81 research outputs found

    Generalized angle-orbital-angular-momentum Talbot effect and modulo mode sorting

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    The Talbot effect describes periodic revivals of field patterns and is ubiquitous across wave systems. In optics, it is mostly known for its manifestations in space and time, but is also observed in the wavevector and frequency spectra owing to the Fourier duality. Recently, the Talbot self-imaging has been shown separately in the azimuthal angle and orbital angular momentum (OAM) domains. Here, we unveil the missing link between them and demonstrate the generalized angle-OAM Talbot effect. Versatile transformations of petal fields and OAM spectra are experimentally showcased, based on the synergy of angular Talbot phase modulation and light propagation in a ring-core fiber. Moreover, the generalized self-imaging concept leads to new realizations in mode sorting, which separate OAM modes in a modulo manner, theoretically free from any crosstalk within the congruence classes of OAM modes. We design and experimentally construct various mode sorters with excellent performance, and show the unconventional behavior of Talbot-based sorters where neighboring OAM modes can be mapped to positions far apart. Besides its fundamental interest, our work finds applications in OAM-based information processing, and implies that the physical phenomena in time-frequency and angle-OAM domains are broadly connected as well as their processing techniques may be borrowed interchangeably

    Integrated Backward Second-Harmonic Generation Through Optically Induced Quasi-Phase Matching

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    Quasi-phase-matching for efficient backward second-harmonic generation (BSHG) requires sub-μ\rm\mum poling periods, a non-trivial fabrication feat. For the first time, we report integrated first-order quasi-phase-matched BSHG enabled by seeded all-optical poling. The self-organized grating inscription circumvents all fabrication challenges. We compare backward and forward processes and explain how grating period influences the conversion efficiency. These results showcase unique properties of the coherent photogalvanic effect and how it can bring new nonlinear functionalities to integrated photonics

    OvarNet: Towards Open-vocabulary Object Attribute Recognition

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of simultaneously detecting objects and inferring their visual attributes in an image, even for those with no manual annotations provided at the training stage, resembling an open-vocabulary scenario. To achieve this goal, we make the following contributions: (i) we start with a naive two-stage approach for open-vocabulary object detection and attribute classification, termed CLIP-Attr. The candidate objects are first proposed with an offline RPN and later classified for semantic category and attributes; (ii) we combine all available datasets and train with a federated strategy to finetune the CLIP model, aligning the visual representation with attributes, additionally, we investigate the efficacy of leveraging freely available online image-caption pairs under weakly supervised learning; (iii) in pursuit of efficiency, we train a Faster-RCNN type model end-to-end with knowledge distillation, that performs class-agnostic object proposals and classification on semantic categories and attributes with classifiers generated from a text encoder; Finally, (iv) we conduct extensive experiments on VAW, MS-COCO, LSA, and OVAD datasets, and show that recognition of semantic category and attributes is complementary for visual scene understanding, i.e., jointly training object detection and attributes prediction largely outperform existing approaches that treat the two tasks independently, demonstrating strong generalization ability to novel attributes and categories

    Flexible Width Nyquist Pulse Based on a Single Mach-Zehnder Modulator

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    We present a Nyquist pulse generation technique based on a single Mach-Zehnder modulator driven by a multi-harmonic electrical signal. The direct control of the RF components yields a range of 10 GHz sinc-shaped pulse train

    Optical Sinc-Shaped Nyquist Pulse Source Based on a Single Mach-Zehnder Modulator

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    We present a precise and flexible Sinc-shaped Nyquist pulse source based on a single Mach-Zehnder modulator. The use of multi-harmonic RF signals provides direct control on the Nyquist pulse train generation. The variable comb source is demonstrated by selecting the number of RF components used to drive the optical modulator, leading from 3 to 9 comb lines. Furthermore, different operating points are reported to show the multi-harmonic comb generator potential to provide near-perfect Nyquist pulse source with pure rectangular optical spectrum or with minimized insertion loss

    Reconfigurable Filter-free Sinc-shaped RF Photonic Filters Based on Rectangular Optical Frequency Comb

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    We demonstrate reconfigurable sinc-shaped RF photonic filters based on rectangular optical frequency comb synthesized from cascaded modulators. Simplicity of the approach and flexibility in bandwidth for fixed free-spectral-range is shown. Phase response is also investigated

    Fiber fuse in chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers

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    We observe fiber fuse in tapered GeAsSe photonic crystal fibers (PCF) at around 7 MW∕cm2 of intra-core intensity. Vertically cleaved facets from the un-tapered regions and the tapered regions were imaged. The images show shallow voids of different shapes confined to the fiber core. After longitudinally polishing a segment of the PCF, we imaged the PCF internal structure’s top view, revealing the fuse voids’ geometries and periodicity. In addition, fiber fuse was terminated in one PCF sample by a fast laser shutdown, hence saving a small segment from catastrophic damage. Four-wave-mixing was performed on this transmissive segment to estimate the dispersion. The results yielded an evident hole-pitch ratio change after fiber fuse. To our knowledge, this is the first report of fiber fuse on non-silica glass fibers and the first study of its aftermath on this un-destroyed segment of PCFs. © 2018 Optical Society of Americ

    MIR supercontinuum in all-normal dispersion Chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers pumped with 2μm femtosecond laser

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    We demonstrate mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in an all-normal dispersion Chalcogenide PCF pumped by fiber laser. The -20dB bandwidth is 1.7~2.7μm dominated by self-phase modulation and optical wave breaking. Tapering is proposed to improve performance

    Stable 2.1 μm near 100% polarized Ho-doped all-fiber laser based on a polarizer-free cavity scheme

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    A highly polarized Ho-doped truly all-fibre laser was demonstrated without in-cavity polarizer. Utilizing PM-FBG and loop mirror, maximum 0.5W output power with 30% slope efficiency, 70dB ASE suppression and 99.997% degree of polarization was recorded at 2.1μ
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