9,375 research outputs found

    A Geometry for Non-Geometric String Backgrounds

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    A geometric string solution has background fields in overlapping coordinate patches related by diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations, while for a non-geometric background this is generalised to allow transition functions involving duality transformations. Non-geometric string backgrounds arise from T-duals and mirrors of flux compactifications, from reductions with duality twists and from asymmetric orbifolds. Strings in ` T-fold' backgrounds with a local nn-torus fibration and T-duality transition functions in O(n,n;Z)O(n,n;\Z) are formulated in an enlarged space with a T2nT^{2n} fibration which is geometric, with spacetime emerging locally from a choice of a TnT^n submanifold of each T2nT^{2n} fibre, so that it is a subspace or brane embedded in the enlarged space. T-duality acts by changing to a different TnT^n subspace of T2nT^{2n}. For a geometric background, the local choices of TnT^n fit together to give a spacetime which is a TnT^n bundle, while for non-geometric string backgrounds they do not fit together to form a manifold. In such cases spacetime geometry only makes sense locally, and the global structure involves the doubled geometry. For open strings, generalised D-branes wrap a TnT^n subspace of each T2nT^{2n} fibre and the physical D-brane is the part of the part of the physical space lying in the generalised D-brane subspace.Comment: 28 Pages. Minor change

    Macroscopic Phase Coherence of Defective Vortex Lattices in Two Dimensions

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    The superfluid density is calculated theoretically for incompressible vortex lattices in two dimensions that have isolated dislocations quenched in by a random arrangement of pinned vortices. The latter are assumed to be sparse and to be fixed to material defects. It is shown that the pinned vortices act to confine a single dislocation of the vortex lattice along its glide plane. Plastic creep of the two-dimensional vortex lattice is thereby impeded, and macroscopic phase coherence results at low temperature in the limit of a dilute concentration of quenched-in dislocations.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, new title, submitted to Physical Review

    New Gauged N=8, D=4 Supergravities

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    New gaugings of four dimensional N=8 supergravity are constructed, including one which has a Minkowski space vacuum that preserves N=2 supersymmetry and in which the gauge group is broken to SU(3)xU(1)2SU(3)xU(1)^2. Previous gaugings used the form of the ungauged action which is invariant under a rigid SL(8,R)SL(8,R) symmetry and promoted a 28-dimensional subgroup (SO(8),SO(p,8p)SO(8),SO(p,8-p) or the non-semi-simple contraction CSO(p,q,8pq)CSO(p,q,8-p-q)) to a local gauge group. Here, a dual form of the ungauged action is used which is invariant under SU(8)SU^*(8) instead of SL(8,R)SL(8,R) and new theories are obtained by gauging 28-dimensional subgroups of SU(8)SU^*(8). The gauge groups are non-semi-simple and are different real forms of the CSO(2p,82p)CSO(2p,8-2p) groups, denoted CSO(2p,82p)CSO^*(2p,8-2p), and the new theories have a rigid SU(2) symmetry. The five dimensional gauged N=8 supergravities are dimensionally reduced to D=4. The D=5,SO(p,6p)D=5,SO(p,6-p) gauge theories reduce, after a duality transformation, to the D=4,CSO(p,6p,2)D=4,CSO(p,6-p,2) gauging while the SO(6)SO^*(6) gauge theory reduces to the D=4,CSO(6,2)D=4, CSO^*(6,2) gauge theory. The new theories are related to the old ones via an analytic continuation. The non-semi-simple gaugings can be dualised to forms with different gauge groups.Comment: 33 pages. Reference adde

    Metal honeycomb to porous wireform substrate diffusion bond evaluation

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    Two nondestructive techniques were used to evaluate diffusion bond quality between a metal foil honeycomb and porous wireform substrate. The two techniques, cryographics and acousto-ultrasonics, are complementary in revealing variations of bond integrity and quality in shroud segments from an experimental aircraft turbine engine

    Scaling Cosmologies from Duality Twisted Compactifications

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    Oscillating moduli fields can support a cosmological scaling solution in the presence of a perfect fluid when the scalar field potential satisfies appropriate conditions. We examine when such conditions arise in higher-dimensional, non-linear sigma-models that are reduced to four dimensions under a generalized Scherk-Schwarz compactification. We show explicitly that scaling behaviour is possible when the higher-dimensional action exhibits a global SL(n,R) or O(2,2) symmetry. These underlying symmetries can be exploited to generate non-trivial scaling solutions when the moduli fields have non-canonical kinetic energy. We also consider the compactification of eleven-dimensional vacuum Einstein gravity on an elliptic twisted torus.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Global Aspects of T-Duality, Gauged Sigma Models and T-Folds

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    The gauged sigma-model argument that string backgrounds related by T-dual give equivalent quantum theories is revisited, taking careful account of global considerations. The topological obstructions to gauging sigma-models give rise to obstructions to T-duality, but these are milder than those for gauging: it is possible to T-dualise a large class of sigma-models that cannot be gauged. For backgrounds that are torus fibrations, it is expected that T-duality can be applied fibrewise in the general case in which there are no globally-defined Killing vector fields, so that there is no isometry symmetry that can be gauged; the derivation of T-duality is extended to this case. The T-duality transformations are presented in terms of globally-defined quantities. The generalisation to non-geometric string backgrounds is discussed, the conditions for the T-dual background to be geometric found and the topology of T-folds analysed.Comment: Minor corrections and addition

    Computer program for determining mass properties of a rigid structure

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    A computer program was developed for the rapid computation of the mass properties of complex structural systems. The program uses rigid body analyses and permits differences in structural material throughout the total system. It is based on the premise that complex systems can be adequately described by a combination of basic elemental shapes. Simple geometric data describing size and location of each element and the respective material density or weight of each element were the only required input data. From this minimum input, the program yields system weight, center of gravity, moments of inertia and products of inertia with respect to mutually perpendicular axes through the system center of gravity. The program also yields mass properties of the individual shapes relative to component axes

    Cosmic No Hair for Collapsing Universes

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    It is shown that all contracting, spatially homogeneous, orthogonal Bianchi cosmologies that are sourced by an ultra-stiff fluid with an arbitrary and, in general, varying equation of state asymptote to the spatially flat and isotropic universe in the neighbourhood of the big crunch singularity. This result is employed to investigate the asymptotic dynamics of a collapsing Bianchi type IX universe sourced by a scalar field rolling down a steep, negative exponential potential. A toroidally compactified version of M*-theory that leads to such a potential is discussed and it is shown that the isotropic attractor solution for a collapsing Bianchi type IX universe is supersymmetric when interpreted in an eleven-dimensional context.Comment: Extended discussion to include Kantowski-Sachs universe. In press, Classical and Quantum Gravit

    An experimental study of the temporal statistics of radio signals scattered by rain

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    A fixed-beam bistatic CW experiment designed to measure the temporal statistics of the volume reflectivity produced by hydrometeors at several selected altitudes, scattering angles, and at two frequencies (3.6 and 7.8 GHz) is described. Surface rain gauge data, local meteorological data, surveillance S-band radar, and great-circle path propagation measurements were also made to describe the general weather and propagation conditions and to distinguish precipitation scatter signals from those caused by ducting and other nonhydrometeor scatter mechanisms. The data analysis procedures were designed to provide an assessment of a one-year sample of data with a time resolution of one minute. The cumulative distributions of the bistatic signals for all of the rainy minutes during this period are presented for the several path geometries

    Time-like T-duality algebra

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    When compactifying M- or type II string-theories on tori of indefinite space-time signature, their low energy theories involve sigma models on E_{n(n)}/H_n, where H_n is a not necessarily compact subgroup of E_{n(n)} whose complexification is identical to the complexification of the maximal compact subgroup of E_{n(n)}. We discuss how to compute the group H_n. For finite dimensional E_{n(n)}, a formula derived from the theory of real forms of E_n algebra's gives the possible groups immediately. A few groups that have not appeared in the literature are found. For n=9,10,11 we compute and describe the relevant real forms of E_n and H_n. A given H_n can correspond to multiple signatures for the compact torus. We compute the groups H_n for all compactifications of M-, M*-, and M'-theories, and type II-, II*- and II'-theories on tori of arbitrary signature, and collect them in tables that outline the dualities between them. In an appendix we list cosets G/H, with G split and H a subgroup of G, that are relevant to timelike toroidal compactifications and oxidation of theories with enhanced symmetries.Comment: LaTeX, 37 pages, 1 eps-figure, uses JHEP.cls; v2. corrected typo's in tables 16 and 17, minor changes to tex