61 research outputs found

    Multi-scale crack closure measurements with digital image correlation on Haynes 230

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    An experimental campaign was developed to study fatigue crack growth in Haynes 230, a Ni-based superalloy. The effects of crack closure were investigated with digital image correlation, by applying two different approaches. Initially, full field regression algorithms were applied to extract the effective stress intensity factor ranges from the singular displacement field measured at crack tips. Local closure measurements were then performed by considering crack flanks relative displacements. Two points virtual extensometers were applied in this phase. Experimental results were then compared to the reference da/dN –∆Keff curve: it was found that the correct estimation of crack opening levels shifts all the experimental points on the reference curve, showing that DIC can be successfully applied to measure crack closure effects

    Multi-scale crack closure measurements with digital image correlation on Haynes 230

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    An experimental campaign was developed to study fatigue crack growth in Haynes 230, a Ni-based superalloy. The effects of crack closure were investigated with digital image correlation, by applying two different approaches. Initially, full field regression algorithms were applied to extract the effective stress intensity factor ranges from the singular displacement field measured at crack tips. Local closure measurements were then performed by considering crack flanks relative displacements. Two points virtual extensometers were applied in this phase. Experimental results were then compared to the reference da/dN –?Keff curve: it was found that the correct estimation of crack opening levels shifts all the experimental points on the reference curve, showing that DIC can be successfully applied to measure crack closure effects

    Understanding Fundamental Material Degradation Processes in High Temperature Aggressive Chemomechanical Environments

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    The objective of this project is to develop a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms that limit materials durability for very high-temperature applications. Current design limitations are based on material strength and corrosion resistance. This project will characterize the interactions of high-temperature creep, fatigue, and environmental attack in structural metallic alloys of interest for the very high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (VHTR) or Next–Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) and for the associated thermo-chemical processing systems for hydrogen generation. Each of these degradation processes presents a major materials design challenge on its own, but in combination, they can act synergistically to rapidly degrade materials and limit component lives. This research and development effort will provide experimental results to characterize creep-fatigue-environment interactions and develop predictive models to define operation limits for high-temperature structural material applications. Researchers will study individually and in combination creep-fatigue-environmental attack processes in Alloys 617, 230, and 800H, as well as in an advanced Ni-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened steel (ODS) system. For comparison, the study will also examine basic degradation processes in nichrome (Ni-20Cr), which is a basis for most high-temperature structural materials, as well as many of the superalloys. These materials are selected to represent primary candidate alloys, one advanced developmental alloy that may have superior high-temperature durability, and one model system on which basic performance and modeling efforts can be based. The research program is presented in four parts, which all complement each other. The first three are primarily experimental in nature, and the last will tie the work together in a coordinated modeling effort. The sections are 1) dynamic creep-fatigue-environment process, 2) subcritical crack processes, 3) dynamic corrosion – crack initiation processes, and 4) modeling

    Superelasticity in high strength heterophase single crystals of Ni51.0Ti36.5Hf12.5 alloy

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    The effect of precipitated disperse H-phase particles on the thermoelastic B2–B19′ martensitic transformation (MT) under compressive load has been studied on [001]-, [236]-, and [223]-oriented single crystals of Ni51.0Ti36.5Hf12.5 (at %) alloy in the initial (as-grown) state. It is established that, in Ni51.0Ti36.5Hf12.5 single crystals containing disperse H-phase particles with dimensions within 125–150 nm at a volume fraction of ~30%, neither the critical stresses of martensite formation nor superelasticity strain depend on the orientation. Fully reversible B2–B19′ MTs in Ni51.0Ti36.5Hf12.5 single crystals have been observed in tests at external axial stresses up to 1700 MPa and temperatures up to Tt ~ 373 K

    High-temperature superelasticity of Ni50.6Ti24.4Hf25.0 shape memory alloy

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    Changes in transformation temperatures and high-temperature mechanical behavior of the new Ni50.6Ti34.4Hf25.0 alloy were determined after selected aging treatments. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to compare the homogenized, solution-treated and aged specimens for a wide combination of aging temperatures and times. Isothermal deformation experiments were conducted measuring reversible transformation strains with digital image correlation. Extraordinary superelasticity was found at test temperatures up to 300 °C for the specimen aged at 500 °C for 4 h


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    Constraint Effect in Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue

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    Material Behavior Under Thermal Loading

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    Changes in State Variables at Elevated Temperatures

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