94 research outputs found

    Proteinase-activated receptor 2 modulates OA-related pain, cartilage and bone pathology

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    Objective Proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) deficiency protects against cartilage degradation in experimental osteoarthritis (OA). The wider impact of this pathway upon OA-associated pathologies such as osteophyte formation and pain is unknown. Herein, we investigated early temporal bone and cartilage changes in experimental OA in order to further elucidate the role of PAR2 in OA pathogenesis. Methods OA was induced in wild-type (WT) and PAR2-deficient (PAR2−/−) mice by destabilisation of the medial meniscus (DMM). Inflammation, cartilage degradation and bone changes were monitored using histology and microCT. In gene rescue experiments, PAR2−/− mice were intra-articularly injected with human PAR2 (hPAR2)-expressing adenovirus. Dynamic weight bearing was used as a surrogate of OA-related pain. Results Osteophytes formed within 7 days post-DMM in WT mice but osteosclerosis was only evident from 14 days post induction. Importantly, PAR2 was expressed in the proliferative/hypertrophic chondrocytes present within osteophytes. In PAR2−/− mice, osteophytes developed significantly less frequently but, when present, were smaller and of greater density; no osteosclerosis was observed in these mice up to day 28. The pattern of weight bearing was altered in PAR2−/− mice, suggesting reduced pain perception. The expression of hPAR2 in PAR2−/− mice recapitulated osteophyte formation and cartilage damage similar to that observed in WT mice. However, osteosclerosis was absent, consistent with lack of hPAR2 expression in subchondral bone. Conclusions This study clearly demonstrates PAR2 plays a critical role, via chondrocytes, in osteophyte development and subchondral bone changes, which occur prior to PAR2-mediated cartilage damage. The latter likely occurs independently of OA-related bone changes

    Ensayos para refinación física de la manteca de karité

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    Assays for physical refining of shea butter. The best conditions for the refining of shea butter used-in cosmetic industries are defined. The objective is to obtain a bleached, deodorized fat, with a 3% maximum free acidity and a high amount of unsaponifiable matter having minimal losses with respect to the initial sample. The following variables have been studied: phosphoric acid proportion in degumming, bleaching clays and active carbon percentages in bleaching, and temperature/time in the stage of deodorization. The results demonstrate that good quality shea butter can be obtained by physical refining if the level of free fatty acid in the initial sample is lower than 5%. Otherwise, a neutralization is necessary, which should be partial in order to reduce the loss of unsaponifiable matter.Se estudian las condiciones más adecuadas en la refinación de la manteca de karité para su uso en cosmética. El objetivo es conseguir un producto decolorado, desodorizado con acidez libre inferior al 3% e insaponificable elevado, con pérdidas mínimas sobre el existente en la muestra inicial. Se han estudiado las siguientes variables: proporción de ácido fosfórico en la fase de desgomado, cantidad de tierras decolorantes y carbón activo en la decoloración y temperatura/tiempo en la desodorización. Los resultados demuestran que puede obtenerse una grasa de buena calidad mediante refinación física cuando las muestras contienen menos de un 5% de acidez. En caso contrario es necesario una neutralización previa que debe ser parcial para disminuir al mínimo las pérdidas de compuestos del insaponificable

    Moderate exercise protects against joint disease in a murine model of osteoarthritis

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    Exercise is recommended as a non-pharmacological therapy for osteoarthritis (OA). Various exercise regimes, with differing intensities and duration, have been used in a range of OA rodent models. These studies show gentle or moderate exercise reduces the severity of OA parameters while high intensity load bearing exercise is detrimental. However, these studies were largely conducted in rats or in mouse models induced by severe injury, age or obesity, whilst destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) in mice has become a widely accepted model due to its lower variability, moderate progression and timescale. The present study was undertaken to provide insight into the effect of moderate exercise on early joint pathology in the DMM mouse model. Exercise was induced a week after induction by forced wheel walking for three or 7 weeks. Joints were analyzed by microcomputed tomography and histology. Assessment of skeletal parameters revealed that exercise offered protection against cartilage damage after 7 weeks of exercise, and a temporary protection against osteosclerosis was displayed after 3 weeks of exercise. Furthermore, exercise modified the metaphyseal trabecular microarchitecture of the osteoarthritic leg in both time points examined. Collectively, our findings corroborate previous studies showing that exercise has an important effect on bone in OA, which subsequently, at 8 weeks post-induction, translates into less cartilage damage. Thus, providing an exercise protocol in a surgical mouse model of OA, which can be used in the future to further dissect the mechanisms by which moderate exercise ameliorates OA

    The IĸB protein BCL3 controls osteogenesis and bone health.

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    OBJECTIVE: IĸB protein B-cell lymphoma 3-encoded protein (BCL3) is a regulator of the NF-κB family of transcription factors. NF-κB signalling fundamentally influences the fate of bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts, but the role of BCL3 in bone biology has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to evaluate BCL3 in skeletal development, maintenance and osteoarthritic pathology. METHODS: To assess the contribution of BCL3 to skeletal homeostasis, neonatal mice (n = 6-14) lacking BCL3 (Bcl3-/- ) and WT controls were characterised for bone phenotype and density. To reveal the contribution to bone phenotype by the osteoblast compartment in Bcl3-/- mice, transcriptomic analysis of early osteogenic differentiation and cellular function (n = 3-7) were assessed. Osteoclast differentiation and function in Bcl3-/- mice (n = 3-5) was assessed. Adult 20-week Bcl3-/- and WT mice bone phenotype, strength and turnover were assessed. A destabilisation of the medial meniscus (DMM) model of osteoarthritic ostephytogenesis was utilised to understand adult bone formation in Bcl3-/- mice (n = 11-13). RESULTS: Evaluation of Bcl3-/- mice revealed congenitally increased bone density, long bone dwarfism, increased bone biomechanical strength and altered bone turnover. Molecular and cellular characterisation of mesenchymal precursors showed that Bcl3-/- cells display an accelerated osteogenic transcriptional profile that leads to enhanced differentiation into osteoblasts with increased functional activity; which could be reversed with a mimetic peptide. In a model of osteoarthritis-induced osteophytogenesis, Bcl3-/- mice exhibit decreased pathological osteophyte formation (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Cumulatively, these findings demonstrate that BCL3 controls developmental mineralisation to enable appropriate bone formation, whilst in a pathological setting it contributes to skeletal pathology

    Commissioning of a synchrotron-based proton beam therapy system for use with a Monte Carlo treatment planning system

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    This work tackles the commissioning and validation of a novel combination of a synchrotron-based proton beam therapy system (Hitachi, Ltd.) for use with a Monte Carlo treatment planning system (TPS). Four crucial aspects in this configuration have been investigated: (1) Monte Carlo-based correction performed by the TPS to the measured integrated depth-dose curves (IDD), (2) circular spot modelling with a single Gaussian function to characterize the synchrotron physical spot, which is elliptical, (3) the modelling of the range shifter that enables using only one set of measurements in open beams, and (4) the Monte Carlo dose calculation model in small fields. Integrated depth-dose curves were measured with a PTW Bragg peak chamber and corrected, with a Monte Carlo model, to account for energy absorbed outside the detector. The elliptical spot was measured by IBA Lynx scintillator, EBT3 films and PTW microDiamond. The accuracy of the TPS (RayStation, RaySearch Laboratories) at spot modelling with a circular Gaussian function was assessed. The beam model was validated using spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) fields. We took single-point doses at several depths through the central axis using a PTW Farmer chamber, for fields between 2 × 2cm and 30 × 30cm. We checked the range-shifter modelling from open-beam data. We tested clinical cases with film and an ioni- zation chamber array (IBA Matrix). Sigma differences for spots fitted using 2D images and 1D profiles to elliptical and circular Gaussian models were below 0.22 mm. Differences between SOBP measurements at single points and TPS calculations for all fields between 5 × 5 and 30 × 30cm were below 2.3%. Smaller fields had larger differences: up to 3.8% in the 2 × 2cm field. Mean differences at several depths along the central axis were generally below 1%. Differences in range- shifter doses were below 2.4%. Gamma test (3%, 3 mm) results for clinical cases were generally above 95% for Matrix and film. Approaches for modelling synchrotron proton beams have been validated. Dose values for open and range- shifter fields demonstrate accurate Monte Carlo correction for IDDs. Elliptical spots can be successfully modelled using a circular Gaussian, which is accurate for patient calculations and can be used for small fields. A double-Gaussian spot can improve small-field calculations. The range-shifter modelling approach, which reduces clinical commissioning time, is adequat

    Perivascular spaces are associated with tau pathophysiology and synaptic dysfunction in early Alzheimer’s continuum

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    Background: Perivascular spaces (PVS) have an important role in the elimination of metabolic waste from the brain. It has been hypothesized that the enlargement of PVS (ePVS) could be affected by pathophysiological mechanisms involved in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), such as abnormal levels of CSF biomarkers. However, the relationship between ePVS and these pathophysiological mechanisms remains unknown. Objective: We aimed to investigate the association between ePVS and CSF biomarkers of several pathophysiological mechanisms for AD. We hypothesized that ePVS will be associated to CSF biomarkers early in the AD continuum (i.e., amyloid positive cognitively unimpaired individuals). Besides, we explored associations between ePVS and demographic and cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: The study included 322 middle-aged cognitively unimpaired participants from the ALFA + study, many within the Alzheimer’s continuum. NeuroToolKit and Elecsys® immunoassays were used to measure CSF Aβ42, Aβ40, p-tau and t-tau, NfL, neurogranin, TREM2, YKL40, GFAP, IL6, S100, and α-synuclein. PVS in the basal ganglia (BG) and centrum semiovale (CS) were assessed based on a validated 4-point visual rating scale. Odds ratios were calculated for associations of cardiovascular and AD risk factors with ePVS using logistic and multinomial models adjusted for relevant confounders. Models were stratified by Aβ status (positivity defined as Aβ42/40 < 0.071). Results: The degree of PVS significantly increased with age in both, BG and CS regions independently of cardiovascular risk factors. Higher levels of p-tau, t-tau, and neurogranin were significantly associated with ePVS in the CS of Aβ positive individuals, after accounting for relevant confounders. No associations were detected in the BG neither in Aβ negative participants. Conclusions: Our results support that ePVS in the CS are specifically associated with tau pathophysiology, neurodegeneration, and synaptic dysfunction in asymptomatic stages of the Alzheimer’s continuum

    Calbindin-D32k Is Localized to a Subpopulation of Neurons in the Nervous System of the Sea Cucumber Holothuria glaberrima (Echinodermata)

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    Members of the calbindin subfamily serve as markers of subpopulations of neurons within the vertebrate nervous system. Although markers of these proteins are widely available and used, their application to invertebrate nervous systems has been very limited. In this study we investigated the presence and distribution of members of the calbindin subfamily in the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima (Selenka, 1867). Immunohistological experiments with antibodies made against rat calbindin 1, parvalbumin, and calbindin 2, showed that these antibodies labeled cells and fibers within the nervous system of H. glaberrima. Most of the cells and fibers were co-labeled with the neural-specific marker RN1, showing their neural specificity. These were distributed throughout all of the nervous structures, including the connective tissue plexi of the body wall and podia. Bioinformatics analyses of the possible antigen recognized by these markers showed that a calbindin 2-like protein present in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, corresponded to the calbindin-D32k previously identified in other invertebrates. Western blots with anti-calbindin 1 and anti-parvalbumin showed that these markers recognized an antigen of approximately 32 kDa in homogenates of radial nerve cords of H. glaberrima and Lytechinus variegatus. Furthermore, immunoreactivity with anti-calbindin 1 and anti-parvalbumin was obtained to a fragment of calbindin-D32k of H. glaberrima. Our findings suggest that calbindin-D32k is present in invertebrates and its sequence is more similar to the vertebrate calbindin 2 than to calbindin 1. Thus, characterization of calbindin-D32k in echinoderms provides an important view of the evolution of this protein family and represents a valuable marker to study the nervous system of invertebrates