68 research outputs found

    Large-deviation properties of the extended Moran model

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    The distributions of the times to the first common ancestor t_mrca is numerically studied for an ecological population model, the extended Moran model. This model has a fixed population size N. The number of descendants is drawn from a beta distribution Beta(alpha, 2-alpha) for various choices of alpha. This includes also the classical Moran model (alpha->0) as well as the uniform distribution (alpha=1). Using a statistical mechanics-based large-deviation approach, the distributions can be studied over an extended range of the support, down to probabilities like 10^{-70}, which allowed us to study the change of the tails of the distribution when varying the value of alpha in [0,2]. We find exponential distributions p(t_mrca)~ delta^{t_mrca} in all cases, with systematically varying values for the base delta. Only for the cases alpha=0 and alpha=1, analytical results are known, i.e., delta=\exp(-2/N^2) and delta=2/3, respectively. We recover these values, confirming the validity of our approach. Finally, we also study the correlations between t_mrca and the number of descendants.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Statistics of Branched Populations Split into Different Types

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    Some population is made of n individuals that can be of P possible species (or types) at equilibrium. How are individuals scattered among types? We study two random scenarios of such species abundance distributions. In the first one, each species grows from independent founders according to a Galton-Watson branching process. When the number of founders P is either fixed or random (either Poisson or geometrically-distributed), a question raised is: given a population of n individuals as a whole, how does it split into the species types? This model is one pertaining to forests of Galton-Watson trees. A second scenario that we will address in a similar way deals with forests of increasing trees. Underlying this setup, the creation/annihilation of clusters (trees) is shown to result from a recursive nucleation/aggregation process as one additional individual is added to the total population

    On Discrete-Time Multiallelic Evolutionary Dynamics Driven by Selection

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    We revisit some problems arising in the context of multiallelic discrete-time evolutionary dynamics driven by fitness. We consider both the deterministic and the stochastic setups and for the latter both the Wright-Fisher and the Moran approaches. In the deterministic formulation, we construct a Markov process whose Master equation identifies with the nonlinear deterministic evolutionary equation. Then, we draw the attention on a class of fitness matrices that plays some role in the important matter of polymorphism: the class of strictly ultrametric fitness matrices. In the random cases, we focus on fixation probabilities, on various conditionings on nonfixation, and on (quasi)stationary distributions

    A Bose-Einstein Approach to the Random Partitioning of an Integer

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    Consider N equally-spaced points on a circle of circumference N. Choose at random n points out of NN on this circle and append clockwise an arc of integral length k to each such point. The resulting random set is made of a random number of connected components. Questions such as the evaluation of the probability of random covering and parking configurations, number and length of the gaps are addressed. They are the discrete versions of similar problems raised in the continuum. For each value of k, asymptotic results are presented when n,N both go to infinity according to two different regimes. This model may equivalently be viewed as a random partitioning problem of N items into n recipients. A grand-canonical balls in boxes approach is also supplied, giving some insight into the multiplicities of the box filling amounts or spacings. The latter model is a k-nearest neighbor random graph with N vertices and kn edges. We shall also briefly consider the covering problem in the context of a random graph model with N vertices and n (out-degree 1) edges whose endpoints are no more bound to be neighbors

    A necklace of Wulff shapes

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    In a probabilistic model of a film over a disordered substrate, Monte-Carlo simulations show that the film hangs from peaks of the substrate. The film profile is well approximated by a necklace of Wulff shapes. Such a necklace can be obtained as the infimum of a collection of Wulff shapes resting on the substrate. When the random substrate is given by iid heights with exponential distribution, we prove estimates on the probability density of the resulting peaks, at small density

    Information and (co-)variances in discrete evolutionary genetics involving solely selection

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    The purpose of this Note is twofold: First, we introduce the general formalism of evolutionary genetics dynamics involving fitnesses, under both the deterministic and stochastic setups, and chiefly in discrete-time. In the process, we particularize it to a one-parameter model where only a selection parameter is unknown. Then and in a parallel manner, we discuss the estimation problems of the selection parameter based on a single-generation frequency distribution shift under both deterministic and stochastic evolutionary dynamics. In the stochastics, we consider both the celebrated Wright-Fisher and Moran models.Comment: a paraitre dans Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Application

    Nonextensivity and multifractality in low-dimensional dissipative systems

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    Power-law sensitivity to initial conditions at the edge of chaos provides a natural relation between the scaling properties of the dynamics attractor and its degree of nonextensivity as prescribed in the generalized statistics recently introduced by one of us (C.T.) and characterized by the entropic index qq. We show that general scaling arguments imply that 1/(1−q)=1/αmin−1/αmax1/(1-q) = 1/\alpha_{min}-1/\alpha_{max}, where αmin\alpha_{min} and αmax\alpha_{max} are the extremes of the multifractal singularity spectrum f(α)f(\alpha) of the attractor. This relation is numerically checked to hold in standard one-dimensional dissipative maps. The above result sheds light on a long-standing puzzle concerning the relation between the entropic index qq and the underlying microscopic dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, TeX, 4 ps figure

    A Pearson-Dirichlet random walk

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    A constrained diffusive random walk of n steps and a random flight in Rd, which can be expressed in the same terms, were investigated independently in recent papers. The n steps of the walk are identically and independently distributed random vectors of exponential length and uniform orientation. Conditioned on the sum of their lengths being equal to a given value l, closed-form expressions for the distribution of the endpoint of the walk were obtained altogether for any n for d=1, 2, 4 . Uniform distributions of the endpoint inside a ball of radius l were evidenced for a walk of three steps in 2D and of two steps in 4D. The previous walk is generalized by considering step lengths which are distributed over the unit (n-1) simplex according to a Dirichlet distribution whose parameters are all equal to q, a given positive value. The walk and the flight above correspond to q=1. For any d >= 3, there exist, for integer and half-integer values of q, two families of Pearson-Dirichlet walks which share a common property. For any n, the d components of the endpoint are jointly distributed as are the d components of a vector uniformly distributed over the surface of a hypersphere of radius l in a space Rk whose dimension k is an affine function of n for a given d. Five additional walks, with a uniform distribution of the endpoint in the inside of a ball, are found from known finite integrals of products of powers and Bessel functions of the first kind. They include four different walks in R3 and two walks in R4. Pearson-Liouville random walks, obtained by distributing the total lengths of the previous Pearson-Dirichlet walks, are finally discussed.Comment: 33 pages 1 figure, the paper includes the content of a recently submitted work together with additional results and an extended section on Pearson-Liouville random walk

    Exact Scale Invariance in Mixing of Binary Candidates in Voting Model

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    We introduce a voting model and discuss the scale invariance in the mixing of candidates. The Candidates are classified into two categories μ∈{0,1}\mu\in \{0,1\} and are called as `binary' candidates. There are in total N=N0+N1N=N_{0}+N_{1} candidates, and voters vote for them one by one. The probability that a candidate gets a vote is proportional to the number of votes. The initial number of votes (`seed') of a candidate μ\mu is set to be sμs_{\mu}. After infinite counts of voting, the probability function of the share of votes of the candidate μ\mu obeys gamma distributions with the shape exponent sμs_{\mu} in the thermodynamic limit Z0=N1s1+N0s0→∞Z_{0}=N_{1}s_{1}+N_{0}s_{0}\to \infty. Between the cumulative functions {xμ}\{x_{\mu}\} of binary candidates, the power-law relation 1−x1∼(1−x0)α1-x_{1} \sim (1-x_{0})^{\alpha} with the critical exponent α=s1/s0\alpha=s_{1}/s_{0} holds in the region 1−x0,1−x1<<11-x_{0},1-x_{1}<<1. In the double scaling limit (s1,s0)→(0,0)(s_{1},s_{0})\to (0,0) and Z0→∞Z_{0} \to \infty with s1/s0=αs_{1}/s_{0}=\alpha fixed, the relation 1−x1=(1−x0)α1-x_{1}=(1-x_{0})^{\alpha} holds exactly over the entire range 0≤x0,x1≤10\le x_{0},x_{1} \le 1. We study the data on horse races obtained from the Japan Racing Association for the period 1986 to 2006 and confirm scale invariance.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 2 table
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