179 research outputs found

    A Quasi-27-Day Oscillation Activity From the Troposphere to the Mesosphere And Lower Thermosphere at Low Latitudes

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    Using meteor radar, radiosonde observations and MERRA-2 reanalysis data from 12 August to 31 October 2006, we report a dynamical coupling from the tropical lower atmosphere to the mesosphere and lower thermosphere through a quasi-27-day intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). It is interesting that the quasi-27-day ISO is observed in the troposphere, stratopause and mesopause regions, exhibiting a three-layer structure. In the MLT, the amplitude in the zonal wind increases from about 4 ms−1 at 90 km to 15 ms−1 at 100 km, which is diferent from previous observations that ISOs occurs generally in winter with an amplitude peak at about 80–90 km, and then are rapidly weakened with increasing height. Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and specifc humidity demonstrate that there is a quasi-27-day periodicity in convective activity in the tropics, which causes the ISO of the zonal wind and gravity wave (GW) activity in the troposphere. The upward propagating GWs are further modulated by the oscillation in the troposphere and upper stratosphere. As the GWs propagate to the MLT, the quasi-27-day oscillation in the wind feld is induced with a clear phase opposite to that in the lower atmosphere through instability and dissipation of these modulated GWs. Wavelet analysis shows that the quasi-27-day variability in the MLT appears as a case event rather than a persistent phenomenon, and has not a clear corresponding relation with the solar rotation efect within 1 year of observations

    Fast Deep Matting for Portrait Animation on Mobile Phone

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    Image matting plays an important role in image and video editing. However, the formulation of image matting is inherently ill-posed. Traditional methods usually employ interaction to deal with the image matting problem with trimaps and strokes, and cannot run on the mobile phone in real-time. In this paper, we propose a real-time automatic deep matting approach for mobile devices. By leveraging the densely connected blocks and the dilated convolution, a light full convolutional network is designed to predict a coarse binary mask for portrait images. And a feathering block, which is edge-preserving and matting adaptive, is further developed to learn the guided filter and transform the binary mask into alpha matte. Finally, an automatic portrait animation system based on fast deep matting is built on mobile devices, which does not need any interaction and can realize real-time matting with 15 fps. The experiments show that the proposed approach achieves comparable results with the state-of-the-art matting solvers.Comment: ACM Multimedia Conference (MM) 2017 camera-read

    Coupling Evidence From Lower Atmosphere to Mesosphere and Ionosphere Through Quasi 27-Day Oscillation

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    Using meteor radar, radiosonde and digisonde observations and MERRA-2 reanalysis data from 12 August to 31 October 2006, we report a dynamical coupling from the tropical lower atmosphere to the mesosphere and ionospheric F2 region through a quasi 27-day intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). It is interesting that the quasi 27-day ISO is active in the troposphere and stratopause and mesopause regions, exhibiting a three-layer structure. In the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT), the amplitude in the zonal wind increases from about 4 ms at 90 km to 15 ms at 100 km, which is different from previous observations that ISOs generally have the amplitude peak at about 80-85 km, and then weakens with height. OLR and specific humidity data demonstrate that there is a quasi 27-day periodicity in convective activity in the tropics, which causes the ISO of the zonal wind and gravity wave (GW) activity in the troposphere. GW energy in the stratosphere also exhibits a sharp spectral speak at 27-day period, meaning that the convectively modulated GWs play a vital role in driving the oscillation in the MLT. The quasi 27-day variability arises clearly in the hmF2. Wavelet analysis shows that the dominant period and active time of the hmF2 oscillation are in good agreement with those in the zonal wind of the MLT and OLR rather than in the F10.7 and Kp index. Hence, tropical convective activity has an influence on the dynamics of the MLT and F2 region through modulated waves and ISOs

    Top of the Heap: Efficient Memory Error Protection for Many Heap Objects

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    Exploits against heap memory errors continue to be a major concern. Although many defenses have been proposed, heap data are not protected from attacks that exploit memory errors systematically. Research defenses focus on complete coverage of heap objects, often giving up on comprehensive memory safety protection and/or incurring high costs in performance overhead and memory usage. In this paper, we propose a solution for heap memory safety enforcement that aims to provide comprehensive protection from memory errors efficiently by protecting those heap objects whose accesses are provably safe from memory errors. Specifically, we present the Uriah system that statically validates spatial and type memory safety for heap objects, isolating compliant objects on a safe heap that enforces temporal type safety to prevent attacks on memory reuse. Using Uriah, 71.9% of heap allocation sites can be shown to produce objects (73% of allocations are found safe) that satisfy spatial and type safety, which are then isolated using Uriah's heap allocator from memory accesses via unsafe heap objects. Uriah only incurs 2.9% overhead and only uses 9.3% more memory on SPEC CPU2006 (C/C++) benchmarks, showing that many heap objects can be protected from all classes of memory errors efficiently
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