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    The dissociation energy (D0_0) of ortho H2_2 is a benchmark value in quantum chemistry, with recent QED calculations now approaching accuracies achievable in simple atoms. A precision measurement of the GK-X molecular transition, in combination with other precision measurements (see also part two), provides an improved value for D0_0.[1,2][1,2] The GK-X transition is excited through Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy using 179-nm radiation, based on frequency up-conversion using a special KBBF crystal. The optical frequency of the fundamental (716 nm), which is the output of a narrowband pulsed Ti:Sa laser system, is locked to a frequency comb. This enables accuracies at the sub-MHz level, leading to an order-of-magnitude improvement for D0_0 to the 10−9^{-9} level of accuracy. The comparison of this accurate experimental result with the best calculations may provide a test of the Standard Model of Physics.[3][3]\\ \\ [1][1] D. Sprecher, Ch. Jungen, W. Ubachs and F. Merkt, Faraday Discussions 150, 51-70 (2011)\\ [2][2] W. Ubachs, J.C.J. Koelemeij, K.S.E. Eikema and E.J. Salumbides, J. Mol. Spectr. 320, 1-12 (2016)\\ [3][3] J. Liu, E. J. Salumbides, U. Hollenstein, J. C. J. Koelemeij, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs and F. Merkt, J. Chem. Phys. 130 (17), 174306 (2009)\


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    The dissociation energy (D0_0) of ortho H2_2 is a benchmark value in quantum chemistry, with recent QED calculations now approaching accuracies achievable in simple atoms. A precision measurement of the GK-X molecular transition, in combination with other precision measurements (see also part two), provides an improved value for D0_0.[1,2][1,2] The GK-X transition is excited through Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy using 179-nm radiation, based on frequency up-conversion using a special KBBF crystal. The optical frequency of the fundamental (716 nm), which is the output of a narrowband pulsed Ti:Sa laser system, is locked to a frequency comb. This enables accuracies at the sub-MHz level, leading to an order-of-magnitude improvement for D0_0 to the 10−9^{-9} level of accuracy. The comparison of this accurate experimental result with the best calculations may provide a test of the Standard Model of Physics.[3][3]\\ \\ [1][1] D. Sprecher, Ch. Jungen, W. Ubachs and F. Merkt, Faraday Discussions 150, 51-70 (2011)\\ [2][2] W. Ubachs, J.C.J. Koelemeij, K.S.E. Eikema and E.J. Salumbides, J. Mol. Spectr. 320, 1-12 (2016)\\ [3][3] J. Liu, E. J. Salumbides, U. Hollenstein, J. C. J. Koelemeij, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs and F. Merkt, J. Chem. Phys. 130 (17), 174306 (2009)\

    Improved ionization and dissociation energies of the deuterium molecule

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    The ionization energy of D2 has been determined experimentally from measurements involving two-photon Doppler-free vacuum-ultraviolet pulsed laser excitation and near-infrared continuous-wave laser excitation to yield EI(D2)=124745.393739(26) cm-1. From this value, the dissociation energy of D2 is deduced to be D0(D2)=36748.362282(26) cm-1, representing a 25-fold improvement over previous values, and it was found to be in good agreement (at 1.6s) with recent ab initio calculations of the four-particle nonadiabatic relativistic energy and of quantum-electrodynamic corrections up to order ma6. This result constitutes a test of quantum electrodynamics in the molecular domain, while a perspective is opened to determine nuclear charge radii from molecules.ISSN:1094-1622ISSN:0556-2791ISSN:1050-294