139 research outputs found

    Labor Market Policies and Employment Duration: The Effects of Labor Market Reform in Argentina

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    Over the last few years, the debate on labor market reform has been at the center of economic policy debate in Argentina. This debate has been fueled by the sustained growth in the unemployment rate observed during the decade. One of the major targets of the attack on labor market regulation has been high dismissal costs. Attempts to reduce dismissal costs for all existing jobs have faced strong opposition. As a compromise, and to stimulate job creation, employment promotion contracts for new jobs were introduced in 1995. These contracts are limited to a fixed term ranging from three months to two years.

    Risk Taking by Entrepreneurs

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    Entrepreneurs bear substantial risk, but empirical evidence shows no sign of a positive premium. This paper develops a theory of endogenous entrepreneurial risk taking that explains why self-financed entrepreneurs may find it optimal to invest into risky projects offering no risk premium. The model has also a number of implications for firm dynamics supported by empirical evidence, such as a positive correlation between survival, size, and firm age.occupational choice, risk taking, firm dynamics, borrowing constraints.

    Duration and Risk of Unemployment in Argentina

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    After a decade of structural reforms, unemployment rates have tripled in Argentina. This paper is concerned with the measurement of unemployment risk and its distribution. We show the importance of considering re-incidence in the measurement of unemployment risk and develop a methodolgy to do that. Our estimates for Argentina show that, though the typical unemployment spell is short, once re-incidence is taken into account, unemployment risk is high, has risen substantially in the last decade and is shared very unequally in the labor force. This counters the established view that unemployment is a small risk, short-duration phenomenon, which arises when re-incidence is not considered.Developing labor markets, hazard functions, unemployment duration, unemployment risk

    Innovation Fertility and Patent Design

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    It may be advantageous to provide a variety of kinds of patent protection to heterogenous innovations. Innovations which benefit society largely through their use as building blocks to future inventions may require a different scope of protection in order to be encouraged. We model the problem of designing an optimal patent menu (scope and length) when the fertility of an innovation in generating more innovations cannot be observed. The menu of patent scope can be implemented with mandated buyout fees. Evidence of heterogeneous fertility and patent obsolescence, keys to the model, are presented using patent data from the US.

    Firm size and development

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    Firm size increases with GDP per capita. The paper develops a simple framework to explore three alternative sources of variation that may explain this correlation: (1) excessive entry; (2) differences in the distribution of firm productivities; and (3) differences in returns to scale. The results show that all these sources of variation lead to substantial differences in firm size. GDP per capita is also significantly affected, but by an order of magnitude less. JEL classifications: O11, E1

    Market Size Matters

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    This paper characterizes the effects of market size on the size distribution of establishments for thirteen retail trade industries across 225 U.S. cities. In nearly every industry we examine, establishments are larger in larger cities, and in four industries the dispersion of establishment sizes depends on market size. Models of competition in which individual producers' markups do not depend on the number of producers are inconsistent with these observations. Models in which competition is tougher in larger markets can reproduce the positive effect of market size on establishments' average size.
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