9,539 research outputs found

    Ozonation of cooling tower waters

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    Continuous ozone injection into water circulating between a cooling tower and heat exchanger with heavy scale deposits inhibits formation of further deposits, promotes flaking of existing deposits, inhibits chemical corrosion and controls algae and bacteria


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    The superembedding approach to pp-branes is used to study a class of pp-branes which have linear multiplets on the worldvolume. We refer to these branes as L-branes. Although linear multiplets are related to scalar multiplets (with 4 or 8 supersymmetries) by dualising one of the scalars of the latter to a pp-form field strength, in many geometrical situations it is the linear multiplet version which arises naturally. Furthermore, in the case of 8 supersymmetries, the linear multiplet is off-shell in contrast to the scalar multiplet. The dynamics of the L-branes are obtained by using a systematic procedure for constructing the Green-Schwarz action from the superembedding formalism. This action has a Dirac-Born-Infeld type structure for the pp-form. In addition, a set of equations of motion is postulated directly in superspace, and is shown to agree with the Green-Schwarz equations of motion.Comment: revised version, minor changes, references added, 22 pages, no figures, LaTe

    The Schwinger SU(3) construction - I: Multiplicity problem and relation to induced representations

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    The Schwinger oscillator operator representation of SU(3) is analysed with particular reference to the problem of multiplicity of irreducible representations. It is shown that with the use of an Sp(2,R)Sp(2,R) unitary representation commuting with the SU(3) representation, the infinity of occurrences of each SU(3) irreducible representation can be handled in complete detail. A natural `generating representation' for SU(3), containing each irreducible representation exactly once, is identified within a subspace of the Schwinger construction; and this is shown to be equivalent to an induced representation of SU(3).Comment: Latex, 25 page

    Low-degree multi-spectral p-mode fitting

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    We combine unresolved-Sun velocity and intensity observations at multiple wavelengths from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager and Atmospheric Imaging Array onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory to investigate the possibility of multi-spectral mode-frequency estimation at low spherical harmonic degree. We test a simple multi-spectral algorithm using a common line width and frequency for each mode and a separate amplitude, background and asymmetry parameter, and compare the results with those from fits to the individual spectra. The preliminary results suggest that this approach may provide a more stable fit than using the observables separately

    The cohomology of superspace, pure spinors and invariant integrals

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    The superform construction of supersymmetric invariants, which consists of integrating the top component of a closed superform over spacetime, is reviewed. The cohomological methods necessary for the analysis of closed superforms are discussed and some further theoretical developments presented. The method is applied to higher-order corrections in heterotic string theory up to \a'^3. Some partial results on N=2,d=10N=2,d=10 and N=1,d=11N=1,d=11 are also given.Comment: 24 pages. Minor changes; added reference

    Spinorial cohomology and maximally supersymmetric theories

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    Fields in supersymmetric gauge theories may be seen as elements in a spinorial cohomology. We elaborate on this subject, specialising to maximally supersymmetric theories, where the superspace Bianchi identities, after suitable conventional constraints are imposed, put the theories on shell. In these cases, the spinorial cohomologies describe in a unified manner gauge transformations, fields and possible deformations of the models, e.g. string-related corrections in an alpha' expansion. Explicit cohomologies are calculated for super-Yang-Mills theory in D=10, for the N=(2,0) tensor multiplet in D=6 and for supergravity in D=11, in the latter case from the point of view of both the super-vielbein and the super-3-form potential. The techniques may shed light on some questions concerning the alpha'-corrected effective theories, and result in better understanding of the role of the 3-form in D=11 supergravity.Comment: 23 pp, plain tex. v2: Minor changes, references adde

    BPS Solitons in M5-Brane Worldvolume Theory with Constant Three-Form Field

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    We study BPS solutions for a self-dual string and a neutral string in M5-brane worldvolume theory with constant three-form field. We further generalize such solitons to superpose with a calibrated surface. We also study a traveling wave on a calibrated surface in the constant three-form field background.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, minor correction, added referenc

    11D supergravity at O(l3){\cal O}(l^3)

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    We compute certain spinorial cohomology groups controlling possible supersymmetric deformations of eleven-dimensional supergravity up to order l3l^3 in the Planck length. At O(l){\cal O}(l) and O(l2){\cal O}(l^2) the spinorial cohomology groups are trivial and therefore the theory cannot be deformed supersymmetrically. At O(l3){\cal O}(l^3) the corresponding spinorial cohomology group is generated by a nontrivial element. On an eleven-dimensional manifold MM such that p1(M)0p_1(M)\neq 0, this element corresponds to a supersymmetric deformation of the theory, which can only be redefined away at the cost of shifting the quantization condition of the four-form field strength.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. v2: references adde

    Super-Yang-Mills and M5-branes

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    We uplift 5-dimensional super-Yang-Mills theory to a 6-dimensional gauge theory with the help of a space-like constant vector ηM\eta^M, whose norm determines the Yang-Mills coupling constant. After the localization of ηM\eta^M the 6D gauge theory acquires Lorentzian invariance as well as scale invariance. We discuss KK states, instantons and the flux quantization. The 6D theory admits extended solutions like 1/2 BPS `strings' and monopoles.Comment: 15 pages; minor changes, to appear in JHE