14 research outputs found

    End-tidal carbon dioxide tension reflects arterial carbon dioxide tension in the heat-stressed human with and without simulated hemorrhage

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    End-tidal carbon dioxide tension (PetCO2) is reduced during an orthostatic challenge, during heat stress, and during a combination of these two conditions. The importance of these changes is dependent on PetCO2 being an accurate surrogate for arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2), the latter being the physiologically relevant variable. This study tested the hypothesis that PetCO2 provides an accurate assessment of PaCO2 during the aforementioned conditions. Comparisons between these measures were made: 1) after two levels of heat stress (N = 11); 2) during combined heat stress and simulated hemorrhage [via lower-body negative pressure (LBNP), N = 8]; and 3) during an end-tidal clamping protocol to attenuate heat stress-induced reductions in PetCO2 (N = 7). PetCO2 and PaCO2 decreased during heat stress (P < 0.001); however, there was no group difference between PaCO2 and PetCO2 (P = 0.36) nor was there a significant interaction between thermal condition and measurement technique (P = 0.06). To verify that this nonsignificant trend for the interaction was not due to a type II error, PetCO2 and PaCO2 at three distinct thermal conditions were also compared using paired t-tests, revealing no difference between PaCO2 and PetCO2 while normothermic (P = 0.14) and following a 1.0 ± 0.2°C (P = 0.21) and 1.4 ± 0.2°C (P = 0.28) increase in internal temperature. During LBNP while heat stressed, measures of PetCO2 and PaCO2 were similar (P = 0.61). Likewise, during the end-tidal carbon dioxide clamping protocol, the increases in PetCO2 (7.5 ± 2.8 mmHg) and PaCO2 (6.6 ± 3.4 mmHg) were similar (P = 0.31). These data indicate that mean PetCO2 reflects mean PaCO2 during the evaluated conditions

    Non-genomic and Immune Evolution of Melanoma Acquiring MAPKi Resistance

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    Clinically acquired resistance to MAPK inhibitor (MAPKi) therapies for melanoma cannot be fully explained by genomic mechanisms and may be accompanied by co-evolution of intra-tumoral immunity. We sought to discover non-genomic mechanisms of acquired resistance and dynamic immune compositions by a comparative, transcriptomic-methylomic analysis of patient-matched melanoma tumors biopsied before therapy and during disease progression. Transcriptomic alterations across resistant tumors were highly recurrent, in contrast to mutations, and were frequently correlated with differential methylation of tumor cell-intrinsic CpG sites. We identified in the tumor cell compartment supra-physiologic c-MET up-expression, infra-physiologic LEF1 down-expression and YAP1 signature enrichment as drivers of acquired resistance. Importantly, high intra-tumoral cytolytic T cell inflammation prior to MAPKi therapy preceded CD8 T cell deficiency/exhaustion and loss of antigen presentation in half of disease-progressive melanomas, suggesting cross-resistance to salvage anti-PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy. Thus, melanoma acquires MAPKi resistance with highly dynamic and recurrent non-genomic alterations and co-evolving intra-tumoral immunity

    Preexisting MEK1 Exon 3 mutations in V600E/KBRAF melanomas do not confer resistance to BRAF inhibitors

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    BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) induce antitumor responses in nearly 60% of patients with advanced V600E/KBRAF melanomas. Somatic activating MEK1 mutations are thought to be rare in melanomas, but their potential concurrence with V600E/KBRAF may be selected for by BRAFi. We sequenced MEK1/2 exon 3 in melanomas at baseline and upon disease progression. Of 31 baseline V600E/KBRAF melanomas, 5 (16%) carried concurrent somatic BRAF/MEK1 activating mutations. Three of 5 patients with BRAF/MEK1 double-mutant baseline melanomas showed objective tumor responses, consistent with the overall 60% frequency. No MEK1 mutation was found in disease progression melanomas, except when it was already identified at baseline. MEK1-mutant expression in V600E/KBRAF melanoma cell lines resulted in no significant alterations in p- ERK1/2 levels or growth-inhibitory sensitivities to BRAFi, MEK1/2 inhibitor (MEKi), or their combination. Thus, activating MEK1 exon 3 mutations identified herein and concurrent with V600E/KBRAF do not cause BRAFi resistance in melanoma. Significance: As BRAF inhibitors gain widespread use for treatment of advanced melanoma, biomarkers for drug sensitivity or resistance are urgently needed. We identify here concurrent activating mutations in BRAF and MEK1 in melanomas and show that the presence of a downstream mutation in MEK1 does not necessarily make BRAF-mutant melanomas resistant to BRAF inhibitors.11 page(s

    Melanoma whole-exome sequencing identifies V600E B-RAF amplification-mediated acquired B-RAF inhibitor resistance

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    The development of acquired drug resistance hampers the long-term success of B-RAF inhibitor therapy for melanoma patients. Here we show V600E B-RAF copy-number gain as a mechanism of acquired B-RAF inhibitor resistance in 4 out of 20 (20%) patients treated with B-RAF inhibitor. In cell lines, V600E B-RAF overexpression and knockdown conferred B-RAF inhibitor resistance and sensitivity, respectively. In V600E B-RAF amplification-driven (versus mutant N-RAS-driven) B-RAF inhibitor resistance, extracellular signal-regulated kinase reactivation is saturable, with higher doses of vemurafenib down-regulating phosho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase and re-sensitizing melanoma cells to B-RAF inhibitor. These two mechanisms of extracellular signal-regulated kinase reactivation are sensitive to the MEK1/2 inhibitor AZD6244/selumetinib or its combination with the B-RAF inhibitor vemurafenib. In contrast to mutant N-RAS-mediated V600E B-RAF bypass, which is sensitive to C-RAF knockdown, V600E B-RAF amplification-mediated resistance functions largely independently of C-RAF. Thus, alternative clinical strategies may potentially overcome distinct modes of extracellular signal-regulated kinase reactivation underlying acquired B-RAF inhibitor resistance in melanoma.8 page(s

    Tunable-combinatorial mechanisms of acquired resistance limit the efficacy of BRAF/MEK cotargeting but result in melanoma drug addiction.

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    Combined BRAF- and MEK-targeted therapy improves upon BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi) therapy but is still beset by acquired resistance. We show that melanomas acquire resistance to combined BRAF and MEK inhibition by augmenting or combining mechanisms of single-agent BRAFi resistance. These double-drug resistance-associated genetic configurations significantly altered molecular interactions underlying MAPK pathway reactivation. (V600E)BRAF, expressed at supraphysiological levels because of (V600E)BRAF ultra-amplification, dimerized with and activated CRAF. In addition, MEK mutants enhanced interaction with overexpressed (V600E)BRAF via a regulatory interface at R662 of (V600E)BRAF. Importantly, melanoma cell lines selected for resistance to BRAFi+MEKi, but not those to BRAFi alone, displayed robust drug addiction, providing a potentially exploitable therapeutic opportunity

    Acquired resistance and clonal evolution in melanoma during BRAF inhibitor therapy.

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    BRAF inhibitors elicit rapid antitumor responses in the majority of patients with BRAF(V600)-mutant melanoma, but acquired drug resistance is almost universal. We sought to identify the core resistance pathways and the extent of tumor heterogeneity during disease progression. We show that mitogen-activated protein kinase reactivation mechanisms were detected among 70% of disease-progressive tissues, with RAS mutations, mutant BRAF amplification, and alternative splicing being most common. We also detected PI3K-PTEN-AKT-upregulating genetic alterations among 22% of progressive melanomas. Distinct molecular lesions in both core drug escape pathways were commonly detected concurrently in the same tumor or among multiple tumors from the same patient. Beyond harboring extensively heterogeneous resistance mechanisms, melanoma regrowth emerging from BRAF inhibitor selection displayed branched evolution marked by altered mutational spectra/signatures and increased fitness. Thus, melanoma genomic heterogeneity contributes significantly to BRAF inhibitor treatment failure, implying upfront, cotargeting of two core pathways as an essential strategy for durable responses