310 research outputs found

    Assistive trajectories for human-in-the-loop mobile robotic platforms

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    Autonomous and semi-autonomous smoothly interruptible trajectories are developed which are highly suitable for application in tele-operated mobile robots, operator on-board military mobile ground platforms, and other mobility assistance platforms. These trajectories will allow a navigational system to provide assistance to the operator in the loop, for purpose built robots or remotely operated platforms. This will allow the platform to function well beyond the line-of-sight of the operator, enabling remote operation inside a building, surveillance, or advanced observations whilst keeping the operator in a safe location. In addition, on-board operators can be assisted to navigate without collision when distracted, or under-fire, or when physically disabled by injury

    Non-overlapping dual camera fall detection using the NAO humanoid robot

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    With an aging population and a greater desire for independence, the dangers of falling incidents in the elderly have become particularly pronounced. In light of this, several technologies have been developed with the aim of preventing or monitoring falls. Failing to strike the balance between several factors including reliability, complexity and invasion of privacy has seen prohibitive in the uptake of these systems. Some systems rely on cameras being mounted in all rooms of a user's home while others require being worn 24 hours a day. This paper explores a system using a humanoid NAO robot with dual vertically mounted cameras to perform the task of fall detection

    Highly efficient Localisation utilising Weightless neural systems

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    Efficient localisation is a highly desirable property for an autonomous navigation system. Weightless neural networks offer a real-time approach to robotics applications by reducing hardware and software requirements for pattern recognition techniques. Such networks offer the potential for objects, structures, routes and locations to be easily identified and maps constructed from fused limited sensor data as information becomes available. We show that in the absence of concise and complex information, localisation can be obtained using simple algorithms from data with inherent uncertainties using a combination of Genetic Algorithm techniques applied to a Weightless Neural Architecture

    The effect of using social pressure in cover letters to improve retention in a longitudinal health study: an embedded randomised controlled retention trial

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    BackgroundRetention of participants in cohort studies is important for validity. One way to promote retention is by sending a persuasive cover letter with surveys. The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of a covering letter containing social pressure with a standard covering letter on retention in a health cohort study. Social pressure involves persuading people to behave in a certain way by the promise that their actions will be made know to others. We implemented a mild form of social pressure, where the recipient was told that information about whether they responded to the current survey would be noted by the research team and printed on future correspondence from the research team to the recipient.MethodsThe design was an embedded randomised controlled retention trial, conducted between July 2015 and April 2016 in Salford, UK. Participants in the host health cohort study were eligible. They received either: (1) a covering letter with two consecutive surveys (sent six and twelve months after recruitment), containing a social pressure intervention; or (2) a matching letter without the social pressure text. The primary outcome was retention in the host study, defined as return of both surveys. Randomisation was computer-generated, with stratification by household size. Participants were blinded to group assignment. Researchers were blinded for outcome ascertainment.ResultsAdults (n = 4447) aged over 65 years, with a long-term condition and enrolled in the host study, were randomly allocated to receive a social pressure covering letter (n = 2223) or control (n = 2224). All 4447 participants were included in the analysis. Both questionnaires were returned by 1577 participants (71%) sent the social pressure letters and 1511 (68%) sent control letters, a risk difference of 3 percentage points (adjusted odds ratio = 1.16 (95% confidence interval = 1.02–1.33)).ConclusionA mild form of social pressure made a small but significant improvement in retention of older adults in a health cohort study. Investigation of social pressure across other research contexts and stronger social pressure messages is warranted

    Developing Effective Intelligent Assistance for the Powered Wheelchair User

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    This research is working towards developing a pre-production prototype system which can provide a low-cost real-time adjustable and adaptable driving assistance system for powered wheelchair users. Currently we are seeking to obtain information from user joystick input and their driving quality to identify symptoms and make adjustments to the driving assistance system

    Patient insights on living with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy and the limitations of disease activity measurement methods – a qualitative study

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-03-11, registration 2020-06-17, accepted 2020-06-17, pub-electronic 2020-09-21, online 2020-09-21, collection 2020-12Publication status: PublishedFunder: Versus Arthritis (GB); Grant(s): 21993Funder: Myositis UKFunder: Medical Research Council; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000265; Grant(s): MR/N003322/1Funder: Manchester Biomedical Research Centre; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100014653Abstract: Background: The idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) are chronic autoimmune conditions, typically resulting in proximal muscle weakness and impacting upon quality of life. Accurate measurement of IIM disease activity is imperative for appropriate medical management and carrying out valid clinical trials. The International Myositis Assessment and Clinical Studies Group (IMACS) “Disease Activity Core Set Measures” are the current gold-standard of IIM disease activity assessment. Anecdotally, patients with an IIM report that the IMACS Core Set Measures and other available methods do not necessarily capture their perceived disease activity. Investigating the patient experiences of living with an IIM and their views on the accuracy of the IMACS Core Set Measures will provide valuable insights for both clinical and research purposes. Methods: Eighteen interviews with patients with an IIM were carried out and analysed thematically, using a grounded theory approach. Experiences on living with an IIM and perceptions on the accuracy of disease activity measurement methods were explored. Results: Interview analysis revealed four themes: 1) fatigue, 2) pain, 3) day-to-day symptom variation, 4) limitations of creatine kinase levels and manual muscle testing. Conclusions: This study has provided valuable insights into patient experiences of living with an IIM. Aspects of IIM disease activity perceived not to be wholly measured by the IMACS Core Set Measures have also been identified. These findings have implications for future IIM clinical care and research, in particular providing justification for research into pain, fatigue and symptom variation

    Feature determination from powered wheelchair user joystick input characteristics for adapting driving assistance

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    Background: Many powered wheelchair users find their medical condition and their ability to drive the wheelchair will change over time. In order to maintain their independent mobility, the powered chair will require adjustment over time to suit the user's needs, thus regular input from healthcare professionals is required. These limited resources can result in the user having to wait weeks for appointments, resulting in the user losing independent mobility, consequently affecting their quality of life and that of their family and carers. In order to provide an adaptive assistive driving system, a range of features need to be identified which are suitable for initial system setup and can automatically provide data for re-calibration over the long term. Methods: A questionnaire was designed to collect information from powered wheelchair users with regard to their symptoms and how they changed over time. Another group of volunteer participants were asked to drive a test platform and complete a course which represented manoeuvring in a very confined space as quickly as possible. Two of those participants were also monitored over a longer period in their normal home daily environment. Features, thought to be suitable, were examined using pattern recognition classifiers to determine their suitability for identifying the changing user input over time. Results: The results are not designed to provide absolute insight into the individual user behaviour, as no ground truth of their ability has been determined, they do nevertheless demonstrate the utility of the measured features to provide evidence of the users’ changing ability over time whilst driving a powered wheelchair. Conclusions: Determining the driving features and adjustable elements provides the initial step towards developing an adaptable assistive technology for the user when the ground truths of the individual and their machine have been learned by a smart pattern recognition syste

    Stakeholder views addressing the development and uptake of powered wheelchair assistive technology

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    Purpose: The objective of this research is to identify stakeholder views with regard to the development of effective powered wheelchair assistive technologies more suited to the user and carer needs, whilst also meeting the requirements for other stakeholders, such that developers can be better guided towards producing solutions which have a better chance of getting to the market place and hence to the end user. Method: A questionnaire was designed to collect the views of all stakeholders and circulated to a statistically representative number of them. The question rating data was then checked for correlation between groups, and within groups, to establish validity. Results: The 74 stakeholders across the eight classes who responded had a good correlation between each other, with a cross class ‘Pearson’s correlation’ ranging between 0.7 and 0.95, and the ‘Fleiss’s Kappa reliability of agreement’ within each class ranging between 0.07 and 0.36. Conclusions: This research has identified that all stakeholders should be involved in the development of the technology and that some may benefit in ‘role-reversal’ to help understand user problems and stakeholder concerns more clearly. Cost was a significant barrier to the uptake of appropriate technology, and training of users and carers was a major issue. Furthermore development should not increase user isolation and the impact on the user must be monitored for ‘quality of life’. Technical support and training should be given to the user and their carers and equipment must be adaptive to meet the changing needs of the user

    Family Involvement in Management and Product Innovation: The Mediating Role of R&D Strategies

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    Following calls to capture family firms’ innovative behavior and to specifically clarify how family firms manage product innovations to achieve sustainable economic development, this study empirically investigates the mediating role of Research & Development (R&D) strategies (i.e., intramural R&D investments, extramural R&D investments, and the combination of both intramural and extramural R&D investments) in the relationship between family involvement in the management and likelihood of obtaining product innovations. Carrying out a panel data analysis that is based on 7264 observations of Spanish manufacturing firms throughout the 2000–2015 period, our results suggest a negative effect of the level of family management on the likelihood of introducing product innovations. Moreover, we found that intramural R&D investments and the investment strategy consisting of both intramural and extramural R&D mediated the family involvement in management-likelihood of obtaining product innovations relationship. Our findings contribute important insights to the comprehension of which determinants instigate product innovation in family managed firms