1,632 research outputs found

    Magnetic field-induced spectroscopy of forbidden optical transitions with application to lattice-based optical atomic clocks

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    We develop a method of spectroscopy that uses a weak static magnetic field to enable direct optical excitation of forbidden electric-dipole transitions that are otherwise prohibitively weak. The power of this scheme is demonstrated using the important application of optical atomic clocks based on neutral atoms confined to an optical lattice. The simple experimental implementation of this method -- a single clock laser combined with a DC magnetic field-- relaxes stringent requirements in current lattice-based clocks (e.g., magnetic field shielding and light polarization), and could therefore expedite the realization of the extraordinary performance level predicted for these clocks. We estimate that a clock using alkaline earth-like atoms such as Yb could achieve a fractional frequency uncertainty of well below 10^-17 for the metrologically preferred even isotopes

    Optical Lattice Induced Light Shifts in an Yb Atomic Clock

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    We present an experimental study of the lattice induced light shifts on the 1S_0-3P_0 optical clock transition (v_clock~518 THz) in neutral ytterbium. The ``magic'' frequency, v_magic, for the 174Yb isotope was determined to be 394 799 475(35)MHz, which leads to a first order light shift uncertainty of 0.38 Hz on the 518 THz clock transition. Also investigated were the hyperpolarizability shifts due to the nearby 6s6p 3P_0 - 6s8p 3P_0, 6s8p 3P_2, and 6s5f 3F_2 two-photon resonances at 759.708 nm, 754.23 nm, and 764.95 nm respectively. By tuning the lattice frequency over the two-photon resonances and measuring the corresponding clock transition shifts, the hyperpolarizability shift was estimated to be 170(33) mHz for a linear polarized, 50 uK deep, lattice at the magic wavelength. In addition, we have confirmed that a circularly polarized lattice eliminates the J=0 - J=0 two-photon resonance. These results indicate that the differential polarizability and hyperpolarizability frequency shift uncertainties in a Yb lattice clock could be held to well below 10^-17.Comment: Accepted to PR

    Observation and absolute frequency measurements of the 1S0 - 3P0 optical clock transition in ytterbium

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    We report the direct excitation of the highly forbidden (6s^2) 1S0 - (6s6p) 3P0 optical transition in two odd isotopes of ytterbium. As the excitation laser frequency is scanned, absorption is detected by monitoring the depletion from an atomic cloud at ~70 uK in a magneto-optical trap. The measured frequency in 171Yb (F=1/2) is 518,295,836,593.2 +/- 4.4 kHz. The measured frequency in 173Yb (F=5/2) is 518,294,576,850.0 +/- 4.4 kHz. Measurements are made with a femtosecond-laser frequency comb calibrated by the NIST cesium fountain clock and represent nearly a million-fold reduction in uncertainty. The natural linewidth of these J=0 to J=0 transitions is calculated to be ~10 mHz, making them well-suited to support a new generation of optical atomic clocks based on confinement in an optical lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    On the Relation between Solar Activity and Clear-Sky Terrestrial Irradiance

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    The Mauna Loa Observatory record of direct-beam solar irradiance measurements for the years 1958-2010 is analysed to investigate the variation of clear-sky terrestrial insolation with solar activity over more than four solar cycles. The raw irradiance data exhibit a marked seasonal cycle, extended periods of lower irradiance due to emissions of volcanic aerosols, and a long-term decrease in atmospheric transmission independent of solar activity. After correcting for these effects, it is found that clear-sky terrestrial irradiance typically varies by about 0.2 +/- 0.1% over the course of the solar cycle, a change of the same order of magnitude as the variations of the total solar irradiance above the atmosphere. An investigation of changes in the clear-sky atmospheric transmission fails to find a significant trend with sunspot number. Hence there is no evidence for a yet unknown effect amplifying variations of clear-sky irradiance with solar activity.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, in press at Solar Physics; minor changes to the text to match final published versio

    Paramagnetic reentrant effect in high purity mesoscopic AgNb proximity structures

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    We discuss the magnetic response of clean Ag coated Nb proximity cylinders in the temperature range 150 \mu K < T < 9 K. In the mesoscopic temperature regime, the normal metal-superconductor system shows the yet unexplained paramagnetic reentrant effect, discovered some years ago [P. Visani, A. C. Mota, and A. Pollini, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1514 (1990)], superimposing on full Meissner screening. The logarithmic slope of the reentrant paramagnetic susceptibility chi_para(T) \propto \exp(-L/\xi_N) is limited by the condition \xi_N=n L, with \xi_N=\hbar v_F/2 \pi k_B T, the thermal coherence length and n=1,2,4. In wires with perimeters L=72 \mu m and L=130 \mu m, we observe integer multiples n=1,2,4. At the lowest temperatures, \chi_para compensates the diamagnetic susceptibility of the \textit{whole} AgNb structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (color

    Measuring kinetic coefficients by molecular dynamics simulation of zone melting

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are performed to measure the kinetic coefficient at the solid-liquid interface in pure gold. Results are obtained for the (111), (100) and (110) orientations. Both Au(100) and Au(110) are in reasonable agreement with the law proposed for collision-limited growth. For Au(111), stacking fault domains form, as first reported by Burke, Broughton and Gilmer [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 89}, 1030 (1988)]. The consequence on the kinetics of this interface is dramatic: the measured kinetic coefficient is three times smaller than that predicted by collision-limited growth. Finally, crystallization and melting are found to be always asymmetrical but here again the effect is much more pronounced for the (111) orientation.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures (for fig. 8 : [email protected]). Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Phase-field crystal modelling of crystal nucleation, heteroepitaxy and patterning

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    We apply a simple dynamical density functional theory, the phase-field-crystal (PFC) model, to describe homogeneous and heterogeneous crystal nucleation in 2d monodisperse colloidal systems and crystal nucleation in highly compressed Fe liquid. External periodic potentials are used to approximate inert crystalline substrates in addressing heterogeneous nucleation. In agreement with experiments in 2d colloids, the PFC model predicts that in 2d supersaturated liquids, crystalline freezing starts with homogeneous crystal nucleation without the occurrence of the hexatic phase. At extreme supersaturations crystal nucleation happens after the appearance of an amorphous precursor phase both in 2d and 3d. We demonstrate that contrary to expectations based on the classical nucleation theory, corners are not necessarily favourable places for crystal nucleation. Finally, we show that adding external potential terms to the free energy, the PFC theory can be used to model colloid patterning experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure
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