38 research outputs found

    Integrative analysis of gene expression and copy number alterations using canonical correlation analysis

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    Supplementary Figure 1. Representation of the samples from the tuning set by their coordinates in the first two pairs of features (extracted from the tuning set) using regularized dual CCA, with regularization parameters tx = 0.9, ty = 0.3 (left panel), and PCA+CCA (right panel). We show the representations with respect to both the copy number features and the gene expression features in a superimposed way, where each sample is represented by two markers. The filled markers represent the coordinates in the features extracted from the copy number variables, and the open markers represent coordinates in the features extracted from the gene expression variables. Samples with different leukemia subtypes are shown with different colors. The first feature pair distinguishes the HD50 group from the rest, while the second feature pair represents the characteristics of the samples from the E2A/PBX1 subtype. The high canonical correlation obtained for the tuning samples with regularized dual CCA is apparent in the left panel, where the two points for each sample coincide. Nevertheless, the extracted features have a high generalization ability, as can be seen in the left panel of Figure 5, showing the representation of the validation samples. 1 Supplementary Figure 2. Representation of the samples from the tuning set by their coordinates in the first two pairs of features (extracted from the tuning set) using regularized dual CCA, with regularization parameters tx = 0, ty = 0 (left panel), and tx = 1, ty = 1 (right panel). We show the representations with respect to both the copy number features and the gene expression features in a superimposed way, where each sample is represented by tw

    Assessing the importance of car meanings and attitudes in consumer evaluations of electric vehicles

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    This paper reports findings from a research study which assesses the importance of attitudinal constructs related to general car attitudes and the meanings attached to car ownership over evaluations of electric vehicles (EVs). The data are assessed using principal component analysis to evaluate the structure of the underlying attitudinal constructs. The identified constructs are then entered into a hierarchical regression analysis which uses either positive or negative evaluations of the instrumental capabilities of EVs as the dependent variable. Results show that attitudinal constructs offer additional predictive power over socioeconomic characteristics and that the symbolic and emotive meanings of car ownership are as, if not more, effective in explaining the assessment of EV instrumental capability as compared to issues of cost and environmental concern. Additionally, the more important an individual considers their car to be in their everyday life, the more negative their evaluations are of EVs whilst individuals who claim to be knowledgeable about cars in general and EVs in particular have a lower propensity for negative EV attitudes. However, positive and negative EV attitudes are related to different attitudinal constructs suggesting that it is possible for someone to hold both negative and positive assessments at the same time

    Comprehensive Gene-Expression Survey Identifies Wif1 as a Modulator of Cardiomyocyte Differentiation

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    During chicken cardiac development the proepicardium (PE) forms the epicardium (Epi), which contributes to several non-myocardial lineages within the heart. In contrast to Epi-explant cultures, PE explants can differentiate into a cardiomyocyte phenotype. By temporal microarray expression profiles of PE-explant cultures and maturing Epi cells, we identified genes specifically associated with differentiation towards either of these lineages and genes that are associated with the Epi-lineage restriction. We found a central role for Wnt signaling in the determination of the different cell lineages. Immunofluorescent staining after recombinant-protein incubation in PE-explant cultures indicated that the early upregulated Wnt inhibitory factor-1 (Wif1), stimulates cardiomyocyte differentiation in a similar manner as Wnt stimulation. Concordingly, in the mouse pluripotent embryogenic carcinoma cell line p19cl6, early and late Wif1 exposure enhances and attenuates differentiation, respectively. In ovo exposure of the HH12 chicken embryonic heart to Wif1 increases the Tbx18-positive cardiac progenitor pool. These data indicate that Wif1 enhances cardiomyogenesis

    NMR Metabolomics Protocols for Drug Discovery

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    Drug discovery is an extremely difficult and challenging endeavor with a very high failure rate. The task of identifying a drug that is safe, selective and effective is a daunting proposition because disease biology is complex and highly variable across patients. Metabolomics enables the discovery of disease biomarkers, which provides insights into the molecular and metabolic basis of disease and may be used to assess treatment prognosis and outcome. In this regard, metabolomics has evolved to become an important component of the drug discovery process to resolve efficacy and toxicity issues, and as a tool for precision medicine. A detailed description of an experimental protocol is presented that outlines the application of NMR metabolomics to the drug discovery pipeline. This includes: (1) target identification by understanding the metabolic dysregulation in diseases, (2) predicting the mechanism of action of newly discovered or existing drug therapies, (3) and using metabolomics to screen a chemical lead to assess biological activity. Unlike other OMICS approaches, the metabolome is “fragile”, and may be negatively impacted by improper sample collection, storage and extraction procedures. Similarly, biologically-irrelevant conclusions may result from incorrect data collection, pre-processing or processing procedures, or the erroneous use of univariate and multivariate statistical methods. These critical concerns are also addressed in the protocol