274 research outputs found

    Therapy control in a patient with an inflammatory abdominal aneurysm: potential pitfalls in PET/CT imaging

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    We present a case of inflammatory abdominal arterial aneurysms, which demonstrates the potential usefulness of PET/CT with F-FDG in long-term monitoring of this disease, but also demonstrates potential pitfalls in abdominal arterial aneurysm imaging with PET/CT. Imaging may be challenged as the initial presentation prior to therapy may mimic an infected aneurysm. Follow-up images may be mistaken for vascular graft infection or persistent disease

    Clinical applications of SPECT/CT in imaging the extremities

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    Today, SPECT/CT is increasingly used and available in the majority of larger nuclear medicine departments. Several applications of SPECT/CT as a supplement to or replacement for traditional conventional bone scintigraphy have been established in recent years. SPECT/CT of the upper and lower extremities is valuable in many conditions with abnormal bone turnover due to trauma, inflammation, infection, degeneration or tumour. SPECT/CT is often used in patients if conventional radiographs are insufficient, if MR image quality is impaired due to metal implants or in patients with contraindications to MR. In complex joints such as those in the foot and wrist, SPECT/CT provides exact anatomical correlation of pathological uptake. In many cases SPECT increases the sensitivity and CT the specificity of the study, increasing confidence in the final diagnosis compared to planar images alone. The CT protocol should be adapted to the clinical question and may vary from very low-dose (e.g. attenuation correction only), to low-dose for anatomical correlation, to normal-dose protocols enabling precise anatomical resolution. The aim of this review is to give an overview of SPECT/CT imaging of the extremities with a focus on the hand and wrist, knee and foot, and for evaluation of patients after joint arthroplasty

    SPECT/CT in der Handgelenkdiagnostik

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    Zusammenfassung: Klinisches/methodisches Problem: Handgelenkschmerzen sind eine diagnostische Herausforderung fĂŒr Handchirurgen und Radiologen. Insbesondere chronische Handgelenkschmerzen sind oft nur schwer einer genauen Lokalisation zuzuordnen, eine Schnittbildgebung ist deshalb oft unerlĂ€sslich. Radiologische Standardverfahren: Der etablierte Standard zur nichtinvasiven Diagnostik chronischer Handgelenkschmerzen ist die Magnetresonanztomographie. Methodische Innovationen: In den letzten Jahren ist mit der "single photon emission computed tomography"/CT (SPECT/CT) eine neue ModalitĂ€t zum diagnostischen Spektrum muskuloskelettaler VerĂ€nderungen hinzugetreten, welche neben morphologischen Daten auch metabolische Informationen liefert. LeistungsfĂ€higkeit: Die SPECT/CT ermöglicht eine genaue Detektion und prĂ€zise anatomische Zuordnung unterschiedlicher Handgelenkpathologien. Dies ist oftmals entscheidend fĂŒr eine korrekte Therapie. Bewertung: Die SPECT/CT ist bei Patienten mit chronischen Handgelenkschmerzen spezifischer als die MRT. Sie bietet außerdem Vorteile bei Patienten mit posttraumatischen VerĂ€nderungen oder Metallimplantaten und kann als problemlösende Methode bei unklaren FĂ€llen eingesetzt werden. Empfehlung fĂŒr die Praxis: Eine Anwendung der SPECT/CT erscheint aus unserer Sicht immer dann sinnvoll, wenn eine AbklĂ€rung mittels MRT unergiebig war bzw. das MRT mehrere Pathologien zeigt, bei denen nicht klar ist, welche die klinisch fĂŒhrende ist. Auch ein primĂ€rer Einsatz bei bestimmten ossĂ€ren Pathologien, bei Patienten mit Metallimplantaten oder bei unklaren Handgelenkschmerzen erscheint gerechtfertig

    Clinical applications of SPECT/CT in imaging the extremities

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    Today, SPECT/CT is increasingly used and available in the majority of larger nuclear medicine departments. Several applications of SPECT/CT as a supplement to or replacement for traditional conventional bone scintigraphy have been established in recent years. SPECT/CT of the upper and lower extremities is valuable in many conditions with abnormal bone turnover due to trauma, inflammation, infection, degeneration or tumour. SPECT/CT is often used in patients if conventional radiographs are insufficient, if MR image quality is impaired due to metal implants or in patients with contraindications to MR. In complex joints such as those in the foot and wrist, SPECT/CT provides exact anatomical correlation of pathological uptake. In many cases SPECT increases the sensitivity and CT the specificity of the study, increasing confidence in the final diagnosis compared to planar images alone. The CT protocol should be adapted to the clinical question and may vary from very low-dose (e.g. attenuation correction only), to low-dose for anatomical correlation, to normal-dose protocols enabling precise anatomical resolution. The aim of this review is to give an overview of SPECT/CT imaging of the extremities with a focus on the hand and wrist, knee and foot, and for evaluation of patients after joint arthroplasty

    Melanoma of the middle ear: initial presentation, Fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging and follow up

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    Abstract Background: We present a rare case of primary mucosal melanoma of the middle ear imaged with 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT). Method: Clinical, radiological, intra-operative and histological findings are discussed. Results: An 88-year-old woman presented with intermittent otorrhoea of the left ear for several months. Otoscopy revealed a livid protrusion of the tympanic membrane. Melanoma was not suspected initially, but was established on transmembranous biopsy. Pre-operative 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography revealed a mass lesion in the left tympanic cavity with high fluoro-deoxyglucose uptake, as well as an ipsilateral intraparotid lymph node metastasis. The patient underwent surgical treatment. The diagnosis of melanoma was confirmed histologically. Conclusion: In this rare case, clinical, radiological and surgical findings led to the diagnosis of a primary mucosal melanoma of the middle ea

    NEMA NU 2-2018 performance evaluation of a new generation 30-cm axial field-of-view Discovery MI PET/CT.

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    PURPOSE The DMI PET/CT is a modular silicon photomultiplier-based scanner with an axial field-of-view (FOV) between 15 and 25 cm depending on ring configuration (3, 4, or 5 rings). A new generation of the system includes a reengineered detector module, featuring improved electronics and an additional 6th ring, extending the axial FOV to 30 cm. We report on the performance evaluation of the 6-ring upgraded Generation 2 (Gen2) system while values are also reported for the 5-ring configuration of the very same system prior to the upgrade. METHODS PET performance was evaluated using the NEMA NU 2-2018 standard for spatial resolution, sensitivity, image quality, count rate performance, timing resolution, and image co-registration accuracy. Patient images were used to assess image quality. RESULTS The average system sensitivity was measured at 32.76 cps/kBq (~ 47% increase to 5 rings at 22.29 cps/kBq) while noise equivalent count rate peaked at 434.3 kcps corresponding to 23.6 kBq/mL (~ 60% increase to Generation 1 (Gen1) and 39% to Gen2 5 rings). Contrast recovery ranged between 54.5 and 85.8% similar to 5 rings, while the 6 rings provided lower background variability (2.3-8.5% for 5 rings vs 1.9-6.8% for 6 rings) and lower lung error (4.0% for the 5 rings and 3.16% for the 6 rings). Transverse/axial full width at half-maximum (FWHM) at 1 cm (3.79/4.26 mm) and 10 cm (4.29/4.55 mm), scatter fraction (40.2%), energy resolution (9.63%), and time-of-flight (TOF) resolution (389.6 ps at 0 kBq/mL) were in line to previously reported values measured across different system configurations. Improved patient image quality is obtained with the 6 rings compared to the 5 rings, while image quality is retained even at reduced scan times, enabling WB dynamic acquisitions. CONCLUSIONS The higher sensitivity of the 6-ring DMI compared to the 5-ring configuration may lead to improved image quality of clinical images at reduced scan time. Additionally, it could equally be used to allow improved temporal sampling and/or reduced overall scan time in dynamic acquisitions. Conversely, temporal sampling and scan time could be traded per application to further drive injected dose at lower levels

    Role of aldehyde dehydrogenase in hypoxic vasodilator effects of nitrite in rats and humans

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    Hypoxic conditions favour the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide (NO) to elicit vasodilatation, but the mechanism(s) responsible for bioconversion remains ill defined. In the present study, we assess the role of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) in nitrite bioactivation under normoxia and hypoxia in the rat and human vasculature

    Prediction of pelvic lymph node metastases and PSMA PET positive pelvic lymph nodes with multiparametric MRI and clinical information in primary staging of prostate cancer

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    PURPOSE To compare the accuracy of multiparametric MRI (mpMRI), 68^{68}Ga-PSMA PET and the Briganti 2019 nomogram in the prediction of metastatic pelvic lymph nodes (PLN) in prostate cancer, to assess the accuracy of mpMRI and the Briganti nomogram in prediction of PET positive PLN and to investigate the added value of quantitative mpMRI parameters to the Briganti nomogram. METHOD This retrospective IRB-approved study included 41 patients with prostate cancer undergoing mpMRI and 68^{68}Ga-PSMA PET/CT or MR prior to prostatectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection. A board-certified radiologist assessed the index lesion on diffusion-weighted (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC; mean/volume), T2-weighted (capsular contact length, lesion volume/maximal diameters) and contrast-enhanced (iAUC, kep_{ep}, Ktrans^{trans}, ve_{e}) sequences. The probability for metastatic pelvic lymph nodes was calculated using the Briganti 2019 nomogram. PET examinations were evaluated by two board-certified nuclear medicine physicians. RESULTS The Briganti 2019 nomogram performed superiorly (AUC: 0.89) compared to quantitative mpMRI parameters (AUCs: 0.47-0.73) and 68^{68}Ga-PSMA-11 PET (AUC: 0.82) in the prediction of PLN metastases and superiorly (AUC: 0.77) in the prediction of PSMA PET positive PLN compared to MRI parameters (AUCs: 0.49-0.73). The addition of mean ADC and ADC volume from mpMRI improved the Briganti model by a fraction of new information of 0.21. CONCLUSIONS The Briganti 2019 nomogram performed superiorly in the prediction of metastatic and PSMA PET positive PLN, but the addition of parameters from mpMRI can further improve its accuracy. The combined model could be used to stratify patients requiring ePLND or PSMA PET
