6,159 research outputs found

    Quantitation of buried contamination by use of solvents

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    Experiments directed at determining the potential of reclaimed silicone polymers for reuse are described

    Quantitation of buried contamination by use of solvents

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    Spore recovery form cured silicone potting compounds using amine solvents to degrade the cured polymers was investigated. A complete list of solvents and a description of the effect of each on two different silicone polymers is provided

    Learning causal relations in multivariate time series data

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    Applying a probabilistic causal approach, we define a class of time series causal models (TSCM) based on stationary Bayesian networks. A TSCM can be seen as a structural VAR identified by the causal relations among the variables. We classify TSCMs into observationally equivalent classes by providing a necessary and sufficient condition for the observational equivalence. Applying an automated learning algorithm, we are able to consistently identify the data-generating causal structure up to the class of observational equivalence. In this way we can characterize the empirical testable causal orders among variables based on their observed time series data. It is shown that while an unconstrained VAR model does not imply any causal orders in the variables, a TSCM that contains some empirically testable causal orders implies a restricted SVAR model. We also discuss the relation between the probabilistic causal concept presented in TSCMs and the concept of Granger causality. It is demonstrated in an application example that this methodology can be used to construct structural equations with causal interpretation

    On the Dirichlet problem in elasticity for a domain exterior to an arc

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    AbstractWe consider here a Dirichlet problem for the two-dimensional linear elasticity equations in the domain exterior to an open arc in the plane. It is shown that the problem can be reduced to a system of boundary integral equations with the unknown density function being the jump of stresses across the arc. Existence, uniqueness as well as regularity results for the solution to the boundary integral equations are established in appropriate Sobolev spaces. In particular, asymptotic expansions concerning the singular behavior for the solution near the tips of the arc are obtained. By adding special singular elements to the regular splines as test and trial functions, an augmented Galerkin procedure is used for the corresponding boundary integral equations to obtain a quasi-optimal rate of convergence for the approximate solutions

    Abundance Profiles and Kinematics of Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbing Galaxies at z < 0.65

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    We present a spectroscopic study of six damped Lya absorption (DLA) systems at z<0.65, based on moderate-to-high resolution spectra of the galaxies responsible for the absorbers. Combining known metallicity measurements of the absorbers with known optical properties of the absorbing galaxies, we confirm that the low metal content of the DLA population can arise naturally as a combination of gas cross-section selection and metallicity gradients commonly observed in local disk galaxies. We also study the Tully-Fisher relation of the DLA-selected galaxies and find little detectable evidence for evolution in the disk population between z=0 and z~0.5. Additional results of our analysis are as follows. (1) The DLA galaxies exhibit a range of spectral properties, from post-starburst, to normal disks, and to starburst systems, supporting the idea that DLA galaxies are drawn from the typical field population. (2) Large rotating HI disks of radius 30 h^{-1} kpc and of dynamic mass M_dyn > 10^{11} h^{-1} M_sun appear to be common at intermediate redshifts. (3) Using an ensemble of six galaxy-DLA pairs, we derive an abundance profile that is characterized by a radial gradient of -0.041 +/- 0.012 dex per kiloparsec (or equivalently a scale length of 10.6 h^{-1} kpc) from galactic center to 30 h^{-1} kpc radius. (4) Adopting known N(HI) profiles of nearby galaxies and the best-fit radial gradient, we further derive an N(HI)-weighted mean metallicity _weighted = -0.50 +/- 0.07 for the DLA population over 100 random lines of sight, consistent with _weighted = -0.64 (-0.86, +0.40) observed for z~1 DLA systems from Prochaska et al. Our analysis demonstrates that the low metal content of DLA systems does not rule out the possibility that the DLA population trace the field galaxy population.Comment: 57 pages, 17 figures, to appear in the ApJ 20 February 2005 issue; a pdf version of the paper with full-resolution figures is available at http://falcon.mit.edu/~hchen/public/tmp/dlachem.pd

    Coherent-State Approach to Two-dimensional Electron Magnetism

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    We study in this paper the possible occurrence of orbital magnetim for two-dimensional electrons confined by a harmonic potential in various regimes of temperature and magnetic field. Standard coherent state families are used for calculating symbols of various involved observables like thermodynamical potential, magnetic moment, or spatialdistribution of current. Their expressions are given in a closed form and the resulting Berezin-Lieb inequalities provide a straightforward way to study magnetism in various limit regimes. In particular, we predict a paramagnetic behaviour in the thermodynamical limit as well as in the quasiclassical limit under a weak field. Eventually, we obtain an exact expression for the magnetic moment which yields a full description of the phase diagram of the magnetization.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR