60 research outputs found

    Wie es dazu kam: meine Sammlung von Primärdaten und Dokumenten zur Politik in Berlin nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg

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    Kontinuität und Wandel in der Rekrutierung von SPD-Mitgliedern in einem Berliner Bezirk von 1945 bis 1973

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    In der Studie werden die Beitrittsformulare von neu rekrutierten Parteimitgliedern empirisch-analytisch ausgewertet, um Probleme von Kontinuitäten und Brüchen in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung und der Bedeutung der Einbindung in das ehemalige subkulturelle Milieu dieser Bewegung aufzuhellen sowie der Frage nach der Bedeutung der Erfahrungen nachzugehen, die das neu oder wieder eintretende Parteimitglied im Faschismus gemacht hat. Zunächst wird anhand der univariaten Verteilung der untersuchten SPD-Mitglieder in Berlin-Schöneberg der Verlauf der Rekrutierung über Zeit (von 1945 bis 1973) betrachtet. Folgende andere Variablen werden in die Analyse einbezogen: (1) Geschlecht; (2) Alter; (3) Familienstand; (4) Geburtsort; (5) Beruf; (6) soziale Mobilität; (7) berufliche Mobilität; (8) Mitgliedschaft in Gewerkschaften und Zugehörigkeit zum öffentlichen Dienst. Anhand der Daten werden dann zwei Aspekte der Parteiloyalität nachvollzogen: Integration und Einbindung. Dazu wird die Dauer der Mitgliedschaft ermittelt. Ausgehend von einer Einteilung in politische Perioden (1945-49, 1950-62, 1963-73) werden einige Analyseansätze über Kontinuität und Wandel in der Parteimitgliedschaft vorgestellt. Gefragt wird vor allem nach den sozialstrukturellen Veränderungen. Als zentrale Ergebnisse werden hervorgehoben: Es ist eine erhebliche Verjüngung der Neumitglieder zu beobachten; die SPD gewann eher die etablierten Jüngeren (Berufstätige, Verheiratet); die Rekrutierung erfolgte zu einem großen Teil aus den Bereichen Gewerkschaft und öffentlicher Dienst. (KW)'The article seeks to analyse party-membership recruitment with help of application records of SPD members who lived in Berlin-Schöneberg in the period 1945-1973. Particularly noticeable is the rising proportion of young recruits since the early 1960's. The proportion of workers among new members remains fairly constant throughout; hence there is no evidence that the Godesberg 'turn-off' to 'Volkspartei' had a significant influence on membership recruitment in Berlin. Characteristic for Berlin may, however, have been the strong role that public employment and membership intrade-unions catering civil servants (workers and employees or 'officials') has played ever since 1945. A comparison of the occupations 'learned' and 'exercised' when applying for membership showed, until the mid-1950's, more or just as much evidence of downward mobility as upward. During the 1960's recruitment of the deprived seems to have been far less frequent than of the previously successful. Quite constant was the likelihood of recruits remaining party-members for at least six years. Length of membership as well as simultaneous membership by family-members living in the same houshold are useful indicators for studying the social continuity and integration of partymembership. Comparisons with like data for other regions and parties is called for.' (author's abstract

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Berlin Elections of 1930-1963

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    For 75 parts of town of greater Berlin election results of the city representative elections of 1929, the Reichstag elections of 1930 and 1932 (November), the city representatives elections of 1946 as well as census data on population status, religious denomination and sex of 1933 and 1946. For 40 West Berlin parts of town election results of the city representatives elections of 1948 and the House of Representatives elections of 1950, 1954, 1958 and 1963, as well as census data of 1950 on population status, religious denomination, sex, age, occupation and number of residences.Für 75 Gesamt-Berliner Ortsteile Wahlergebnisse der Stadtverordnetenwahlen von 1929, der Reichstagswahlen von 1930 und 1932 (November), der Stadtverordnetenwahlen von 1946 sowie Volkszählungsdaten zu Bevölkerungsstand, Konfession und Geschlecht von 1933 und 1946. Für 40 West-Berliner Ortsteile Wahlergebnisse der Stadtverordnetenwahlen von 1948 und den Abgeordnetenhauswahlen von 1950, 1954, 1958 und 1963, sowie Volkszählungsdaten von 1950 zu Bevölkerungsstand, Konfession, Geschlecht, Alter, Beruf und Wohnungsbestand

    Rabindranath Tagore and England

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    227 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1959.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD

    Pharmacokinetics of the Antiviral Agent β-l-3′-Fluoro-2′,3′-Didehydro-2′,3′-Dideoxycytidine in Rhesus Monkeys

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    β-l-3′-Fluoro-2′,3′-didehydro-2′,3′-dideoxycytidine (l-3′-Fd4C) is a potent and selective antiretroviral nucleoside with activity against lamivudine-resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) in vitro. The pharmacokinetics of l-3′-Fd4C were characterized in three rhesus monkeys given single intravenous and oral doses. A two-compartment open model was fitted to the plasma and urine data. Plasma concentrations declined in a biexponential fashion with an average beta half-life of 12.45 h and central and steady-state volumes of distribution of 0.43 and 1.90 liters/kg, respectively. The average systemic and renal clearance values were 0.23 and 0.08 liters/kg, respectively, and the apparent mean terminal half-life of the oral dose was 12.5 h. The serum concentrations exceeded the 90% effective concentration value for lamivudine-resistant and wild-type HIV-1 after oral administrations. A large variation was observed in the oral bioavailability, which ranged from 15 to 31%. To determine whether the bioavailability may be improved by using a basic buffer solution, the oral dose was repeated to the same animals in a sodium bicarbonate solution. The bioavailability of l-3′-Fd4C administered with sodium bicarbonate was not significantly different from the bioavailability when the oral dose was administered in the absence of buffer (P = 0.49), suggesting that further development of this compound may warrant other approaches, such as development of a prodrug to improve its oral absorption

    Antiviral Activity and Pharmacokinetics of 1-(2,3-Dideoxy-2-Fluoro-β-l-Glyceropent-2-Enofuranosyl)Cytosine

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    1-(2,3-Dideoxy-2-fluoro-β-l-glyceropent-2-enofuranosyl)cytosine (l-2′-Fd4C) is an l-nucleoside analogue with both anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and anti-hepatitis B virus (HBV) activity with median effective concentrations of 0.12 μM in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and 0.002 μM in HepG2-2.2.15 cells, respectively. The purpose of this study was to examine the antihepadnavirus potency and pharmacokinetics of l-2′-Fd4C in vivo. HBV-transgenic mice treated intraperitoneally with l-2′-Fd4C showed a reduction of HBV levels in their blood comparable to that produced by lamivudine. The pharmacokinetics of l-2′-Fd4C in rhesus monkeys was evaluated after intravenous and oral administration. The concentrations in plasma declined in a biexponential manner after intravenous administration, with a long terminal-phase half-life of 5.02 h. The steady-state volumes of distribution and systemic clearance were 1.09 liter · kg(−1) and 0.25 liter · h(−1) · kg(−1), respectively, with a renal clearance of 0.16 liter · h(−1) · kg(−1). The oral bioavailability was approximately 44%. About 53% of the compound administered intravenously and 19% of that administered orally were recovered unchanged in the urine within the 24-h urine collection period, and no other metabolite was detected. The compound penetrated the central nervous system at concentrations that exceeded the median effective antiviral concentration against HIV in cell cultures. Based upon these observations, further testing to develop this agent for treatment of HIV and HBV infections is warranted
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