a case is the same, namely by looking at several elements, evidence, as well as testimony of witnesses presented at the trial. It is the same as what has been decided by the Kutacane District Court Judge in deciding a case is done by a child under age. The problems posed in the research is focused on the provision of the formulation of the offense of theft with violence committed by children under criminal law as well as analyze the imposition of punishment against children perpetrators of criminal acts of theft with violence by a judge to give a fair decision and not make the dignity and the dignity of the child did not fall in the Kutacane District Court. The method used in this research is juridical normative, and techniques of data collection used the Library Research (research literature) that the research was conducted by the source of reading namely, Law, Books, Records online, as well as the journal of law relating to the material covered in this thesis proposal. In research it also contains primary data and secondary. Field Research (field research), namely by conducting direct research in the field. In this case the research was directly conducted research at the Kutacane District Court on Decision Number 5 / Pid-Sus- Anak / 2018 / PN.Ktn. Criminal Theft with Violence done by Children do with the way that has been defined in the Act No. 11 of 2012 on the System Justice Kids to see the attitude of the child in court and notice period before the child forward in weighing and deciding a case, so that in the Decision No. 05 / Pid-Sus Children / 2018 / PN.Ktn judge only impose criminal pen j fig for 8 (eight) month with a reduction for being in custody

    Efektivitas Penerapan Elektronik Tilang ( E- Tilang ) Bagi Pelanggar Rambu Lalu Lintas Di Kota Pekanbaru ( Studi Kasus Polresta Pekanbaru )

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    ABSTRACT Traffic Law This study was conducted to find out the extent of the Effect of Electronic Traffic Law (E-Tilang) In Pekanbaru City (Case Study of Pekanbaru Police). In conducting this research, the study used primary data retrieval techniques collected from receponden answers in the form of questionnaire questions, interviews and to obtain secondary data conducted with observation and documentation. The results of the study from the title "Effectiveness of Electronic Application of Speeding Tickets for Traffic Sign Violators in Pekanbaru City (Pekanbaru Police Case Study) has three assessment indicators namely Goal Achievement, Integrity, and Adaptation that dikateogeri the assessment is on Efektiv Enough. It can be seen that the public does not know much about the application of this ticket electrolyte and often also have problems with the payment of electronic violation fines of these tickets

    Corruption From The Perspective Of Defense Strategy

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    This research aims to analyze corruption crimes from the perspective of defense strategies using the theories of defense science, defense economics, and corruption. The research method used is qualitative literature study by collecting literature sources as research data classified according to the established research formula. The background of this research is the ongoing problem of corruption in Indonesia, which does not provide a deterrent effect for corrupt actors, resulting in significant negative impacts and losses for the state, as well as weakening defense. The results of the study show that defense strategies can be used as a way to reduce corruption in Indonesia by integrating defense science, defense economics, and corruption theories. Effective defense strategies can minimize the risk of corruption and enhance national resilience. Essentially, the support of national defense, in the face of corruption crimes, demands the implementation of Defense Strategies in accordance with the applicable regulations