356 research outputs found

    Sondermülldeponie in den Nieheimer Tongruben : Giftmüll kontra Unken, Fledermäuse und Orchideen

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    Am nordöstlichen Stadtrand Nieheims (Ostwestfalen, Kreis Höxter) soll eine stillgelegte Ziegeleigrube als Sondermülldeponie genutzt und verfüllt werden. Bei dem geplanten Deponiestandort handelt es sich um eine von zwei ausgebeuteten Tongruben, der Grube "Rath" und der Grube "Lücking", die inzwischen den Lebensraum für eine selten so reichhaltige und bemerkenswerte Flora und Fauna darstellen. Nach Aussage der Landesanstalt für Ökologie, Landesentwicklung und Forstwirtschaft (LÖLF NW), der Fachkompetenz beim nordrhein-westfälichen Umweltminister Matthiesen, stellen die Nieheimer Tongruben ein Biotopgefüge dar, das insgesamt überregionale Artenschutzbedeutung vor allem für Amphibien, Wasserinsekten, Fledermäuse und Pflanzen hat

    Ciz1 cooperates with cyclin-A-CDK2 to activate mammalian DNA replication in vitro

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    Initiation of mammalian DNA replication can be reconstituted from isolated G1-phase nuclei and cell extracts, supplemented with cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs). Under these conditions, cyclin E supports pre-replication complex assembly, whereas cyclin-A-associated kinase acts later to terminate assembly and activate DNA replication. The mechanism by which these events are coordinated is unknown. Here, we show that the replication factor Ciz1 interacts with cyclins E and A sequentially through distinct cyclin-binding motifs. Cyclin A displaces cyclin E from Ciz1 in a manner that is dependent on functional domains that are essential for its role in DNA replication. Furthermore, in cell-free assays, recombinant cyclin-A-CDK2 complexes and recombinant Ciz1 cooperate to promote initiation of DNA replication in late G1-phase nuclei. In addition, Ciz1 supports immobilization of cyclin A in isolated nuclei and depletion of Ciz1 by RNAi impairs immobilization, suggesting that Ciz1 promotes initiation by helping to target the kinase to a specific subnuclear compartment. We propose that Ciz1 acts to coordinate the functions of cyclins E and A in the nucleus, by delivering cyclin-A-associated kinase to sites that are specified by cyclin E, helping to ensure that they execute their functions in the same place and in the correct order

    Relationship of Hospital Architecture to Nursing Staff Caring for Self, Caring for Patients, and Job Satisfaction

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    Historically, the fields of architecture (design) and nursing (health) have been separate disciplines without much intersection. In recent years, the healthcare building boom has created a specialty practice for architects, focusing on healthcare design. With this new focus and specialty within architecture, the science of evidence-based design and the collaboration with clinical care staff have created a new partnership paradigm that is improving the built environment. Ten dimensions of caring have been espoused by Watson’s Caritas Theory to comprise the construct of caring, which in turn facilitates healing for both the care giver and care recipient (Nelson & Watson, 2012). This article describes a study that examined the relationship between selected elements of architectural design and other factors (recent architectural change, unit size and shape, intersecting hallways, number and proximity of bathrooms and supply rooms, availability of nourishment, number and availability of computers, and rooms for staff gathering, for solitude, and for practice of Watson Caring Factors) and outcomes of caring that are important to nursing, including clinical staff caring for self, caring for others, and job satisfaction. The study took place in a hospital that was implementing Watson’s concepts of caring within their framework of care delivery. Statistically significant relationships were: Caring for self was negatively related to number of supply rooms and number of Watson rooms or boxes. Caring for patients as reported by staff was negatively related to number of Watson rooms or boxes. Job satisfaction was positively related to number of bathrooms and negatively related to number of supply rooms. A small sample size required adjustment of the alpha to .15 and an effect size of .25, suggesting that replication studies with larger sample sizes may assist with development of a model of architecture that promotes behaviors as proposed by Watson and better outcomes for both patient and staff

    Relationship of Hospital Architecture to Nursing Staff Caring for Self, Caring for Patients, and Job Satisfaction

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    Historically, the fields of architecture (design) and nursing (health) have been separate disciplines without much intersection. In recent years, the healthcare building boom has created a specialty practice for architects, focusing on healthcare design. With this new focus and specialty within architecture, the science of evidence-based design and the collaboration with clinical care staff have created a new partnership paradigm that is improving the built environment. Ten dimensions of caring have been espoused by Watson’s Caritas Theory to comprise the construct of caring, which in turn facilitates healing for both the care giver and care recipient (Nelson & Watson, 2012). This article describes a study that examined the relationship between selected elements of architectural design and other factors (recent architectural change, unit size and shape, intersecting hallways, number and proximity of bathrooms and supply rooms, availability of nourishment, number and availability of computers, and rooms for staff gathering, for solitude, and for practice of Watson Caring Factors) and outcomes of caring that are important to nursing, including clinical staff caring for self, caring for others, and job satisfaction. The study took place in a hospital that was implementing Watson’s concepts of caring within their framework of care delivery. Statistically significant relationships were: Caring for self was negatively related to number of supply rooms and number of Watson rooms or boxes. Caring for patients as reported by staff was negatively related to number of Watson rooms or boxes. Job satisfaction was positively related to number of bathrooms and negatively related to number of supply rooms. A small sample size required adjustment of the alpha to .15 and an effect size of .25, suggesting that replication studies with larger sample sizes may assist with development of a model of architecture that promotes behaviors as proposed by Watson and better outcomes for both patient and staff

    Heritability of body mass index and physical activity in Ukrainian adolescents

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    The article analyzed the lifestyle and physical development of Ukrainian adolescents and their parents and estimated the familial aggregation and heritability of body mass index and physical activity. 408 nuclear families were examined (1216 people with complete information).  Anthropometric measures such as weight, height were measured following standardized procedures of WHO. Questionnaires were used to estimate the levels of physical activity. The method of genetic epidemiology research was used to explore heritability (h2) and family aggregation (ρ). Analysis was performed using the software product S.A.G.E. The study showed that 12.0±1.6% of children were overweight or obese, 6.4±1.2% were underweight and 81.6±1.9% with normal weight. It was found that among adolescents aged 12-15 years, 17.5±3.1% of boys and 32.7±2.9% of girls were physically inactive. Body mass index values higher than 25.0 kg/m2 were found in 34.3±2.4 mothers and in 70.6±2.3% of fathers. The proportion of physically inactive persons was 45.7±2.5% among mothers and 51.1±2.7% among fathers. Heritability values were significant for both body mass index (h2 =0.41±0.09; p<0.001) and physical activity (h2 =0.23±0.07; p<0.001). Significant familial correlations were obtained between parents-offspring for physical activity (ρ=0.20±0.04; p<0.001) and body mass index (ρ=0.25±0.03; p<0.001). The study estimated that the familial correlations for physical activity between mother-son and mother-daughter pairs were higher than in father-son and father-daughter pairs. The highest is the mother-daughter aggregation (ρ = 0.29 ± 0.06; p <0.001), the lowest is the father-son (ρ=0.19±0.08; p<0.05) by body mass index. As physical inactivity and overweight increase the risk of non-communicable diseases development, the data obtained should be taken into account while planning preventive measures

    The actin family member Arp6 and the histone variant H2A.Z are required for spatial positioning of chromatin in chicken cell nuclei

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    The spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus contributes to genome function and is altered during the differentiation of normal and tumorigenic cells. Although nuclear actin-related proteins (Arps) have roles in the local alteration of chromatin structure, it is unclear whether they are involved in the spatial positioning of chromatin. In the interphase nucleus of vertebrate cells, gene-dense and gene-poor chromosome territories (CTs) are located in the center and periphery, respectively. We analyzed chicken DT40 cells in which Arp6 had been knocked out conditionally, and showed that the radial distribution of CTs was impaired in these knockout cells. Arp6 is an essential component of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex, which deposits the histone variant H2A.Z into chromatin. The redistribution of CTs was also observed in H2A.Z-deficient cells for gene-rich microchromosomes, but to lesser extent for gene-poor macrochromosomes. These results indicate that Arp6 and H2A.Z contribute to the radial distribution of CTs through different mechanisms. Microarray analysis suggested that the localization of chromatin to the nuclear periphery per se is insufficient for the repression of most genes

    The actin family member Arp6 and the histone variant H2A.Z are required for spatial positioning of chromatin in chicken cell nuclei

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    The spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus contributes to genome function and is altered during the differentiation of normal and tumorigenic cells. Although nuclear actin-related proteins (Arps) have roles in the local alteration of chromatin structure, it is unclear whether they are involved in the spatial positioning of chromatin. In the interphase nucleus of vertebrate cells, gene-dense and gene-poor chromosome territories (CTs) are located in the center and periphery, respectively. We analyzed chicken DT40 cells in which Arp6 had been knocked out conditionally, and showed that the radial distribution of CTs was impaired in these knockout cells. Arp6 is an essential component of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex, which deposits the histone variant H2A.Z into chromatin. The redistribution of CTs was also observed in H2A.Z-deficient cells for gene-rich microchromosomes, but to lesser extent for gene-poor macrochromosomes. These results indicate that Arp6 and H2A.Z contribute to the radial distribution of CTs through different mechanisms. Microarray analysis suggested that the localization of chromatin to the nuclear periphery per se is insufficient for the repression of most genes

    Putting the genome on the map

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    The maps of our everyday lives are much more than just linear lists of place names. Instead, their colours, symbols, contours and grid lines seek to describe different types of landscape, and to depict the spatial relationships between structural and functional landmarks of the environment (Fig. 1). It was the combination of photography and aviation that revolutionized mapmaking in the early part of this century. In much the same way, it is fluorescence microscopy and digital imaging (Box 1) in combination with molecular genetics that is driving our emerging view of the genome in space and time


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    Monensin is approved as a feed additive by the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine to increase milk production efficiency in lactating dairy cattle. To assess the effects of a gross error in mixing monensin into cattle feed, a 10-fold overdose was given for three consecutive days to naïve cows as well as cows previously dosed with monensin within the label range. Cows were evaluated during the overdose and for a subsequent 4 week observation period. Physiological variables were analyzed, including dry matter intake, body weight, body condition score, and serum chemistry profile. Production variables were analyzed, including milk yield and milk composition. Cows were blocked according to pre-treatment milk output, days in milk, and body condition. Results were analyzed using linear mixed model methodology with a baseline covariate. The study provided information for the veterinarian and the dairy farmer for determining whether an overdose may have occurred, for assessing the prognosis, and for deciding whether to continue feeding monensin immediately following an overdose

    Biomarker analyses of second-line ramucirumab in patients with advanced gastric cancer from RAINBOW, a global, randomized, double-blind, phase 3 study.

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    BACKGROUND: The RAINBOW trial showed that second-line ramucirumab with paclitaxel prolongs overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) compared with placebo plus paclitaxel for treatment of advanced gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer. Plasma samples were collected from patients during the trial and tested to identify predictive and prognostic biomarkers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Circulating factors in plasma samples from mutually exclusive subsets of RAINBOW patients were assayed using: Intertek assays (24 markers, 380 samples, 57% of patients) and Lilly-developed assay (LDA) platform (5 markers, 257 samples, 39% of patients). Time-trend plots were generated for each marker from the Intertek assays. Baseline patient data were dichotomized into low- and high-marker subgroups. Markers were analyzed for predictive effects using interaction models and for prognostic effects using main-effects models. RESULTS: The Intertek and LDA populations were representative of the full trial population. Plasma levels of VEGF-D and PlGF increased from baseline levels during treatment, then declined after treatment discontinued. Angiopoietin-2 exhibited a decrease during treatment, then increased after treatment discontinuation. No clear time trend was evident with the other markers. Analyses of baseline biomarker expression and its relationship with efficacy variables found no biomarker was predictive for efficacy outcomes, including VEGF-D. However, CRP, HGF, ICAM-3, IL-8, SAA, and VCAM-1 were identified as potential prognostic markers with low baseline levels corresponding to longer OS and PFS. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacodynamic and prognostic relationships were found from the exploratory biomarker analyses in RAINBOW; however, no predictive markers for ramucirumab in gastric cancer were identified in this trial. ispartof: Eur J Cancer vol:127 pages:150-157 ispartof: location:England status: publishe