98 research outputs found

    The Role of Bile in the Regulation of Exocrine Pancreatic Secretion

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    As early as 1926 Mellanby (1) was able to show that introduction of bile into the duodenum of anesthetized cats produces a copious flow of pancreatic juice. In conscious dogs, Ivy & Lueth (2) reported, bile is only a weak stimulant of pancreatic secretion. Diversion of bile from the duodenum, however, did not influence pancreatic volume secretion stimulated by a meal (3,4). Moreover, Thomas & Crider (5) observed that bile not only failed to stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice but also abolished the pancreatic response to intraduodenally administered peptone or soap

    MHC-based detection of antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses

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    The hallmark of adaptive immunity is its ability to recognise a wide range of antigens and technologies that capture this diversity are therefore of substantial interest. New methods have recently been developed that allow the parallel analysis of T cell reactivity against vast numbers of different epitopes in limited biological material. These technologies are based on the joint binding of differentially labelled MHC multimers on the T cell surface, thereby providing each antigen-specific T cell population with a unique multicolour code. This strategy of ‘combinatorial encoding’ enables detection of many (at least 25) different T cell populations per sample and should be of broad value for both T cell epitope identification and immunomonitoring

    Zinc status and its association with the health of adolescents: a review of studies in India

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    Background: Zinc is important in adolescence because of its role in growth and sexual maturation. Adolescents from developing countries such as India may be at high risk of zinc deficiency because of unwholesome food habits and poor bioavailability of zinc from plant-based diets. Objectives: (1) to study zinc status and its association with profile of other micronutrients, (2) to construct a simple tool in the form of Adolescent Micronutrient Quality Index (AMQI) to assess quality of diets of the girls and (3) to examine the effect of zinc supplement on health of adolescent girls. Methods: Girls (10–16 years) from two secondary schools of Pune, Maharashtra state, in Western India were enrolled in a cross-sectional study (n = 630). Data were collected on dietary intake, cognitive performance, taste acuity, haemoglobin, erythrocyte zinc and plasma levels of zinc, vitamin C, β-carotene and retinol. AMQI was developed using age–sex-specific Indian dietary guidelines and healthy foods and habits described in the recent US dietary guidelines. Zinc-rich recipes were developed considering habitual diets of the girls and vegetarian sources of zinc. An intervention trial (n = 180) was conducted to assess the effect of zinc-rich dietary supplements and ayurvedic zinc (Jasad) supplementation. Results: Prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies was high in these girls. Poor cognitive performance was seen in half of the girls, and salt taste perception was affected in 45%. AMQI was correlated with nutrient intakes and blood micronutrient levels (p < 0.01), indicating the potential of AMQI to measure micronutrient quality of diets of adolescent girls. Results of the intervention trial indicated that supplementation of zinc-rich recipes vis-a-vis ayurvedic Jasad zinc has the potential to improve plasma zinc status, cognitive performance and taste acuity in adolescent girls. Conclusion: Review of the studies on Indian adolescent girls demonstrates the necessity of adopting zinc and micronutrient-rich diets for positive health building in adolescents

    Connexin-43 upregulation in micrometastases and tumor vasculature and its role in tumor cell attachment to pulmonary endothelium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The modulation of gap junctional communication between tumor cells and between tumor and vascular endothelial cells during tumorigenesis and metastasis is complex. The notion of a role for loss of gap junctional intercellular communication in tumorigenesis and metastasis has been controversial. While some of the stages of tumorigenesis and metastasis, such as uncontrolled cell division and cellular detachment, would necessitate the loss of intercellular junctions, other stages, such as intravasation, endothelial attachment, and vascularization, likely require increased cell-cell contact. We hypothesized that, in this multi-stage scheme, connexin-43 is centrally involved as a cell adhesion molecule mediating metastatic tumor attachment to the pulmonary endothelium.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tumor cell attachment to pulmonary vasculature, tumor growth, and connexin-43 expression was studied in metastatic lung tumor sections obtained after tail-vein injection into nude mice of syngeneic breast cancer cell lines, overexpressing wild type connexin-43 or dominant-negatively mutated connexin-43 proteins. High-resolution immunofluorescence microscopy and Western blot analysis was performed using a connexin-43 monoclonal antibody. Calcein Orange Red AM dye transfer by fluorescence imaging was used to evaluate the gap junction function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Adhesion of breast cancer cells to the pulmonary endothelium increased with cancer cells overexpressing connexin-43 and markedly decreased with cells expressing dominant-negative connexin-43. Upregulation of connexin-43 was observed in tumor cell-endothelial cell contact areas <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>, and in areas of intratumor blood vessels and in micrometastatic foci.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Connexin-43 facilitates metastatic 'homing' by increasing adhesion of cancer cells to the lung endothelial cells. The marked upregulation of connexin-43 in tumor cell-endothelial cell contact areas, whether in preexisting 'homing' vessels or in newly formed tumor vessels, suggests that connexin-43 can serve as a potential marker of micrometastases and tumor vasculature and that it may play a role in the early incorporation of endothelial cells into small tumors as seeds for vasculogenesis.</p

    The expression of p53-induced protein with death domain (Pidd) and apoptosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    The Pidd (p53-induced protein with death domain) gene was shown to be induced by the tumour suppressor p53 and to mediate p53-dependent apoptosis in mouse and human cells, through interactions with components of both the mitochondrial and the death receptor signalling pathways. To study the role of Pidd in clinical tumours, we measured its expression by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR in microdissected oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) with and without p53 mutation. Tumour cell apoptosis was assessed by in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling. Tumour proliferation was assessed by immunohistochemical staining for the Ki-67 antigen. We found a wide range of Pidd expression among OSCC. Statistical analysis revealed an association between Pidd expression and apoptotic index (Mann–Whitney test, P<0.001), consistent with a role of Pidd in apoptosis in this tumour type. Furthermore, we showed a positive correlation between apoptotic index and proliferative index that has not been previously described for OSCC. There was no correlation between Pidd expression and the p53 mutation status of these tumours, suggesting that Pidd expression may be regulated by p53-independent mechanisms. Further characterisation of these molecular defects in the control of proliferation and apoptosis should help in developing treatments that target OSCC according to their biological properties

    Expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins of the Bcl-2 family and p53 in primary resected non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Proteins of the Bcl-2 family as well as p53 are important regulators of apoptosis. Alterations in the expression of these proteins can contribute to the formation of cancer, as well as influence tumour response to chemo- and radiotherapy. We used antibodies specific for the human Bcl-2, Mcl-1, Bax, Bak and p53 proteins to examine the expression of these apoptosis-regulating genes in 49 archival specimens of patients with radically resected non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Tumour cells containing immunostaining for the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 were present in 31% and 58% of the cases evaluated, respectively, whereas immunopositivity for the proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bak was found in 47% and 58% of the samples. p53 immunopositivity was detected in 61% of the samples. The expression of Bcl-2 and p53 and the expression of Mcl-1 and Bax showed a positive association (P= 0.02 and P= 0.06 respectively), whereas the expression of Bax was inversely related to p53 (P= 0.008). The expression of Bcl-2 had a negative influence on relapse-free survival in this population of primary resected NSCLC patients (P= 0.02). The expression of p53 and Bcl-2 was significantly associated with metastasis-free survival (P< 0.01). Only patients with p53-positive tumours developed metastases during the follow-up period. Our results establish the frequent expression of the Bcl-2 family proteins Bcl-2, Mcl-1, Bax and Bak in NSCLC. It can be expected that Bcl-2 family members have no straightforward impact on clinical outcome in this disease because their interactions in the regulation of apoptosis are complex. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Prevalence of anemia and deficiency of iron, folic acid, and zinc in children younger than 2 years of age who use the health services provided by the Mexican Social Security Institute

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Mexico, as in other developing countries, micronutrient deficiencies are common in infants between 6 and 24 months of age and are an important public health problem. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and of iron, folic acid, and zinc deficiencies in Mexican children under 2 years of age who use the health care services provided by the Mexican Institute for Social Security (IMSS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A nationwide survey was conducted with a representative sample of children younger than 2 years of age, beneficiaries, and users of health care services provided by IMSS through its regular regimen (located in urban populations) and its Oportunidades program (services offered in rural areas). A subsample of 4,955 clinically healthy children was studied to determine their micronutrient status. A venous blood sample was drawn to determine hemoglobin, serum ferritin, percent of transferrin saturation, zinc, and folic acid. Descriptive statistics include point estimates and 95% confidence intervals for the sample and projections for the larger population from which the sample was drawn.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty percent of children younger than 2 years of age had anemia, and 27.8% (rural) to 32.6% (urban) had iron deficiency; more than 50% of anemia was not associated with low ferritin concentrations. Iron stores were more depleted as age increased. Low serum zinc and folic acid deficiencies were 28% and 10%, respectively, in the urban areas, and 13% and 8%, respectively, in rural areas. The prevalence of simultaneous iron and zinc deficiencies was 9.2% and 2.7% in urban and rural areas. Children with anemia have higher percentages of folic acid deficiency than children with normal iron status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Iron and zinc deficiencies constitute the principal micronutrient deficiencies in Mexican children younger than 2 years old who use the health care services provided by IMSS. Anemia not associated with low ferritin values was more prevalent than iron-deficiency anemia. The presence of micronutrient deficiencies at this early age calls for effective preventive public nutrition programs to address them.</p

    Biology of Streptococcus mutans-Derived Glucosyltransferases: Role in Extracellular Matrix Formation of Cariogenic Biofilms

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    The importance of Streptococcus mutans in the etiology and pathogenesis of dental caries is certainly controversial, in part because excessive attention is paid to the numbers of S. mutans and acid production while the matrix within dental plaque has been neglected. S. mutans does not always dominate within plaque; many organisms are equally acidogenic and aciduric. It is also recognized that glucosyltransferases from S. mutans (Gtfs) play critical roles in the development of virulent dental plaque. Gtfs adsorb to enamel synthesizing glucans in situ, providing sites for avid colonization by microorganisms and an insoluble matrix for plaque. Gtfs also adsorb to surfaces of other oral microorganisms converting them to glucan producers. S. mutans expresses 3 genetically distinct Gtfs; each appears to play a different but overlapping role in the formation of virulent plaque. GtfC is adsorbed to enamel within pellicle whereas GtfB binds avidly to bacteria promoting tight cell clustering, and enhancing cohesion of plaque. GtfD forms a soluble, readily metabolizable polysaccharide and acts as a primer for GtfB. The behavior of soluble Gtfs does not mirror that observed with surface-adsorbed enzymes. Furthermore, the structure of polysaccharide matrix changes over time as a result of the action of mutanases and dextranases within plaque. Gtfs at distinct loci offer chemotherapeutic targets to prevent caries. Nevertheless, agents that inhibit Gtfs in solution frequently have a reduced or no effect on adsorbed enzymes. Clearly, conformational changes and reactions of Gtfs on surfaces are complex and modulate the pathogenesis of dental caries in situ, deserving further investigation

    Operational Definitions related to Pediatric Ventilator Liberation

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    BACKGROUND: Common, operational definitions are crucial to assess interventions and outcomes related to pediatric mechanical ventilation. These definitions can reduce unnecessary variability amongst research and quality improvement efforts, to ensure findings are generalizable and can be pooled to establish best practices. RESEARCH QUESTION: Can we establish operational definitions for key elements related to pediatric ventilator liberation using a combination of detailed literature review and consensus-based approaches? STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A panel of 26 international experts in pediatric ventilator liberation, two methodologists and two librarians conducted systematic reviews on eight topic areas related to pediatric ventilator liberation. Through a series of virtual meetings, we established draft definitions which were voted upon using an anonymous web-based process. Definitions were revised by incorporating extracted data gathered during the systematic review and discussed in another consensus meeting. A second round of voting was conducted to confirm the final definitions. RESULTS: In eight topic areas identified by the experts, 16 preliminary definitions were established. Based on initial discussion and the first round of voting, modifications were suggested for 11 of the 16 definitions. There was significant variability in how these items were defined in the literature reviewed. The final round of voting achieved ≥80% agreement for all 16 definitions in the following areas: what constitutes respiratory support (invasive mechanical ventilation and non-invasive respiratory support), liberation and failed attempts to liberate from invasive mechanical ventilation, liberation from respiratory support, duration of non-invasive respiratory support, total duration of invasive mechanical ventilation, spontaneous breathing trials, extubation readiness testing, 28-ventilator free days, and planned vs rescue use of post-extubation non-invasive respiratory support. INTERPRETATION: We propose these consensus-based definitions for elements of pediatric ventilator liberation, informed by evidence, be used for future quality improvement initiatives and research studies to improve generalizability, and facilitate comparison.The project was funded by Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health (NICHD) and Human Development National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R13HD102137), in addition to funds from the Department of Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana