11 research outputs found

    Precipitating Ordered Skyrmion Lattices from Helical Spaghetti

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    Magnetic skyrmions have been the focus of intense research due to their potential applications in ultra-high density data and logic technologies, as well as for the unique physics arising from their antisymmetric exchange term and topological protections. In this work we prepare a chiral jammed state in chemically disordered (Fe, Co)Si consisting of a combination of randomly-oriented magnetic helices, labyrinth domains, rotationally disordered skyrmion lattices and/or isolated skyrmions. Using small angle neutron scattering, (SANS) we demonstrate a symmetry-breaking magnetic field sequence which disentangles the jammed state, resulting in an ordered, oriented skyrmion lattice. The same field sequence was performed on a sample of powdered Cu2OSeO3 and again yields an ordered, oriented skyrmion lattice, despite relatively non-interacting nature of the grains. Micromagnetic simulations confirm the promotion of a preferred skyrmion lattice orientation after field treatment, independent of the initial configuration, suggesting this effect may be universally applicable. Energetics extracted from the simulations suggest that approaching a magnetic hard axis causes the moments to diverge away from the magnetic field, increasing the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya energy, followed subsequently by a lattice re-orientation. The ability to facilitate an emergent ordered magnetic lattice with long-range orientation in a variety of materials despite overwhelming internal disorder enables the study of skyrmions even in imperfect powdered or polycrystalline systems and greatly improves the ability to rapidly screen candidate skyrmion materials

    Magnetotransport properties of polycrystalline and epitaxial chromium dioxide nanowires

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    Temperature dependent magnetotransport measurements were performed on polycrystalline and epitaxial chromium dioxide ( Cr O 2 ) nanowires fabricated using the selective-area growth technique. Polycrystalline nanowires showed a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity at low temperatures because of strong grain boundary scattering. The magnetoresistance (MR) value exhibited a width dependence, reaching a maximum of 20% for a 150 nm wide wire. In contrast, the MR response of single crystal Cr O 2 wires was mainly determined by magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropy

    Rapid thermal annealing study of magnetoresistance and perpendicular anisotropy in magnetic tunnel junctions based on MgO and CoFeB

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    The tunneling magnetoresistance and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CoFeB(1.1-1.2 nm)/MgO/CoFeB(1.2-1.7 nm) junctions were found to be very sensitively dependent on annealing time. During annealing at a given temperature, decay of magnetoresistance occurs much earlier compared to junctions with in-plane magnetic anisotropy. Through a rapid thermal annealing study, the decrease of magnetoresistance is found to be associated with the degradation of perpendicular anisotropy, instead of impurity diffusion as observed in common in-plane junctions. The origin of the evolution of perpendicular anisotropy as well as possible means to further enhance tunneling magnetoresistance is discussed

    Periodic magnetic domains in single-crystalline cobalt filament arrays

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    Magnetic structures with controlled domain wall pattern may be applied as potential building blocks for three-dimensional magnetic memory and logic devices. Using a unique electrochemical self-assembly method, we achieve regular single-crystalline cobalt filament arrays with specific geometric profile and crystallographic orientation, and the magnetic domain configuration can be conveniently tailored. We report the transition of periodic antiparallel magnetic domains to compressed vortex magnetic domains depending on the ratio of height to width of the wires. A "phase diagram" is obtained to describe the dependence of the type of magnetic domain and the geometrical profiles of the wires. Magnetoresistance of the filaments demonstrates that the contribution of a series of 180 domain walls is over 0.15% of the zero-field resistance ρ(H=0). These self-assembled magnetic nanofilaments, with controlled periodic domain patterns, offer an interesting platform to explore domain-wall-based memory and logic devices