206 research outputs found

    Melanosomes at a glance

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    Melanosomes, the pigment granules that provide tissues with colour and photoprotection, are the cellular site of synthesis, storage and transport of melanin pigments. They are synthesised in mammalian skin melanocytes, in choroidal melanocytes and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in the eye, and in melanophores (a class of pigment-containing cells) in lower vertebrates. The precise fate and functions of melanosomes vary according to cell type – epidermal melanocytes supply neighbouring keratinocytes with melanosomes, which results in the pigmentation of skin and hair, whereas pigment granules are retained intracellularly in RPE cells and choroidal melanocytes. In lower vertebrates, the reversible aggregation and dispersion of melanosomes throughout the melanophore enables rapid colour change and adaptation to the environment

    GDP/GTP exchange factor MADD drives activation and recruitment of secretory Rab GTPases to Weibel-Palade bodies.

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    von Willebrand factor (VWF) is an essential hemostatic protein that is synthesized and secreted by endothelial cells and stored in Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs). The secretory Rab GTPases Rab27A, Rab3B, and Rab3D have been linked with WPB trafficking and secretion. How these Rabs are activated and recruited to WPBs remains elusive. In this study, we identified MAP kinase-activating death domain (MADD) as the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab27A and both Rab3 isoforms in primary human endothelial cells. Rab activity assays revealed a reduction in Rab27A, Rab3B, and Rab3D activation upon MADD silencing. Rab activation, but not binding, was dependent on the differentially expressed in normal and neoplastic cells (DENN) domain of MADD, indicating the potential existence of 2 Rab interaction modules. Furthermore, immunofluorescent analysis showed that Rab27A, Rab3B, and Rab3D recruitment to WPBs was dramatically decreased upon MADD knockdown, revealing that MADD drives Rab membrane targeting. Artificial mistargeting of MADD using a TOMM70 tag abolished Rab27A localization to WPB membranes in a DENN domain-dependent manner, indicating that normal MADD localization in the cytosol is crucial. Activation of Rab3B and Rab3D was reduced upon Rab27A silencing, suggesting that activation of these Rabs is enhanced through previous activation of Rab27A by MADD. MADD silencing did not affect WPB morphology, but it did reduce VWF intracellular content. Furthermore, MADD-depleted cells exhibited decreased histamine-evoked VWF release, similar to Rab27A-depleted cells. In conclusion, MADD acts as a master regulator of VWF secretion by coordinating the activation and membrane targeting of secretory Rabs to WPBs

    Rab27a and Rab27b control different steps of the exosome secretion pathway

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    Exosomes are secreted membrane vesicles that share structural and biochemical characteristics with intraluminal vesicles of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs). Exosomes could be involved in intercellular communication and in the pathogenesis of infectious and degenerative diseases. The molecular mechanisms of exosome biogenesis and secretion are, however, poorly understood. Using an RNA interference (RNAi) screen, we identified five Rab GTPases that promote exosome secretion in HeLa cells. Among these, Rab27a and Rab27b were found to function in MVE docking at the plasma membrane. The size of MVEs was strongly increased by Rab27a silencing, whereas MVEs were redistributed towards the perinuclear region upon Rab27b silencing. Thus, the two Rab27 isoforms have different roles in the exosomal pathway. In addition, silencing two known Rab27 effectors, Slp4 (also known as SYTL4, synaptotagmin-like 4) and Slac2b (also known as EXPH5, exophilin 5), inhibited exosome secretion and phenocopied silencing of Rab27a and Rab27b, respectively. Our results therefore strengthen the link between MVEs and exosomes, and introduce ways of manipulating exosome secretion in vivo

    Lethal Antibody Enhancement of Dengue Disease in Mice Is Prevented by Fc Modification

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    Immunity to one of the four dengue virus (DV) serotypes can increase disease severity in humans upon subsequent infection with another DV serotype. Serotype cross-reactive antibodies facilitate DV infection of myeloid cells in vitro by promoting virus entry via Fcγ receptors (FcγR), a process known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). However, despite decades of investigation, no in vivo model for antibody enhancement of dengue disease severity has been described. Analogous to human infants who receive anti-DV antibodies by transplacental transfer and develop severe dengue disease during primary infection, we show here that passive administration of anti-DV antibodies is sufficient to enhance DV infection and disease in mice using both mouse-adapted and clinical DV isolates. Antibody-enhanced lethal disease featured many of the hallmarks of severe dengue disease in humans, including thrombocytopenia, vascular leakage, elevated serum cytokine levels, and increased systemic viral burden in serum and tissue phagocytes. Passive transfer of a high dose of serotype-specific antibodies eliminated viremia, but lower doses of these antibodies or cross-reactive polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies all enhanced disease in vivo even when antibody levels were neutralizing in vitro. In contrast, a genetically engineered antibody variant (E60-N297Q) that cannot bind FcγR exhibited prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy against ADE-induced lethal challenge. These observations provide insight into the pathogenesis of antibody-enhanced dengue disease and identify a novel strategy for the design of therapeutic antibodies against dengue

    Rab proteins and Rab-associated proteins: major actors in the mechanism of protein-trafficking disorders

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    Ras-associated binding (Rab) proteins and Rab-associated proteins are key regulators of vesicle transport, which is essential for the delivery of proteins to specific intracellular locations. More than 60 human Rab proteins have been identified, and their function has been shown to depend on their interaction with different Rab-associated proteins regulating Rab activation, post-translational modification and intracellular localization. The number of known inherited disorders of vesicle trafficking due to Rab cycle defects has increased substantially during the past decade. This review describes the important role played by Rab proteins in a number of rare monogenic diseases as well as common multifactorial human ones. Although the clinical phenotype in these monogenic inherited diseases is highly variable and dependent on the type of tissue in which the defective Rab or its associated protein is expressed, frequent features are hypopigmentation (Griscelli syndrome), eye defects (Choroideremia, Warburg Micro syndrome and Martsolf syndrome), disturbed immune function (Griscelli syndrome and Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease) and neurological dysfunction (X-linked non-specific mental retardation, Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, Warburg Micro syndrome and Martsolf syndrome). There is also evidence that alterations in Rab function play an important role in the progression of multifactorial human diseases, such as infectious diseases and type 2 diabetes. Rab proteins must not only be bound to GTP, but they need also to be ‘prenylated’—i.e. bound to the cell membranes by isoprenes, which are intermediaries in the synthesis of cholesterol (e.g. geranyl geranyl or farnesyl compounds). This means that isoprenylation can be influenced by drugs such as statins, which inhibit isoprenylation, or biphosphonates, which inhibit that farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase necessary for Rab GTPase activity. Conclusion: Although protein-trafficking disorders are clinically heterogeneous and represented in almost every subspeciality of pediatrics, the identification of common pathogenic mechanisms may provide a better diagnosis and management of patients with still unknown Rab cycle defects and stimulate the development of therapeutic agents

    Impact of physical activity level and dietary fat content on passive overconsumption of energy in non-obese adults

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    Background: Passive overconsumption is the increase in energy intake driven by the high-fat energy-dense food environment. This can be explained in part because dietary fat has a weaker effect on satiation (i.e. process that terminates feeding). Habitually active individuals show improved satiety (i.e. process involved in post-meal suppression of hunger) but any improvement in satiation is unknown. Here we examined whether habitual physical activity mitigates passive overconsumption through enhanced satiation in response to a high-fat meal. Methods: Twenty-one non-obese individuals with high levels of physical activity (HiPA) and 19 individuals with low levels of physical activity (LoPA) matched for body mass index (mean = 22.8 kg/m2) were recruited. Passive overconsumption was assessed by comparing ad libitum energy intake from covertly manipulated high-fat (HFAT; 50% fat) or high-carbohydrate (HCHO; 70% carbohydrate) meals in a randomized crossover design. Habitual physical activity was assessed using SenseWear accelerometers (SWA). Body composition, resting metabolic rate, eating behaviour traits, fasting appetite-related peptides and hedonic food reward were also measured. Results: In the whole sample, passive overconsumption was observed with greater energy intake at HFAT compared to HCHO (p  0.05). SWA confirmed that HiPA were more active than LoPA (p  0.05 for all). Conclusions: Non-obese individuals with high or low physical activity levels but matched for BMI showed similar susceptibility to passive overconsumption when consuming an ad libitum high-fat compared to a high-carbohydrate meal. This occurred despite increased total daily energy expenditure and improved body composition in HiPA. Greater differences in body composition and/or physical activity levels may be required to impact on satiation
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