2 research outputs found

    Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) in substitution to the corn as source of energy in broiler chickens in the finishing phase

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    Was carried an experiment with the objetive to evaluate the use of five levels of sugar (0, 4, 8, 16 and 32%) in substitution to the corn in the feed of broilers in the finishing phase. 320 chickens with 22 days of age, were randomly distributed for 20 box. The birds received water and feed ad libitum in all experimental period. The diets were isonetrogenous an isocaloric. The performance of the birds was evalueted. The birds were weigthed at 42 days of age and four birds of each experimental unit, two males and two females, were kept without food for a 12 hours. After this period the birds were slaughtered and eviscerated and carcass weight and yield as wells cuts yield were collected. Water, protein and body fat were observed. There was quadratic effect or the ration consumption, being 20.73 the point of maximum intake. The sugar influenced in a positive lineal way the weight and abdominal fat of the males. In the females negative lineal effect was for chest yield. With relations to the fat deposition and protein in the carcass, the levels of sugar didn´t influence in the males, in the females they caused positive linear effect for the fat body deposition

    Egg quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) fed diets with different levels of total lysine

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    The effects on Japanese quail egg quality of rations containing 18% crude protein and five levels of total lysine (0.6%, 0.8%, 1%, 1.2%, and 1.4%) were evaluated using 400 birds, 70 d of age and 134.8 ± 3.6 g initial live weight, during a 84-d experiment divided into three 28 d periods. Significant (P < 0.05) quadriatic effects of lysine level were found on egg weight (10.69 g overall mean), weight of egg shell and of yolk, but not of albumin; and percentage of total egg weight constituted by yolk (29.87 mean), and by albumin (61.82 mean), but not by shell (8.3 mean). The treatments did not affect egg shell thickness (0.241 mm mean). The best result was obtained in each case with a lysine level near 1%. As the three periods progressed the absolute and percentage weight of egg shell and its thickness decreased while the opposite occurred with yolk weight