363 research outputs found

    Un pont entre el Sindicat Vertical i CC OO

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    Observational guidelines of communicative exchange: an ecological approach to referential communication

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    This paper describe some problems related to the evaluation of human communicative behaviour. Along these lines, a solution of sorts is sought to the subject through un attempt at combining the two existing paradigms. This new type is called referential-ecological analysis and its most original contribution is the notion of including the guidance of the adult experimenter as part of the communicative exchange. A detailed categorization system is presented for the communicative behaviour of the speaker, the receiver and the adult, justified by the previous contributions of various authors. A study of the reliability of the encoders is also presented. Finally, un example of this new encoding system of the communicative exchange is displayed.En este trabajo se exponen algunos de los problemas encontrados en la evaluación de la conducta comunicativa humana. Y dentro de esta linea se pretende aportar cierta solución al tema mediante un intento de unión de los paradigmas ya existentes. El nuevo tipo de análisis presentado es denominado referencial-ecológico, cuya innovación más relevante es la de incluir la tutela mediadora que ejerce un adulto experimentador en el intercambio comunicativo. Se presenta un detallado sistema de categorización de las conductas comunicativas del emisor, del receptor, y del adulto, justificadas a partir de trabajos precedentes. Se incluye también un estudio de la fiabilidad entre codificadores. Finalmente, se presenta un ejemplo del sistema de codificación del intercambio comunicativo

    Estudi longitudinal de la reestructuració del missate en nens bilingües i monolingües dins d'un programa escolar d'immersió lingüística

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    This study analyzes the effects of a linguistic immersion programme on message restructuring. Subjects were first interviewed ut age 4;6, and reevaluated two years later. The communication was ecological-referential, and took into consideration the guidance offered by the adult examiner. The results show that even at age 6;6, the subjects in the immersion group are not yet able to produce results comparable to those of the monolingual group. The authors concluded that at this age children are still unable to overcome the cognitive conflict created by the situation of linguistic contact.En el presente estudio se analizan los efectos generados por un programa educativo de inmersión lingiiística sobre la reestructuración del mensaje. Se trata de un estudio longitudinal con niños de 4 años y medio reevaluados dos años más tarde. La tarea de comunicación referencial utilizada para evaluar a los sujetos es denominada ecológica-referencial y se caracteriza por considerar la tutela mediadora ofrecida por el adulto experimentador. Los resultados muestran que incluso a la edad de 6 años y medio los sujetos escolarizados en el grupo de inmersión no son aún capaces de igualar la calidad de mensaje conseguida por el grupo control monolingiie. Las diferencias constatadas entre grupos permiten interpretar que a esta edad, los niños sometidos a un programa de inmersión lingüística alin no son capaces de superar el conflicto cognoscitivo creado por la situación de contacto lingüístico

    Observational guidelines of communicative exchange: an ecological approach to referential communication.

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    This paper describe some problems related to the evaluation of hu- man communicative behaviour. Along these Eines, a solution of sorts is sought to the subject through un attempt ut combining the two existingpa- radigms. This new íype is called referential-ecological analysis and its most original contribution is the notion of including the guidance of the adult experimenter as part of the communicative exchange. A detailed ca- tegorization system is presented for the comrnunicative behaviour of the speaker, the receiver and the adult, justified by the previous contributions of various authors. A study of the reliability of the encoders is also presented. Finally, un example of this new encoding system of the communi- cative exchange is displayed


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    Deriving flash floods in the case of simulated precipitations. The present study sets to determine the historical flash-floods on the Petriș watershed making use of the implemented mathematical models in a Hydrological Modeling System. In order to simulate the 1%, 2% and 10% exceedance probability flash-floods, the Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IDF) curves have been built on the basis of 22 years of precipitation records (1988-2009). They serve as input data together with the hydrological parameters identified by the means of a Geographic Information Systems. The results, computed mainly on the basis of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method, consist of hyetographs and hydrographs at the outlet of the main watershed, as well as to that of the ungauged tributaries of the Petriș River

    Una aproximación empírica a la comunicación desde la teoría de los actos de habla de Searle

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    This work considers communicative intention as the basis for rhe analysis of rhe communicative phenomenon in natural contexts. It also aims to reconcile the traditions that analyse human communication today. The convergence with the referential-ecological approach (Boada and Forns, 1989; 1997) has dealt with a number of important problems that the classic referential approach was unable to address. Its system of categories includes new variables, in addition to the classic referential variables. The cornmunicative intention is taken into account, albeit implicitly. Using a conciliatory approach, the study aims to study the intentional dimension in greater depth. The speech act theory (Searle, 1969; 1975) is used to categorize the cornrnunicative exchanges arnong a sarnple of 28 individuals and presents a certain complirnentariety with data from other traditionsEste trabajo parte de la necesidad de considerar la intención comunicativa, como eje básico de análisis del fenómeno comunicativa si lo que se analizan son contextos naturales. También se parte de la necesidad de abundar en el acercamiento entre las tradiciones que hoy analizan la comunicación humana. La convergencia que está llevando a cabo elplanteamiento referencial-ecológico (Boada y Forns, 1989; 1997) ha resuelto problemas importantes que el planteamiento referencial clásico tenia pendientes de solución. Su sistema de categorías se ha abierto a variables nuevas (adernás de las clásicas referenciales). La intención comunicativa es tenida en cuenta aunque de una manera implícita. El propósito de este trabajo es justamente, y desde una perspectiva conciliadora, profindizar en esa dimensión intencional. La teoria de 10s actos de habla (Searle, 1969, 1975) es utilizada para categorizar 10s intercambios comunicativos de una muestra de 28 sujetos obsewándose cierta complementariedad con los datos provenientes de otras tradicione

    Estudio longitudinal de la comunicación referencial en niños de 4 a 8 años

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    This paper analyzes communicative behaviour in a longitudinal study with ten pairs of children, evaluated for the first time at age 4;6 and reevaluated at age 6;6 and 8;7. The procedure used follows the lines of referential-ecological research which incorporates an appraisal of the guidance offered by the adult examiner. The results refect the structural characteristics of communication, the communicative strategies produced by the three interlocutors and the sequential interaction patterns. They show the persistence of certain structures, an increase in the number of strategies used, and an increase in the complexity of communicative patterns with age. These results confirm the hypothesis of increasing communicative competence with age while simultaneously confirming the fall in the adult's guiding function, thus implying greater awareness of the processes involved in language emission-comprehension. The relationship between awareness, regulation and metacognitive processes should be explored further in future studies.El presente trabajo analiza las conductas comunicativas en un estudio longitudinal de 10 parejas de niños, evaluados por primera vez a los 4;6 años y reevaluados a los 6;6 y 8;7 años de edad. El procedimiento utilizado se sitúa en la línea de investigación referencial-ecológica, caracterizada por incorporar al paradigma referencial clásico el análisis de la guia que proporciona el adulto experimentador. Los resultados presentados conciernen a las características estructurales de la comunicación, las estrategias comunicativas producidas por los tres interlocutores y los patrones secuenciales de la interacción. Los resultados muestran la permanencia de ciertas estructuras y un incremento de las estrategias y la complejidad de los patrones comunicatives con la edad. Estos resultados confirman la hipótesis del incremento de competencia comunicativa con la edad, que simultáneamente a la constatación del descenso de la función de tutela del adulto, implican una mayor toma de conciencia de los procesos involucrados en la emisión-comprensión del lenguaje. La relación entre toma de conciencia, regulación y procesos metacognitivos deberá continuar explordndose en próximos estudios

    Una aproximación empírica a la comunicación desde la teoría de los actos de habla de Searle.

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    This work considers communicative intention as the basis for the analysis of rhe communicative phenomenon in natural contexts. It also aims to reconcile the traditions that analyse human communication today. The convergence with the referential-ecological approach (Boada and Forns, 1989; 1997) has dealt with a number of important problems that the classic referential approach was unable to address. Its system of categories includes new variables, in addition to the classic referential variables. The cornmunicative intention is taken into account, albeit implicitly. Using a conciliatory approach, the study aims to study the intentional dimension in greater depth. The speech act theory (Searle, 1969; 1975) is used to categorize the communicative exchanges arnong a sample of 28 individuals and presents a certain complirnentariety with data from other traditions

    Estudio longitudinal de la comunicación referencial en niños de 4 a 8 años

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    El presente trabajo analiza las conductas comunicativas en un estudio longitudinal de 1O parejas de niños, evaluados por primera vez a los 4;6 años y reevaluados a los 6;6 y 8;7 años de edad. El procedimiento utilizado se sitúa en la línea de investigación referencial-ecológica, caracterizada por incorporar al paradigma referencial clásico el análisis de la guia que proporciona el adulto experimentador. Los resultados presentados conciemen a las características estructurales de la comunicación, las estrategias comunicativas producidas por los tres interlocutores y los patrones secuenciales de la interacción. Los resultados muestran la permanencia de ciertas estructuras y un incremento de las estrategias y la complejidud de los patrones comunicatives con la edad. Estos resultados confirman la hipótesis del incremento de competencia comunicativa con la edad, que simultáneamente a la constatación del descenso de la función de tutela del adulto, implican una mayor toma de conciencia de loss procesos involucrados en la emisión-comprensión del lenguaje. La relación entre toma de conciencia, regulación y procesos metacognitivos deberd continuar explorándose en próximos estudios

    pARIS-htt: an optimised expression platform to study huntingtin reveals functional domains required for vesicular trafficking

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Huntingtin (htt) is a multi-domain protein of 350 kDa that is mutated in Huntington's disease (HD) but whose function is yet to be fully understood. This absence of information is due in part to the difficulty of manipulating large DNA fragments by using conventional molecular cloning techniques. Consequently, few studies have addressed the cellular function(s) of full-length htt and its dysfunction(s) associated with the disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe a flexible synthetic vector encoding full-length htt called pARIS-htt (<b>A</b>daptable, <b>R</b>NAi <b>I</b>nsensitive &<b>S</b>ynthetic). It includes synthetic cDNA coding for full-length human htt modified so that: 1) it is improved for codon usage, 2) it is insensitive to four different siRNAs allowing gene replacement studies, 3) it contains unique restriction sites (URSs) dispersed throughout the entire sequence without modifying the translated amino acid sequence, 4) it contains multiple cloning sites at the N and C-ter ends and 5) it is Gateway compatible. These modifications facilitate mutagenesis, tagging and cloning into diverse expression plasmids. Htt regulates dynein/dynactin-dependent trafficking of vesicles, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)-containing vesicles, and of organelles, including reforming and maintenance of the Golgi near the cell centre. We used tests of these trafficking functions to validate various pARIS-htt constructs. We demonstrated, after silencing of endogenous htt, that full-length htt expressed from pARIS-htt rescues Golgi apparatus reformation following reversible microtubule disruption. A mutant form of htt that contains a 100Q expansion and a htt form devoid of either HAP1 or dynein interaction domains are both unable to rescue loss of endogenous htt. These mutants have also an impaired capacity to promote BDNF vesicular trafficking in neuronal cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We report the validation of a synthetic gene encoding full-length htt protein that will facilitate analyses of its structure/function. This may help provide relevant information about the cellular dysfunctions operating during the disease. As proof of principle, we show that either polyQ expansion or deletion of key interacting domains within full-length htt protein impairs its function in transport indicating that HD mutation induces defects on intrinsic properties of the protein and further demonstrating the importance of studying htt in its full-length context.</p