305 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte-Carlo method applied to Non-Markovian barrier transmission

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    In nuclear fusion and fission, fluctuation and dissipation arise due to the coupling of collective degrees of freedom with internal excitations. Close to the barrier, both quantum, statistical and non-Markovian effects are expected to be important. In this work, a new approach based on quantum Monte-Carlo addressing this problem is presented. The exact dynamics of a system coupled to an environment is replaced by a set of stochastic evolutions of the system density. The quantum Monte-Carlo method is applied to systems with quadratic potentials. In all range of temperature and coupling, the stochastic method matches the exact evolution showing that non-Markovian effects can be simulated accurately. A comparison with other theories like Nakajima-Zwanzig or Time-ConvolutionLess ones shows that only the latter can be competitive if the expansion in terms of coupling constant is made at least to fourth order. A systematic study of the inverted parabola case is made at different temperatures and coupling constants. The asymptotic passing probability is estimated in different approaches including the Markovian limit. Large differences with the exact result are seen in the latter case or when only second order in the coupling strength is considered as it is generally assumed in nuclear transport models. On opposite, if fourth order in the coupling or quantum Monte-Carlo method is used, a perfect agreement is obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Density functional for pairing with particle number conservation

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    In this work, a new functional is introduced to treat pairing correlations in finite many-body systems. Guided by the projected BCS framework, the energy is written as a functional of occupation numbers. It is shown to generalize the BCS approach and to provide an alternative to Variation After Projection framework. Illustrations of the new approach are given for the pairing Hamiltonian for various particle numbers and coupling strengths. In all case, a very good agreement with the exact solution is found.Comment: Proceeding of the International Symposium: Forefronts of Researches in Exotic Nuclear Structures- Niigata201

    Non-Markovian effects in quantum system: an exact stochastic mean-field treatment

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    A quantum Monte-Carlo is proposed to describe fusion/fission processes when fluctuation and dissipation, with memory effects, are important. The new theory is illustrated for systems with inverted harmonic potentials coupled to a heat-bath.Comment: Proceedings of the international conference: "Nuclear Structure and related topics, Dubna, June (2009

    Beyond mean-field calculation for pairing correlation

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    The recently proposed Symmetry-Conserving Energy Density Functional approach [G. Hupin, D. Lacroix and M. Bender, Phys. Rev. C84, 014309 (2011)] is applied to perform Variation After Projection onto good particle number using Skyrme interaction, including density dependent terms. We present a systematic study of the Kr and Sn isotopic chains. This approach leads to non-zero pairing in magic nuclei and a global enhancement of the pairing gap compared to the original theory that breaks the particle number symmetry. The need to consistently readjust the pairing effective interaction strength is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Functional approach for pairing in finite systems: How to define restoration of broken symmetries in Energy Density Functional theory ?

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    The Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional (MR-EDF) approach (also called configuration mixing or Generator Coordinate Method), that is commonly used to treat pairing in finite nuclei and project onto particle number, is re-analyzed. It is shown that, under certain conditions, the MR-EDF energy can be interpreted as a functional of the one-body density matrix of the projected state with good particle number. Based on this observation, we propose a new approach, called Symmetry-Conserving EDF (SC-EDF), where the breaking and restoration of symmetry are accounted for simultaneously. We show, that such an approach is free from pathologies recently observed in MR-EDF and can be used with a large flexibility on the density dependence of the functional.Comment: proceeding of the conference "Many body correlations from dilute to dense Nuclear systems", Paris, February 201

    On the formulation of functional theory for pairing with particle number restoration

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    The restoration of particle number within Energy Density Functional theory is analyzed. It is shown that the standard method based on configuration mixing leads to a functional of both the projected and non-projected densities. As an alternative that might be advantageous for mass models, nuclear dynamics and thermodynamics, we propose to formulate the functional in terms directly of the one-body and two-body density matrices of the state with good particle number. Our approach does not contain the pathologies recently observed when restoring the particle number in an Energy Density Functional framework based on transition density matrices and can eventually be applied with functionals having arbitrary density dependencies.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Unified description of 6^6Li structure and deuterium-4^4He dynamics with chiral two- and three-nucleon forces

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    Prototype for the study of weakly bound projectiles colliding on stable targets, the scattering of deuterium (dd) on 4^4He (α\alpha) is an important milestone in the search for a fundamental understanding of low-energy reactions. At the same time, it is also important for its role in the Big-bang nucleosynthesis of 6^6Li and applications in the characterization of deuterium impurities in materials. We present the first unified {\em ab initio} study of the 6^6Li ground state and dd-4^4He elastic scattering using two- and three-nucleon forces derived within the framework of chiral effective field theory. The six-nucleon bound-state and scattering observables are calculated by means of the no-core shell model with continuum. %and are compared to available experimental data. We analyze the influence of the dynamic polarization of the deuterium and of the chiral three-nucleon force, and examine the role of the continuum degrees of freedom in shaping the low-lying spectrum of 6^6Li. We find that the adopted Hamiltonian correctly predicts the binding energy of 6^6Li, yielding an asymptotic DD- to SS-state ratio of the 6^6Li wave function in d+αd+\alpha configuration of 0.027-0.027 in agreement with the value determined from a phase shift analysis of 6^6Li+4^4He elastic scattering, but overestimates the excitation energy of the first 3+3^+ state by 350350 keV. The bulk of the computed differential cross section is in good agreement with data.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Advances in the ab initio description of nuclear three-cluster systems

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    We introduce the extension of the ab initio no-core shell model with continuum to describe three-body cluster systems. We present results for the ground state of 6He and show improvements with respect to the description obtained within the no-core shell model and the no-core shell model/resonating group methods.Comment: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics. May 18-22, 2015. Chicago, Illinois, US