123 research outputs found

    Small scale lateral superlattices in two-dimensional electron gases prepared by diblock copolymer masks

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    A poly(styrene-block-methylmethacrylate) diblock copolymer in the hexagonal cylindrical phase has been used as a mask for preparing a periodic gate on top of a Ga[Al]As-heterostructure. A superlattice period of 43 nm could be imposed onto the two-dimensional electron gas. Transport measurements show a characteristic positive magnetoresistance around zero magnetic field which we interpret as a signature of electron motion guided by the superlattice potential.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of edge transmission and elastic scattering on the resistance of magnetic barriers

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    Strong magnetic barriers are defined in two-dimensional electron gases by magnetizing dysprosium ferromagnetic platelets on top of a Ga[Al]As heterostructure. A small resistance across the barrier is observed even deep inside the closed regime. We have used semiclassical simulations to explain this behavior quantitatively in terms of a combined effect of elastic electron scattering inside the barrier region and E x B drift at the intersection of the magnetic barrier with the edge of the Hall bar.Comment: 7 pages 4 figure

    Aktualisierung der Empfehlungen zur standardisierten Diagnostik und Klassifikation von Kaumuskel- und Kiefergelenkschmerzen

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Im Jahre 2000 veröffentlichte der Interdisziplinäre Arbeitskreis für Mund- und Gesichtsschmerzen in der Deutschen Gesellschaft zum Studium des Schmerzes Empfehlungen zur Diagnostik und Klassifikation von Patienten mit Schmerzen im Bereich der Kaumuskulatur und/oder Kiefergelenke. Ziele der vorliegenden Publikation sind eine Bestandsaufnahme und Aktualisierung der damals gemachten Vorschläge. Ergebnisse: Sichtung und Bewertung der nach Veröffentlichung der Empfehlungen erschienenen Fachliteratur (bis Dezember 2005) zeigen, dass sich das zweiachsige Stufenkonzept zur Erfassung somatischer und psychosozialer Parameter orofazialer Schmerzen bewährt hat. Einzelne Aspekte der Empfehlungen wurden in Form wissenschaftlicher Belege weiter konkretisiert. Schlussfolgerungen: Die vorgeschlagenen Empfehlungen spiegeln die aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Schmerzmedizin wider. Insbesondere in der Zahnärzteschaft sollten sie daher eine noch breitere Verankerung finden als bishe

    Magnetic barrier induced conductance fluctuations in quantum wires

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    Quasi-ballistic semiconductor quantum wires are exposed to localized perpendicular magnetic fields, also known as magnetic barriers. Pronounced, reproducible conductance fluctuations as a function of the magnetic barrier amplitude are observed. The fluctuations are strongly temperature dependent and remain visible up to temperatures of about 10 K. Simulations based on recursive Green functions suggest that the conductance fluctuations originate from parametric interferences of the electronic wave functions which experience scattering between the magnetic barrier and the electrostatic potential landscape.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Manipulating the Tomonaga-Luttinger exponent by electric field modulation

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    We establish a theoretical framework for artificial control of the power-law singularities in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid states. The exponent governing the power-law behaviors is found to increase significantly with an increase in the amplitude of the periodic electric field modulation applied externally to the system. This field-induced shift in the exponent indicates the tunability of the transport properties of quasi-one-dimensional electron systems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Cultural and Media Identity Among Latvian Migrants in Germany

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    This chapter explores how transnational media and culture impacts on the identity formation of recent Latvian migrants in Germany. In the context of the EU, Germany opened its labour market to the new EU countries rather late, when compared to other ‘old’ EU countries. This has had an effect on the composition of the group of Latvian migrants going to Germany, and their identities. In the light of this, this chapter examines how Latvian migrants in Germany feel and experience their belonging to Latvia and its culture. It analyses the social and communicative practices crucial for the development of belonging, including the rootedness in the country where they live and the cultural references that are important for them. The evidence for the analysis in this chapter comes from in-depth interviews, open media diaries and network maps of Latvian migrants in Germany. The chapter situates the description of evidence in the framework of cultural identity concepts and discusses the role of culture and media in the process of building migrant identity. The chapter argues that culture is shaping the transnational self-perception of Latvian migrants in Germany – as it provides collective narratives of imagined common frames of references, and confirms feelings of belonging and distinction

    Photoemission Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of Vapor Phase Co-Deposited Silver/Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Composites

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    Nanocomposite matrices of silver/poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) were prepared in ultrahigh vacuum through vapor-phase co-deposition. Change in microstructure, chemical nature and electronic properties with increasing filler (Ag) content were investigated using in-situ XPS and UPS, and ambient AFM. At least two chemical binding states occur between Ag nanoparticles and sulfur in P3HT at the immediate contact layer but no evidence of interaction between Ag and carbon (in P3HT) was found. AFM images reveal a change in Ag nanoparticles size with concentration which modifies the microstructure and the average roughness of the surface. Under co-deposition, P3HT largely retains its conjugated structures, which is evidenced by the similar XPS and UPS spectra to those of P3HT films deposited on other substrates. We demonstrate here that the magnitude of the barrier height for hole injection and the position of the highest occupied band edge (HOB) with respect to the Fermi level of Ag can be controlled and changed by adjusting the metal (Ag) content in the composite. Furthermore, UPS reveals distinct features related to the C 2p (Sigma states) in the 5-12 eV regions, indicating the presence of ordered P3HT which is different from solution processed films.Comment: Scudier and Wei provided equal contributio

    Natural and Synthetic Polymers as Inhibitors of Drug Efflux Pumps

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    Inhibition of efflux pumps is an emerging approach in cancer therapy and drug delivery. Since it has been discovered that polymeric pharmaceutical excipients such as Tweens® or Pluronics® can inhibit efflux pumps, various other polymers have been investigated regarding their potential efflux pump inhibitory activity. Among them are polysaccharides, polyethylene glycols and derivatives, amphiphilic block copolymers, dendrimers and thiolated polymers. In the current review article, natural and synthetic polymers that are capable of inhibiting efflux pumps as well as their application in cancer therapy and drug delivery are discussed

    Effects of polyethylene glycols on intestinal efflux pump expression and activity in Caco-2 cells

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    The present study was planned to investigate the influence of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) on the activity and expression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp). Sub-toxic concentrations of PEGs in Caco-2 cells were determined using the MTT test assay. Then the measurement of Rhodamine-123 (Rho-123) uptake, a P-gp fluorescence substrate, in Caco-2 cells confronting PEG 400 (1% and 2% w/v), PEG 4000 (2% and 4% w/v), PEG 6000 (2% and 4% w/v), PEG 10000 (2% and 4% w/v), PEG 15000 (1% and 2% w/v), and PEG 35000 (2% and 4% w/v) overnight was taken to elucidate whether non-toxic concentrations of PEGs are able to impact P-gp activity. Furthermore, western blotting was carried out to investigate P-gp protein expression. The results showed that PEG 400 at concentrations of 1% (w/v) and 2% (w/v) and PEG 6000 at the concentration of 4% (w/v) are notably capable of blocking P-gp. Based on the obtained results it is concluded that the mentioned excipients could be used to obstruct P-gp efflux transporter in order to increase the bioavailability of co-administered substrate drug
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