145 research outputs found

    Identifying Retweetable Tweets with a Personalized Global Classifier

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    In this paper we present a method to identify tweets that a user may find interesting enough to retweet. The method is based on a global, but personalized classifier, which is trained on data from several users, represented in terms of user-specific features. Thus, the method is trained on a sufficient volume of data, while also being able to make personalized decisions, i.e., the same post received by two different users may lead to different classification decisions. Experimenting with a collection of approx.\ 130K tweets received by 122 journalists, we train a logistic regression classifier, using a wide variety of features: the content of each tweet, its novelty, its text similarity to tweets previously posted or retweeted by the recipient or sender of the tweet, the network influence of the author and sender, and their past interactions. Our system obtains F1 approx. 0.9 using only 10 features and 5K training instances.Comment: This is a long paper version of the extended abstract titled "A Personalized Global Filter To Predict Retweets", of the same authors, which was published in the 25th ACM UMAP conference in Bratislava, Slovakia, in July 201

    Nurse practitioner interactions in acute and long-term care : an exploration of the role of knotworking in supporting interprofessional collaboration

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    BACKGROUND: Interprofessional care ensures high quality healthcare. Effective interprofessional collaboration is required to enable interprofessional care, although within the acute care hospital setting interprofessional collaboration is considered suboptimal. The integration of nurse practitioner roles into the acute and long-term care settings is influencing enhanced care. What remains unknown is how the nurse practitioner role enacts interprofessional collaboration or enables interprofessional care to promote high quality care. The study aim was to understand how nurse practitioners employed in acute and long-term care settings enable interprofessional collaboration and care. METHOD: Nurse practitioner interactions with other healthcare professionals were observed throughout the work day. These interactions were explored within the context of "knotworking" to create an understanding of their social practices and processes supporting interprofessional collaboration. Healthcare professionals who worked with nurse practitioners were invited to share their perceptions of valued role attributes and impacts. RESULTS: Twenty-four nurse practitioners employed at six hospitals participated. 384 hours of observation provided 1,284 observed interactions for analysis. Two types of observed interactions are comparable to knotworking. Rapid interactions resemble the traditional knotworking described in earlier studies, while brief interactions are a new form of knotworking with enhanced qualities that more consistently result in interprofessional care. Nurse practitioners were the most common initiators of brief interactions. CONCLUSIONS: Brief interactions reveal new qualities of knotworking with more consistent interprofessional care results. A general process used by nurse practitioners, where they practice a combination of both traditional (rapid) knotworking and brief knotworking to enable interprofessional care within acute and long-term care settings, is revealed

    PhotoSpec: A new instrument to measure spatially distributed red and far-red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence

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    Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) is an emission of light in the 650–850β€―nm spectral range from the excited state of the chlorophyll-a pigment after absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). As this is directly linked to the electron transport chain in oxygenic photosynthesis, SIF is a powerful proxy for photosynthetic activity. SIF observations are relatively new and, while global scale measurements from satellites using high-resolution spectroscopy of Fraunhofer bands are becoming more available, observations at the intermediate canopy scale using these techniques are sparse. We present a novel ground-based spectrometer system - PhotoSpec - for measuring SIF in the red (670–732β€―nm) and far-red (729–784β€―nm) wavelength range as well as canopy reflectance (400–900β€―nm) to calculate vegetation indices, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI). PhotoSpec includes a 2D scanning telescope unit which can be pointed to any location in a canopy with a narrow field of view (FOV = 0.7Β°). PhotoSpec has a high signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution, which allows high precision solar Fraunhofer line retrievals over the entire fluorescence wavelength range under all atmospheric conditions using a new two-step linearized least-squares retrieval procedure. Initial PhotoSpec observations include the diurnal SIF cycle of single broad leaves, grass, and dark-light transitions. Results from the first tower-based measurements in Costa Rica show that the instrument can continuously monitor SIF of several tropical species throughout the day. The PhotoSpec instrument can be used to explore the relationship between SIF, photosynthetic efficiencies, Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), and the impact of canopy radiative transfer, viewing geometry, and stress conditions at the canopy scale

    Assessor Differences and User Preferences in Tweet Timeline Generation

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    In information retrieval evaluation, when presented with an effectiveness difference between two systems, there are three relevant questions one might ask. First, are the differences statistically significant? Second, is the comparison stable with respect to assessor differences? Finally, is the differ-ence actually meaningful to a user? This paper tackles the last two questions about assessor differences and user prefer-ences in the context of the newly-introduced tweet timeline generation task in the TREC 2014 Microblog track, where the system’s goal is to construct an informative summary of non-redundant tweets that addresses the user’s informa-tion need. Central to the evaluation methodology is human-generated semantic clusters of tweets that contain substan-tively similar information. We show that the evaluation is stable with respect to assessor differences in clustering and that user preferences generally correlate with effectiveness metrics even though users are not explicitly aware of the semantic clustering being performed by the systems. Al-though our analyses are limited to this particular task, we believe that lessons learned could generalize to other eval-uations based on establishing semantic equivalence between information units, such as nugget-based evaluations in ques-tion answering and temporal summarization

    Finding information about mental health in microblogging platforms: a Case study of depression

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    Searching for online health information has been well studied in web search, but social media, such as public microblogging services, are well known for different types of tacit information: personal experience and shared information. Finding useful information in public microblogging platforms is an on-going hard problem and so to begin to develop a better model of what health information can be found, Twitter posts using the word β€œdepression” were examined as a case study of a search for a prevalent mental health issue. 13,279 public tweets were analysed using a mixed methods approach and compared to a general sample of tweets. First, a linguistic analysis suggested that tweets mentioning depression were typically anxious but not angry, and were less likely to be in the first person, indicating that most were not from individuals discussing their own depression. Second, to un-derstand what types of tweets can be found, an inductive thematic analysis revealed three major themes: 1) dissemi-nating information or link of information, 2) self-disclosing, and 3) the sharing of overall opinion; each had significantly different linguistic patterns. We conclude with a discussion of how different types of posts about mental health may be retrieved from public social media like Twitter

    PhotoSpec: A new instrument to measure spatially distributed red and far-red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence

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    Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) is an emission of light in the 650–850β€―nm spectral range from the excited state of the chlorophyll-a pigment after absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). As this is directly linked to the electron transport chain in oxygenic photosynthesis, SIF is a powerful proxy for photosynthetic activity. SIF observations are relatively new and, while global scale measurements from satellites using high-resolution spectroscopy of Fraunhofer bands are becoming more available, observations at the intermediate canopy scale using these techniques are sparse. We present a novel ground-based spectrometer system - PhotoSpec - for measuring SIF in the red (670–732β€―nm) and far-red (729–784β€―nm) wavelength range as well as canopy reflectance (400–900β€―nm) to calculate vegetation indices, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI). PhotoSpec includes a 2D scanning telescope unit which can be pointed to any location in a canopy with a narrow field of view (FOV = 0.7Β°). PhotoSpec has a high signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution, which allows high precision solar Fraunhofer line retrievals over the entire fluorescence wavelength range under all atmospheric conditions using a new two-step linearized least-squares retrieval procedure. Initial PhotoSpec observations include the diurnal SIF cycle of single broad leaves, grass, and dark-light transitions. Results from the first tower-based measurements in Costa Rica show that the instrument can continuously monitor SIF of several tropical species throughout the day. The PhotoSpec instrument can be used to explore the relationship between SIF, photosynthetic efficiencies, Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), and the impact of canopy radiative transfer, viewing geometry, and stress conditions at the canopy scale

    Nitric oxide production and monoamine oxidase activity in cancer patients during interferon-Ξ± therapy

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    Both increased and decreased nitric oxide (NO) synthesis have been reported in patients treated with interferon-Ξ± (IFN-Ξ±). Animal studies showed that IFN-Ξ± administration results in increased levels of biogenic amines, subsequent activation of monoamine oxidases (MAOs), and finally in a change in NO production due to the H2O2 generated by MAOs. We examined the potential relationship between NO production in plasma and MAO-B activity in platelets of 43 cancer patients during 8Β weeks of treatment with IFN-Ξ±. NO synthesis was quantitated by measuring both the ratio of citrulline and arginine (CIT/ARG-ratio) and total nitrite/nitrate (NOx) levels. Compared to baseline, MAO activity and NOx increased, while the CIT/ARG-ratio decreased. No associations were found between NOx, MAO and CIT/ARG-ratio. Only few associations were observed between changes in the biochemical parameters and changes in psychopathology induced by IFN-Ξ±, of which the association between changes in CIT and lassitude was the most consistent. The results suggest that peripheral NO production and MAO activity are unrelated to each other, and that peripheral changes in these biochemical parameters induced by IFN-Ξ± are unlikely to contribute to definite psychiatric disturbance

    Effect of SIMPESA Career Application on Student Self-Efficacy in Selecting majors

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    This research aims to examine the effect of the use of Android-based career application on the self-efficacy of students in the selection of majors in high school. This research is a pre-experiment research on high school students in Makassar city, South Sulawesi. This research begins with development research and has been produced in previous research an Android-based career application named SIMPESA (high school student interest) that has been tested the validity and acceptance by psychologists and ICT experts and counseling counselor (counselor) to assist students in choosing majors in senior high school. The population in this research was all students of State Senior High School 5 Makassar-South Sulawesi class X. The sampling technique was using proportional random sampling involving 30 students of class X. The research design used is the use of pre-experimental design. The research instrument was using career decision making self-efficacy scale and focus group discussion. While the data analysis technique used t test. The results showed that there was a significant increase in pre-test and post-test averages in the trial group, where the post-test average score was higher than the pre-test average score. The conclusion of this research is SIMPESA android based career application have positive influence to self-efficacy students in selecting majors in senior high school

    Rebound Discharge in Deep Cerebellar Nuclear Neurons In Vitro

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    Neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) play a critical role in defining the output of cerebellum in the course of encoding Purkinje cell inhibitory inputs. The earliest work performed with in vitro preparations established that DCN cells have the capacity to translate membrane hyperpolarizations into a rebound increase in firing frequency. The primary means of distinguishing between DCN neurons has been according to cell size and transmitter phenotype, but in some cases, differences in the firing properties of DCN cells maintained in vitro have been reported. In particular, it was shown that large diameter cells in the rat DCN exhibit two phenotypes of rebound discharge in vitro that may eventually help define their functional roles in cerebellar output. A transient burst and weak burst phenotype can be distinguished based on the frequency and pattern of rebound discharge immediately following a hyperpolarizing stimulus. Work to date indicates that the difference in excitability arises from at least the degree of activation of T-type Ca2+ current during the immediate phase of rebound firing and Ca2+-dependent K+ channels that underlie afterhyperpolarizations. Both phenotypes can be detected following stimulation of Purkinje cell inhibitory inputs under conditions that preserve resting membrane potential and natural ionic gradients. In this paper, we review the evidence supporting the existence of different rebound phenotypes in DCN cells and the ion channel expression patterns that underlie their generation
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