3,533 research outputs found

    Quantum Energy Teleportation in Spin Chain Systems

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    We propose a protocol for quantum energy teleportation which transports energy in spin chains to distant sites only by local operations and classical communication. By utilizing ground-state entanglement and notion of negative energy density region, energy is teleported without breaking any physical laws including causality and local energy conservation. Because not excited physical entity but classical information is transported in the protocol, the dissipation rate of energy in transport is expected to be strongly suppressed.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure, to be published in JPS

    Electric Dipolar Susceptibility of the Anderson-Holstein Model

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    The temperature dependence of electric dipolar susceptibility \chi_P is discussed on the basis of the Anderson-Holstein model with the use of a numerical renormalization group (NRG) technique. Note that P is related with phonon Green's function D. In order to obtain correct temperature dependence of P at low temperatures, we propose a method to evaluate P through the Dyson equation from charge susceptibility \chi_c calculated by the NRG, in contrast to the direct NRG calculation of D. We find that the irreducible charge susceptibility estimated from \chi_c agree with the perturbation calculation, suggesting that our method works well.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Density-matrix renormalization study of the frustrated fermions on the triangular lattice

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    We show that the two-dimensional density-matrix renormalization analysis is useful to detect the symmetry breaking in the fermionic model on a triangular lattice. Under the cylindrical boundary conditions with chemical potentials on edge sites, we find that the open edges work as perturbation to select the strongest correlations {\it only in the presence of a long range order}. We also demonstrate that the ordinary size scaling analysis on the charge gap as well as that of the local charge density under this boundary condition could determine the metal-insulator phase boundary, which scales almost perfectly with the density of states and the exact solutions in the weak and strong coupling region, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Quadrupole Susceptibility of Gd-Based Filled Skutterudite Compounds

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    It is shown that quadrupole susceptibility can be detected in Gd compounds contrary to our textbook knowledge that Gd3+^{3+} ion induces pure spin moment due to the Hund's rules in an LSLS coupling scheme. The ground-state multiplet of Gd3+^{3+} is always characterized by JJ=7/2, where JJ denotes total angular momentum, but in a jj-jj coupling scheme, one ff electron in jj=7/2 octet carries quadrupole moment, while other six electrons fully occupy jj=5/2 sextet, where jj denotes one-electron total angular momentum. For realistic values of Coulomb interaction and spin-orbit coupling, the ground-state wavefunction is found to contain significant amount of the jj-jj coupling component. From the evaluation of quadrupole susceptibility in a simple mean-field approximation, we point out a possibility to detect the softening of elastic constant in Gd-based filled skutterudites.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Kondo Effect in an Electron System with Dynamical Jahn-Teller Impurity

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    We investigate how Kondo phenomenon occurs in the Anderson model dynamically coupled with local Jahn-Teller phonons. It is found that the total angular moment composed of electron pseudo-spin and phonon angular moments is screened by conduction electrons. Namely, phonon degrees of freedom essentially contribute to the formation of singlet ground state. A characteristic temperature of the Kondo effect due to dynamical Jahn-Teller phonons is explained by an effective ss-dd Hamiltonian with anisotropic exchange interaction obtained from the Jahn-Teller-Anderson model in a non-adiabatic region.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electron Mass Enhancement due to Anharmonic Local Phonons

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    In order to understand how electron effective mass is enhanced by anharmonic local oscillation of an atom in a cage composed of other atoms, i.e., {\it rattling}, we analyze anharmonic Holstein model by using a Green's function method. Due to the evaluation of an electron mass enhancement factor ZZ, we find that ZZ becomes maximum when zero-point energy is comparable with potential height at which the amplitude of oscillation is rapidly enlarged. Cooperation of such quantum and rattling effects is considered to be a key issue to explain the electron mass enhancement in electron-rattling systems.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Suppl. (Proceedings for International Conference on Heavy Electrons

    Enhanced Kondo Effect in an Electron System Dynamically Coupled with Local Optical Phonon

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    We discuss Kondo behavior of a conduction electron system coupled with local optical phonon by analyzing the Anderson-Holstein model with the use of a numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. There appear three typical regions due to the balance between Coulomb interaction UeeU_{\rm ee} and phonon-mediated attraction UphU_{\rm ph}. For Uee>UphU_{\rm ee}>U_{\rm ph}, we observe the standard Kondo effect concerning spin degree of freedom. Since the Coulomb interaction is effectively reduced as Uee−UphU_{\rm ee}-U_{\rm ph}, the Kondo temperature TKT_{\rm K} is increased when UphU_{\rm ph} is increased. On the other hand, for Uee<UphU_{\rm ee}<U_{\rm ph}, there occurs the Kondo effect concerning charge degree of freedom, since vacant and double occupied states play roles of pseudo-spins. Note that in this case, TKT_{\rm K} is decreased with the increase of UphU_{\rm ph}. Namely, TKT_{\rm K} should be maximized for Uee≈UphU_{\rm ee} \approx U_{\rm ph}. Then, we analyze in detail the Kondo behavior at Uee=UphU_{\rm ee}=U_{\rm ph}, which is found to be explained by the polaron Anderson model with reduced hybridization of polaron and residual repulsive interaction among polarons. By comparing the NRG results of the polaron Anderson model with those of the original Anderson-Holstein model, we clarify the Kondo behavior in the competing region of Uee≈UphU_{\rm ee} \approx U_{\rm ph}.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Strong coupling theory of the spinless charges on the triangular lattices: possibility of a new quantum liquid

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    We propose a new type of charge liquid state in the spinless fermion system on a triangular lattice under strong inter-site Coulomb interactions, VV. In the strong coupling limit (t=0t=0), the ground state is classical and disordered due to geometrical frustration. The introduction of small t will drive the system to a partially ordered phase which we call a "pinball liquid". A possibly long range ordered Wigner crystal solid coexist with a liquid component which are moving around them like a pinball. This liquid is dominant over wide range of filling, even away from the regular triangle, and is also realized in the hard core boson systems. Relevance to the organic theta-ET_2X is discsussed.Comment: 4pages, 7figure

    Multipole as ff-Electron Spin-Charge Density in Filled Skutterudites

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    It is shown that ff-electron multipole is naturally defined as spin-charge one-electron density operator in the second-quantized form with the use of tensor operator on the analogy of multipole expansion of electromagnetic potential from charge distribution in electromagnetism. Due to this definition of multipole, it is possible to determine multipole state from a microscopic viewpoint on the basis of the standard linear response theory for multipole susceptibility. In order to discuss multipole properties of filled skutterudites, we analyze a seven-orbital impurity Anderson model by employing a numerical renormalization group method. We show our results on possible multipole states of filled skutterudite compounds.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of International Conference on "New Quantum Phenomena in Skutterudite and Related Systems" (September 2007, Kobe, Japan

    Multipole correlations in low-dimensional f-electron systems

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    By using a density matrix renormalization group method, we investigate the ground-state properties of a one-dimensional three-orbital Hubbard model on the basis of a j-j coupling scheme. For B40≠0B_4^0 \ne 0, where B40B_4^0 is a parameter to control cubic crystalline electric field effect, one orbital is itinerant, while other two are localized. Due to the competition between itinerant and localized natures, we obtain orbital ordering pattern which is sensitive to B40B_4^0, leading to a characteristic change of Γ3g\Gamma_{3g} quadrupole state into an incommensurate structure. At B40=0B_4^0 = 0, all the three orbitals are degenerate, but we observe a peak at q=0q = 0 in Γ3g\Gamma_{3g} quadrupole correlation, indicating a ferro-orbital state, and the peak at q=πq = \pi in Γ4u\Gamma_{4u} dipole correlation, suggesting an antiferromagnetic state. We also discuss the effect of Γ4u\Gamma_{4u} octupole on magnetic anisotropy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of ASR-WYP-2005 (September 27-29, 2005, Tokai
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