29 research outputs found

    Délit de langue et paternité textuelle : une approche informatisée

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    Cette étude vise à évaluer l’utilité d’une assistance informatique lors de l’identification de l’auteur d’un texte en français dans un cadre judiciaire. L’objectif est de proposer un environnement informatique au linguiste oeuvrant en contexte judiciaire et plus spécifiquement en analyse de paternité textuelle et de valider la légitimité de cette assistance automatisée à travers une étude de cas impliquant des textes courts et très courts rédigés en français. L’analyse se scinde en deux parties : une partie quantitative presqu’essentiellement automatisée et une partie qualitative semi-automatisée. Les résultats provenant de cette étude suggèrent qu’un environnement automatisé est un gain pour le linguiste, non seulement quant au temps et à la neutralité d’exécution de l’analyse, mais également quant aux résultats encourageants obtenus grâce aux outils créés

    Role of soil nitrogen for the conifers of the boreal forest : a critical review

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    Nitrogen is considered the most important element in plant nutrition and growth. However its role and availability for boreal forest conifers is still debated. Boreal conifers have adapted strategies to cope with the reduced availability of N. ECM fungi, associated with boreal conifer roots, increase soil exploration and N nutrition, especially where organic N predominates. Conifers usually take up ammonium at levels comparable to simple organic N, which probably grows in importance as organic matter accumulates with stand age, while estimates of nitrate uptake are generally lower. Conifers, especially slow growing species, may rely on internal N cycling to sustain the development of new tissues in spring. N increases photosynthesis and leaf area and thus increases growth and wood formation, leading to wider radial rings mostly because of increased earlywood production. N-depositions and disturbances (e.g. fire and harvest) may alter the soil N-cycle and affect boreal forest growth. N depositions are considered responsible for the increase in boreal forest growth during the last century. Intensive harvest and high N-depositions may shift limitation from N to another element (e.g. P, K, and B). Climate change should affect the N cycle through complex mechanisms, including changes in the fire return interval, direct effects of warmer soils on N mineralization and stimulating plant growth modifying the balance between N stored in soils and in the living and dead (e.g. wood) biomass. Future research should try to improve our understanding of the possible outcomes of changes in disturbance regimes, N-depositions and climate, including the role of N fixation by mosses, canopy N uptake and the responses of conifers in relation to changes in microbial (symbiotic and not) communities

    La pertinence des stages de formation pratique pour le développement de l’identité professionnelle d’étudiantes infirmières au Québec

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    Afin d’explorer le processus peu documenté du développement de l’identitéprofessionnelle (IP) d’étudiantes infirmières inscrites à un continuum de formation DECBAC, huit entretiens collectifs (N = 46) ont été analysés à l’aide de concepts issus du modèle psychosociologique de l’IP (Gohier, Anadón, Bouchard, Charbonneau, & Chevrier, 2001). L’analyse de contenu a été effectuée selon l’approche qualitative de Miles et Huberman (2003). Les situations qui conduisent à une remise en question ou minent le désir de devenir infirmière de même que les contextes favorables au développement de l’IP sont précisés. Il s’avère que les stages permettent la mise en pratique de l’IP anticipée dans un contexte sécuritaire. Les attitudes d’accueil en stage favorisent l’émergence d’une IP affirmée. Le site web devenirinfirmiere.org donne accès aux outils éducatifs, aux détails sur le projet et à des données de recherche

    Development and Validation of a Tool for Measuring the Professional Identity of Nursing Students: the Q-IPEI / Le développement et la validation d’un instrument de mesure de l’identité professionnelle chez les étudiantes infirmières : le Q-IPEI

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    Background: The various pressures on nurses in their practice environment, given the complexity of care, have exposed the confusion around the role definition and level of professional identity (PI) of future nurses. To support them in their practice, it is important throughout their education to know their commitment, representations, and sense of identity with respect to their future profession. To our knowledge, there is no measurement tool in the literature that can be used to measure the PI of nursing students throughout their education, given its complex multidimensional nature. Objective: Based on a framework that takes into account the diversity of meanings of PI, the aim of this study was to construct and validate a questionnaire, the Q-IPEI that describes the PI of future nursing students at the personal, relational, and professional practice levels. Methods: A development research approach was used. It was based on a literature review, expert consultation, and validation of the psychometric properties of the Q-IPEI. Data were collected from 488 nursing students in 2013 and 504 in 2014 at five levels of nursing education in the province of Quebec, Canada. Results: The validated Q-IPEI is a questionnaire divided into three components, 11 dimensions, and 68 items. Its factor structure was explored through principal component analyses using 2013 data. It was then confirmed with 2014 data, with an RMSEA of 0.072 and CFI of 0.861. Internal consistency was considered acceptable with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.823 in 2013 and 0.832 in 2014. Discussion: Using the Q-IPEI, key decision-makers in the health system would serve to consolidate and develop proactive strategies with nursing students throughout their education to strengthen their confidence as future nurses and especially help them cope with the current challenges facing the nursing profession. Résumé Contexte : Les diverses pressions imposées aux infirmières dans l’exercice de leur profession, compte tenu de la complexité des soins, ont révélé une confusion quant à la définition du rôle et le niveau d’identité professionnelle (IP) de futures infirmières. Afin de les appuyer dans leur pratique, il est important de connaître leur engagement, leur représentation et leur perception identitaire quant à leur future profession, et ce, tout au long de leur formation. À notre connaissance, en raison de sa nature multidimensionnelle complexe, il n’existe aucun outil dans la littérature permettant de mesurer l’IP des étudiantes durant leur formation en sciences infirmières. Objectif : Fondé sur un cadre qui tient compte de la diversité des significations de l’IP, l’objectif de cette étude était d’élaborer et de valider un questionnaire, le Q-IPEI, qui décrit l’IP des futures étudiantes en sciences infirmières au niveau personnel, relationnel et au niveau de la pratique professionnelle. Méthodologie : Une approche de recherche et développement basée sur une recension des écrits, une consultation d’experts et la validation des propriétés psychométriques du Q-IPEI a été utilisée. Des données ont été recueillies auprès de 488 étudiantes infirmières en 2013 et de 504 étudiantes en 2014 à cinq niveaux de formation infirmière dans la province de Québec, au Canada. Résultats : Le Q-IPEI validé est un questionnaire divisé en 3 éléments, 11 dimensions et 68 énoncés. La structure factorielle a été explorée à l’aide d’analyses de la composante principale en utilisant les données de 2013. Cette structure a ensuite été confirmée avec les données de 2014 (RMSEA de 0,072 et CFI de 0,861). La cohérence interne a été considérée comme acceptable avec un coefficient alpha de Cronbach de 0,823 en 2013 et de 0,832 en 2014. Discussion : À l’aide du Q-IPEI, les décideurs clés du système de santé pourront consolider et développer des stratégies proactives auprès des étudiantes en sciences infirmières durant leur formation, qui renforceraient davantage leur confiance en tant que futures infirmières et surtout les aideraient à mieux faire face aux difficultés actuelles de la profession

    Effects of soil warming and nitrogen foliar applications on bud burst of black spruce

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    Key message: In mature black spruce, bud burst process is anticipated by soil warming, while delayed by foliar applications of nitrogen; however, the effects depend on growth conditions at the site. Abstract: The observation of phenological events can be used as biological indicator of environmental changes, especially from the perspective of climate change. In boreal forests, the onset of the bud burst is a key factor in the length of the growing season. With current climate change, the major factors limiting the growth of boreal trees (i.e., temperature and nitrogen availability) are changing and studies on mature trees are limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of soil warming and increased nitrogen (N) deposition on bud burst of mature black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP]. From 2008 onwards, an experimental manipulation of these environmental growth conditions was conducted in two stands (BER and SIM) at different altitudes in the boreal forest of Quebec, Canada. An increase in soil temperature (H treatment) and a canopy application of artificial rain enriched with nitrogen (N treatment) were performed. Observations of bud phenology were made during May–July 2012 and 2013. In BER, H treatment caused an anticipation (estimated as 1–3 days); while N treatment, a delay (estimated as 1–2 days but only in 2012) in bud burst. No treatments effect was significant in SIM. It has been demonstrated that soil temperature and N availability can play an important role in affecting bud burst in black spruce but the effects of these environmental factors on growth are closely linked with site conditions

    Role of Soil Nitrogen for the Conifers of the Boreal Forest: A Critical Review

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    Nitrogen is considered the most important element in plant nutrition and growth. However its role and availability for boreal forest conifers is still debated. Boreal conifers have adapted strategies to cope with the reduced availability of N. ECM fungi, associated with boreal conifer roots, increase soil exploration and N nutrition, especially where organic N predominates. Conifers usually take up ammonium at levels comparable to simple organic N, which probably grows in importance as organic matter accumulates with stand age, while estimates of nitrate uptake are generally lower. Conifers, especially slow growing species, may rely on internal N cycling to sustain the development of new tissues in spring. N increases photosynthesis and leaf area and thus increases growth and wood formation, leading to wider radial rings mostly because of increased earlywood production. N-depositions and disturbances (e.g. fire and harvest) may alter the soil N-cycle and affect boreal forest growth. N depositions are considered responsible for the increase in boreal forest growth during the last century. Intensive harvest and high N-depositions may shift limitation from N to another element (e.g. P, K, and B). Climate change should affect the N cycle through complex mechanisms, including changes in the fire return interval, direct effects of warmer soils on N mineralization and stimulating plant growth modifying the balance between N stored in soils and in the living and dead (e.g. wood) biomass. Future research should try to improve our understanding of the possible outcomes of changes in disturbance regimes, N-depositions and climate, including the role of N fixation by mosses, canopy N uptake and the responses of conifers in relation to changes in microbial (symbiotic and not) communities

    Increasing nitrogen availability and soil temperature : effects on xylem phenology and anatomy of mature black spruce

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    Since plant growth in the boreal forest is often considered to be limited by low temperatures and low N availability and these variables are projected to increase due to climate warming and increased anthropogenic activities, it is important to understand whether and to what extent these disturbances may affect the growth of boreal trees. In this study, the hypotheses that wood phenology and anatomy were affected by increased soil temperatures and N depositions have been tested in two mature black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) stands at different altitudes in Quebec, Canada. For 3 years, soil temperature was increased by 4 °C during the first part of the growing season and precipitations containing three times the current N concentration were added in the field by frequent canopy applications. Soil warming resulted in earlier onsets of xylogenesis and interacted with N addition producing longer durations of xylogenesis for the treated trees. The effect of warming was especially marked in the phenology of roots, while wood production, in terms of number of tracheids, was not affected by the treatment. Xylem anatomy and soil and needle chemistry showed no effect of the treatments, except for an increase of cell wall thickness in early wood of treated trees. This short-term experiment with black spruce suggested that previous fertilization studies that used large and unrealistic rates of N addition may have overestimated the impact of N depositions on boreal forest productivity

    La prévention des difficultés de comportement chez les enfants du préscolaire : une recension des caractéristiques des programmes probants

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    Cette recension propose une synthèse des critères d’efficacité des programmes probants visant la réduction des difficultés de comportement de type extériorisé ou la promotion des compétences sociales auprès des enfants du préscolaire. L’analyse a retenu les études évaluant rigoureusement les effets de programmes à partir de recensions et de méta-analyses. Les données ont été regroupées selon que les programmes ciblent les parents, les enfants ou plus d’un groupe à la fois. Une synthèse des caractéristiques des programmes efficaces est faite pour chacune des catégories. Les résultats montrent que les programmes multimodaux qui incluent une composante parentale sont recommandés.The aim of this literature review is to identify the criteria of effectiveness of programs focusing on reducing externalized behaviour problems and/or promoting social competence in preschool children. Literature reviews and meta-analysis evaluating the impacts of programs were analyzed. Programs targeting the parents, the children or more than one group at the same time were analyzed. The criteria of effectiveness are identified for each category of programs. Results show that multimode programs that include a parental component are to be recommended