39 research outputs found

    A microscopy technique based on bio-impedance sensors

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    It is proposed a microscopy for cell culture applications based on impedance sensors. The imagined signals are measured with the Electrical Cell-Substrate Spectroscopy (ECIS) technique, by identifying the cell area. The proposed microscopy allows real-time monitoring inside the incubator, reducing the contamination risk by human manipulation. It requires specific circuits for impedance measurements, a two-dimensional sensor array (pixels), and employing electrical models to decode efficiently the measured signals. Analogue Hardware Description Language (AHDL) circuits for cell-microelectrode enables the use of geometrical and technological data into the system design flow. A study case with 8x8 sensor array is reported, illustrating the evolution and power of the proposed image acquisition.Junta de Andalucía P0-TIC-538

    Testing mixed-signal cores: a practical oscillation-based test in an analog macrocell

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    A formal set of design decisions can aid in using oscillation-based test (OBT) for analog subsystems in SoCs. The goal is to offer designers testing options that do not have significant area overhead, performance degradation, or test time. This work shows that OBT is a potential candidate for IP providers to use in combination with functional test techniques. We have shown how to modify the basic concept of OBT to come up with a practical method. Using our approach, designers can use OBT to pave the way for future developments in SoC testing, and it is simple to extend this idea to BIST.European Union 2635

    On-chip evaluation of oscillation-based-test output signals for switched-capacitor circuits

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    This work presents a simple and low-cost method for on-chip evaluation of test signals coming from the application of the Oscillation-Based-Test (OBT) technique. This method extracts the main test signal features (amplitude, frequency and DC level) in the digital domain requiring just a very simple and robust circuitry. Experimental results obtained from an integrated chip demonstrate the feasibility of the approac

    Data-Analytics Modeling of Electrical Impedance Measurements for Cell Culture Monitoring

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    High-throughput data analysis challenges in laboratory automation and lab-on-a-chip devices’ applications are continuously increasing. In cell culture monitoring, specifically, the electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing technique (ECIS), has been extensively used for a wide variety of applications. One of the main drawbacks of ECIS is the need for implementing complex electrical models to decode the electrical performance of the full system composed by the electrodes, medium, and cells. In this work we present a new approach for the analysis of data and the prediction of a specific biological parameter, the fill-factor of a cell culture, based on a polynomial regression, data-analytic model. The method was successfully applied to a specific ECIS circuit and two different cell cultures, N2A (a mouse neuroblastoma cell line) and myoblasts. The data-analytic modeling approach can be used in the decoding of electrical impedance measurements of different cell lines, provided a representative volume of data from the cell culture growth is available, sorting out the difficulties traditionally found in the implementation of electrical models. This can be of particular importance for the design of control algorithms for cell cultures in tissue engineering protocols, and labs-on-a-chip and wearable devices applicationsEspaña, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades project RTI2018-093512-B-C2

    The bio-oscillator: A circuit for cell-culture assays

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    A system for cell-culture real-time monitoring using an oscillation-based approach is proposed. The system transforms a cell culture under test into a suitable “biological” oscillator, without needing complex circuitry for excitation and measurement. The obtained oscillation parameters are directly related to biological test, owed to an empirically extracted cell–electrode electrical model. A discrete prototype is proposed and experimental results with living cell culture are presented, achieving the expected performances.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2011-28302, TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    A plethysmographic sensor for monitoring volume changes in cardiovascular pathologies

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    This paper presents a capacitive system capable of performing leg volume change monitorization in patients suffering from Heart Failure (HF) conditions. The body volume evolution serves as a prognosis marker for this kind of patients, such patients can benefit from a wearable monitorization system. The proposal is based on a contactless capacitive wearable structure implemented by a two-plate plane-parallel capacitor geometry. The system exhibits sensitivity to leg volume change and the sensor curves are provided. A 2.5x2.5cm capacitive electrode design will generate capacitive values within the range [1-2] pF. Acquisition of the capacitance value is performed via an electronic differentiator implemented using op-amps, illustrating good results in simulated volume analysis implemented using pspice.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RTI2018-093512-B-C2

    A practical floating-gate Muller-C element using vMOS threshold gates

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    This paper presents the rationale for vMOS-based realizations of digital circuits when logic design techniques based on threshold logic gates are used. Some practical problems in the vMOS implementation of threshold gates have been identified and solved. The feasibility and versatility of the proposed technique as well as its potential as a low-cost design technique for CMOS technologies have been shown by experimental results from a multiple-input Muller C-element. The proposed new realization exhibits better performance related to delay and area and power consumption than the traditional logic implementation

    Cell-Culture Measurements Using Voltage Oscillations

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    A comprehensive system for real-time monitoring of a set of cell-cultures using a Voltage Oscillation (VO) methodology is proposed. The main idea is to connect the bio-electrical elements (electrodes & cell-culture) in such a way that sequentially a suitable electrical oscillator, which only uses a DC power source, is built. Using the employed electrical models given in [1, 2], the attained oscillation parameters (frequency and amplitude) can be directly related to the biological test. A digital circuitry is developed to pick-up the experimental measurements, which are gathered and shown in real-time in a web application.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    Towards Bio-impedance Based Labs: A Review

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    In this article, some of the main contributions to BI (Bio-Impedance) parameter-based systems for medical, biological and industrial fields, oriented to develop micro laboratory systems are summarized. These small systems are enabled by the development of new measurement techniques and systems (labs), based on the impedance as biomarker. The electrical properties of the life mater allow the straightforward, low cost and usually non-invasive measurement methods to define its status or value, with the possibility to know its time evolution. This work proposes a review of bio-impedance based methods being employed to develop new LoC (Lab-on-a-Chips) systems, and some open problems identified as main research challenges, such as, the accuracy limits of measurements techniques, the role of the microelectrode-biological impedance modeling in measurements and system portability specifications demanded for many applications.Spanish founded Project: TEC 2013-46242-C3-1-P: Integrated Microsystem for Cell Culture AssaysFEDE

    Bioimpedance real-time charazterization of neointimal tissue inside stents

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    It is hereby presented a new approach to monitor restenosis in arteries fitted with a stent during an angioplasty. The growth of neointimal tissue is followed up by measuring its bioimpedance with Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Besides, a mathematical model is derived to analytically describe the neointima’s histological composition from its bioimpedance. The model is validated by finite-element analysis (FEA) with COMSOL Multiphysics®. Satisfactory correlation between the analytical model and the FEA simulation is achieved for most of the characterization range, detecting some deviations introduced by the thin "double layer" that separates the neointima and the blood. It is shown how to apply conformal transformations to obtain bioimpedance models for stack-layered tissues over coplanar electrodes. Particularly, this is applied to characterize the neointima in real-time. This technique is either suitable as a main mechanism of restenosis follow-up or it can be combined with proposed blood-pressure-measuring intelligent stents to auto-calibrate the sensibility loss caused by the adherence of the tissue on the micro-electro-mechanical sensors (MEMS).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain): projects TEC2013-46242-C3-1-PMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Spain): projects TEC2013-46242-C3-2-