2,181 research outputs found

    A purely geometric distance to the binary star Atlas, a member of the Pleiades

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    We present radial velocity and new interferometric measurements of the double star Atlas, which permit, with the addition of published interferometric data, to precisely derive the orbital parameters of the binary system and the masses of the components. The derived semi-major axis, compared with its measured angular size, allows to determine a distance to Atlas of 132+-4 pc in a purely geometrical way. Under the assumption that the location of Atlas is representative of the average distance of the cluster, we confirm the distance value generally obtained through main sequence fitting, in contradiction with the early Hipparcos result (118.3+-3.5 pc).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Guidance on personal dosimetry for occupational exposure in interventional radiology

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    During examinations that involve significant levels of exposure, radiology staff wear protective aprons and move towards various exposure orientations. The resulting body exposure is extremely non-uniform. Under such conditions the partially unshielded organs in the trunk together with tissues and organs in the head and neck region determine the effective dose equivalent. In principle, the same will be true for the newly introduced primary quantity effective dose. New calculations are required for quantitative assessments, because the selection of relevant organs and their weighting factors were changed. In this paper we describe our calculations and present and discuss conversion factors for the assessment of effective dose in typical exposure situations for radiology staff in interventional radiology.</p

    Where and When: {S}pace-Time Attention for Audio-Visual Explanations

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    Explaining the decision of a multi-modal decision-maker requires to determine the evidence from both modalities. Recent advances in XAI provide explanations for models trained on still images. However, when it comes to modeling multiple sensory modalities in a dynamic world, it remains underexplored how to demystify the mysterious dynamics of a complex multi-modal model. In this work, we take a crucial step forward and explore learnable explanations for audio-visual recognition. Specifically, we propose a novel space-time attention network that uncovers the synergistic dynamics of audio and visual data over both space and time. Our model is capable of predicting the audio-visual video events, while justifying its decision by localizing where the relevant visual cues appear, and when the predicted sounds occur in videos. We benchmark our model on three audio-visual video event datasets, comparing extensively to multiple recent multi-modal representation learners and intrinsic explanation models. Experimental results demonstrate the clear superior performance of our model over the existing methods on audio-visual video event recognition. Moreover, we conduct an in-depth study to analyze the explainability of our model based on robustness analysis via perturbation tests and pointing games using human annotations

    Testing Radiatively-Inefficient Accretion Flow Theory: an XMM-Newton Observation of NGC 3998

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    We present the results of a 10 ks XMM-Newton observation of NGC 3998, a ``type-I'' LINER galaxy. Our goal is to test the extent to which radiatively-inefficient accretion flow (RIAF) models and/or scaled-down AGN models are consistent with the observed properties of NGC 3998. The upper-limit for narrow Fe-K emission derived from a combined fit of the XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX spectra is 25 eV, which is one of the strictest limits to date for any AGN. This significantly rules out Fe-K emission as is expected to be observed in typical Seyfert 1 galaxies. The lack of any reflection features suggests that any optically-thick, geometrically-thin accretion disk must be truncated, probably at a radius of order 100-300 R_s. RIAF models fit the UV to X-ray spectral energy distribution of NGC 3998 reasonably well. In these models the mid-IR flux also constrains the emission from any outer thin disk component that might be present. The UV to X-ray SED is also consistent with a Comptonized thin disk with a very low accretion rate, in which case the lack of Fe-K emission may be due to an ionized accretion disk. Accretion models in general do not account for the observed radio flux of NGC 3998, and the radio flux may be due to a jet. Recent jet models may also be consistent with the nuclear fluxes of NGC 3998 in general, including the X-ray, optical/UV and mid-IR bands. We also derive nuclear fluxes using archival HST WFPC2 data to constrain the SED of NGC 3998. We discuss a possible OM U band and USNO-B detection of the NGC 3998 ULX.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 13 pages and 5 figures formatted with emulateapj. Version with black-and-white only plots available at http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~ptak/paper

    Distribution of Faraday Rotation Measure in Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei II. Prediction from our Sweeping Magnetic Twist Model for the Wiggled Parts of AGN Jets and Tails

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    Distributions of Faraday rotation measure (FRM) and the projected magnetic field derived by a 3-dimensional simulation of MHD jets are investigated based on our "sweeping magnetic twist model". FRM and Stokes parameters were calculated to be compared with radio observations of large scale wiggled AGN jets on kpc scales. We propose that the FRM distribution can be used to discuss the 3-dimensional structure of magnetic field around jets and the validity of existing theoretical models, together with the projected magnetic field derived from Stokes parameters. In the previous paper, we investigated the basic straight part of AGN jets by using the result of a 2-dimensional axisymmetric simulation. The derived FRM distribution has a general tendency to have a gradient across the jet axis, which is due to the toroidal component of the magnetic field generated by the rotation of the accretion disk. In this paper, we consider the wiggled structure of the AGN jets by using the result of a 3-dimensional simulation. Our numerical results show that the distributions of FRM and the projected magnetic field have a clear correlation with the large scale structure of the jet itself, namely, 3-dimensional helix. Distributions, seeing the jet from a certain direction, show a good matching with those in a part of 3C449 jet. This suggests that the jet has a helical structure and that the magnetic field (especially the toroidal component) plays an important role in the dynamics of the wiggle formation because it is due to a current-driven helical kink instability in our model.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Anatomy of helical relativistic jets: The case of S5 0836+710

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    Helical structures are common in extragalactic jets. They are usually attributed in the literature to periodical phenomena in the source (e.g., precession). In this work, we use VLBI data of the radio-jet in the quasar S5 0836+710 and hypothesize that the ridge-line of helical jets like this corresponds to a pressure maximum in the jet and assume that the helically twisted pressure maximum is the result of a helical wave pattern. For our study, we use observations of the jet in S5 0836+710 at different frequencies and epochs. The results show that the structures observed are physical and not generated artificially by the observing arrays. Our hypothesis that the observed intensity ridge-line can correspond to a helically twisted pressure maximum is confirmed by our observational tests. This interpretation allows us to explain jet misalignment between parsec and kiloparsec scales when the viewing angle is small, and also brings us to the conclusion that high-frequency observations may show only a small region of the jet flow concentrated around the maximum pressure ridge-line observed at low frequencies. Our work provides a potential explanation for the apparent transversal superluminal speeds observed in several extragalactic jets by means of transversal shift of an apparent core position with time.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Radio Sources in Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei. I. VLA Detections of Compact, Flat-Spectrum Cores

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    We report a 0.2" resolution, 15 GHz survey of a sample of 48 low-luminosity active galactic nuclei with the Very Large Array. Compact radio emission has been detected in 57% (17 of 30) of LINERs and low-luminosity Seyferts, at least 15 of which have a flat to inverted radio spectrum (alpha > -0.3). The compact radio cores are found in both type 1 (i.e. with broad Halpha) and type 2 (without broad Halpha) nuclei. The 2 cm radio power is significantly correlated with the emission-line ([OI] lambda6300) luminosity. While the present observations are consistent with the radio emission originating in star-forming regions, higher resolution radio observations of 10 of the detected sources, reported in a companion paper (Falcke et al. 2000), show that the cores are very compact (= 10^8K) and probably synchrotron self-absorbed, ruling out a starburst origin. Thus, our results suggest that at least 50% of low-luminosity Seyferts and LINERs in the sample are accretion powered, with the radio emission presumably coming from jets or advection-dominated accretion flows. We have detected only 1 of 18 `transition' (i.e. LINER + HII) nuclei observed, indicating their radio cores are significantly weaker than those of `pure' LINERs.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, October 20, 200

    Chandra Observations and the Nature of the Anomalous Arms of NGC 4258 (M 106)

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    This paper presents high resolution X-ray observations with Chandra of NGC 4258 and infers the nature of the so called ``anomalous arms'' in this galaxy. The anomalous arms dominate the X-ray image; diffuse X-ray emission from the ``plateaux'' regions, seen in radio and Hα\alpha imaging, is also found. X-ray spectra have been obtained at various locations along the anomalous arms and are well described by thermal (mekal) models with kT in the range 0.37 - 0.6 keV. The previously known kpc-scale radio jets are surrounded by cocoons of hot X-ray emitting gas for the first 350 pc of their length. The radio jets, seen in previous VLBA and VLA observations, propagate perpendicular to the compact nuclear gas disk (imaged in water vapor maser emission). The angle between the jets and the rotation axis of the galactic disk is 60^{\circ}. The jets shock the normal interstellar gas along the first 350 pc of their length, causing the hot, X-ray emitting cocoons noted above. At a height of z = 175 pc from the disk plane, the jets exit the normal gas disk and then propagate though the low density halo until they reach ``hot spots'' (at 870 pc and 1.7 kpc from the nucleus), which are seen in radio, optical line and X-ray emission. These jets must drive mass motions into the low density halo gas. This high velocity halo gas impacts on the dense galactic gas disk and shock heats it along and around a ``line of damage'', which is the projection of the jets onto the galactic gas disk as viewed down the galaxy disk rotation axis. However, because NGC 4258 is highly inclined (ii = 64^{\circ}), the ``line of damage'' projects on the sky in a different direction to the jets themselves. We calculate the expected p.a. of the ``line of damage'' on the sky and find that it coincides with the anomalous arms to within 2^{\circ}. (Abstract truncated).Comment: 12 pages plus 9 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journal, v560, nr 1, pt 1 (Oct 10, 2001 issue

    Influence of major mergers on the radio emission of elliptical galaxies

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    We investigate the influence of major mergers on the radio emission of elliptical galaxies. We use a complete sample of close pairs, which contains 475 merging and 1828 non-merging paired elliptical galaxies of M_r<-21.5 selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. In addition, a control sample of 2000 isolated field galaxies is used for comparison. We cross-identify the optical galaxies with the radio surveys of FIRST and NVSS. We find that the radio fraction of merging paired galaxies is about 6%, which is slightly higher than the 5% obtained for non-merging paired galaxies, although these values are consistent with each other owing to the large uncertainty caused by the limited sample. The radio fraction is twice as that of isolated galaxies, which is less than 3%. Radio emission of elliptical galaxies is only slightly affected by major mergers, but predominantly depends on their optical luminosities. Therefore, merging is not important in triggering the radio emission of elliptical galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&A, minor change

    Carnets de bord en sciences humaines : genèse, dynamique et fin d'une revue

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    Ce dernier numéro est l'occasion de faire un bilan et d'analyser les raisons qui nous ont conduits à décider de mettre un terme à l'existence d'une revue que nous avons animée pendant près de dix ans. Fidèles à la ligne éditoriale, nous dévoilons les coulisses de la production de Carnets de bord. Chemin faisant, nous nous livrons à un exercice d'auto-analyse susceptible d'éclairer la fragilité de ce genre d'initiatives intellectuelles dans un contexte universitaire où les critères managériaux d'évaluation ont largement gagné du terrain