48,793 research outputs found

    Controlled cavity-QED using a photonic crystal waveguide-cavity system

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    We introduce a photonic crystal waveguide-cavity system for controlling single photon cavity-QED processes. Exploiting Bloch mode analysis, and medium-dependent Green function techniques, we demonstrate that the propagation of single photons can be accurately described analytically, for integrated periodic waveguides with little more than four unit cells, including an output coupler. We verify our analytical approach by comparing to rigorous numerical calculations for a range of photonic crystal waveguide lengths. This allows one to nano-engineer various regimes of cavity-QED with unprecedented control. We demonstrate Purcell factors of greater than 1000 and on-chip single photon beta factors of about 80% efficiency. Both weak and strong coupling regimes are investigated, and the important role of waveguide length on the output emission spectra is shown, for vertically emitted emission and output waveguide emission

    Exploiting long-range disorder in slow-light photonic crystal waveguides

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    The interplay between order and disorder in photonic lattices opens up a wide range of novel optical scattering mechanisms, resonances, and applications that can be obscured by typical ordered design approaches to photonics. Striking examples include Anderson localization, random lasers, and visible light scattering in biophotonic structures such as butterfly wings. In this work, we present a profound example of light localization in photonic crystal waveguides by introducing long-range correlated disorder. Using a rigorous three-dimensional Bloch mode expansion technique, we demonstrate how inter-hole correlations have a negative contribution to the total out-of-plane radiative losses, leading to a pronounced enhancement of the quality factor, QQ, and Q/VQ/V cavity figures of merit in the long-range correlation regime. Subsequently, the intensity fluctuations of the system are shown to globally increase with the correlation length, highlighting the non-trivial role of long-range disorder on the underlying scattering mechanisms. We also explore the possibility of creating ultra-high quality cavity modes via inter-hole correlations, which have various functionalities in chip-based nonlinear optics and waveguide cavity-quantum electrodynamics.Comment: Updated version with DO

    The color of sea level: importance of spatial variations in spectral shape for assessing the significance of trends

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    We investigate spatial variations in the shape of the spectrum of sea level variability, based on a homogeneously-sampled 12-year gridded altimeter dataset. We present a method of plotting spectral information as color, focusing on periods between 2 and 24 weeks, which shows that significant spatial variations in the spectral shape exist, and contain useful dynamical information. Using the Bayesian Information Criterion, we determine that, typically, a 5th order autoregressive model is needed to capture the structure in the spectrum. Using this model, we show that statistical errors in fitted local trends range between less than 1 and more than 5 times what would be calculated assuming “white” noise, and the time needed to detect a 1 mm/yr trend ranges between about 5 years and many decades. For global-mean sea level, the statistical error reduces to 0.1 mm/yr over 12 years, with only 2 years needed to detect a 1 mm/yr trend. We find significant regional differences in trend from the global mean. The patterns of these regional differences are indicative of a sea level trend dominated by dynamical ocean processes, over this perio

    GpsTunes: controlling navigation via audio feedback

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    We combine the functionality of a mobile Global Positioning System (GPS) with that of an MP3 player, implemented on a PocketPC, to produce a handheld system capable of guiding a user to their desired target location via continuously adapted music feedback. We illustrate how the approach to presentation of the audio display can benefit from insights from control theory, such as predictive 'browsing' elements to the display, and the appropriate representation of uncertainty or ambiguity in the display. The probabilistic interpretation of the navigation task can be generalised to other context-dependent mobile applications. This is the first example of a completely handheld location- aware music player. We discuss scenarios for use of such systems

    ESR Study of Optically Induced Phase Transitions

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    We have identified an optically enhanced magnetic phase transition in the newly synthesized organic molecular charge transfer salt, (BEDT-TTF)3Ta2F11 (BEDT-TTF bisethylenedithiolotetrathiafulvalene) by ESR absorption measurements in the X band microwave region. At room temperature, only a doublet state ESR absorption is observed, but below 30 K severa~ tripl~t E.SR absorpti_ons appear. The orientation dependence of the ESR absorption under lllummat10n at energies near the band gaps in the material ( 640 nm, T = 12 to 5 K H0 \u3c 0.34 T) indicates that there are rapid spin exchange processes with times r \u3c w-s; near 7 ~o 5 K.along cert~in ~rystallographic directions with a temperature dependen~e suggesting spm-lattlce relaxation times which proceed via Van Vleck direct processes. This, to our knowledge, is the first case where the magnetic properties of a charge transfer salt are altered by the interaction with photons of energy equal to the band gaps in a low dimensional solid providing a new, interesting way to investigate these materials