46 research outputs found

    The Role of Depression Screening and Treatment in Achieving the UNAIDS 90–90–90 Goals in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Despite widespread HIV screening and treatment programs across sub-Saharan Africa, many countries are not on course to meet the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS 90–90–90 targets. As mental health disorders such as depression are prevalent among people living with HIV, investment in understanding and addressing comorbid depression is increasing. This manuscript aims to assess depression and HIV management in sub-Saharan Africa using a 90–90–90 lens through a discussion of: depression and the HIV care continuum; the state of depression screening and treatment; and innovations such as task-shifting strategies for depression management. Due to the lack of mental health infrastructure and human resources, task-shifting approaches that integrate mental health management into existing primary and community health programs are increasingly being piloted and adopted across the region. Greater integration of such mental health care task-shifting into HIV programs will be critical to realizing the 90–90–90 goals and ending the HIV epidemic

    Opinions on integrating couple counselling and female sexual reproductive health services into Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision services in Lilongwe, Malawi

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    Background Couples HIV Counselling and Testing (CHCT) has been found to be potentially beneficial than individual HIV Counselling and Testing for prevention and treatment of HIV. However, there are few health care opportunities for men and women to access health services together, leading to underutilization of CHCT service. Integrating female Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services into male-dominated service could be more effective than trying to integrate men's health services into female-dominated health services. A potential site for male-female service integration could be Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) centers. Methodology We conducted a qualitative study in Lilongwe, Malawi between June to August 2018. Twenty VMMC clients, 20 peers and 20 VMMC providers completed individual in-depth interviews to share their opinions on what they thought about integrating CHCT and other SRH Services into VMMC services. These proposed SRH services include family planning, cervical cancer screening, sexually transmitted infection management and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Content analysis was used to analyze the results. Results All participants were receptive to integration of CHCT, and most accepted the integration of SRH services into VMMC Services. Most VMMC clients, peers and care providers said that CHCT integration would help couples to know their HIV status, prevent HIV transmission, encourage healthy relationships, and provide a chance for women to participate in VMMC counselling and wound care. However, integration of other services, such as family planning and cervical cancer screening, drew mixed opinions among participants. Most VMMC clients, peers and providers felt that integration of services would promote male involvement and increase men's knowledge in feminine sexual reproductive health services. A few providers expressed concerns over service integration, citing reasons such as overcrowding, work overload, gender mixing, and lack of provider capacity and space. Most participants supported integrating PrEP with VMMC Services and felt that PrEP would complement VMMC in HIV prevention. Few providers, peers and VMMC clients felt the addition of PrEP to VMMC services would lead to high-risk sexual activity that would then increase the risk for HIV acquisition. A few participants recommended community sensitization when integrating some of sexual reproductive health services into VMMC Services to mitigate negative perceptions about VMMC services and encourage service uptake among couples Conclusion Most participants service providers, VMMC clients and Peers were receptive to integrating SRH services, particularly HIV prevention services such as CHCT and PrEP, into male dominated VMMC services. Adequate community sensitization is required when introducing other SRH services into VMMC services

    The effectiveness of depression management for improving HIV care outcomes in Malawi: Protocol for a quasi-experimental study

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    Background: Depression, prevalent among people living with HIV (PLWH) in Malawi, is associated with negative HIV patient outcomes and likely affects HIV medical management. Despite the high prevalence of depression, its management has not been integrated into HIV care in Malawi or most low-income countries. Methods: This study employs a pre-post design in two HIV clinics in Lilongwe, Malawi, to evaluate the effect of integrating depression management into routine HIV care on both mental health and HIV outcomes. Using a multiple baseline design, this study is examining mental health and HIV outcome data of adult (≥18 years) patients newly initiating ART who also have depression, comparing those entering care before and after the integration of depression screening and treatment into HIV care. The study is also collecting cost information to estimate the cost-effectiveness of the program in improving rates of depression remission and HIV treatment engagement and success. Discussion: We anticipate that the study will generate evidence on the effect of depression management on HIV outcomes and the feasibility of integrating depression management into existing HIV care clinics. The results of the study will inform practice and policy decisions on integration of depression management in HIV care clinics in Malawi and related settings, and will help design a next-step strategy to scale-up integration to a larger scale. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov ID [ NCT03555669 ]. Retrospectively registered on 13 June 2018

    HIV risk, risk perception, and PrEP interest among adolescent girls and young women in Lilongwe, Malawi: operationalizing the PrEP cascade

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    Introduction: As a user-controlled HIV prevention method, oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) holds particular promise for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). HIV prevention cascades, critical frameworks for the design and evaluation of PrEP programmes, outline the priorities of identifying individuals at greatest HIV risk and motivating them to initiate PrEP through perceived HIV risk. To inform future iterations of these cascades and PrEP delivery for AGYW, the objective of this study was to understand the level of interest in PrEP among AGYW at highest HIV risk, and the potential role of perceived risk in motivating PrEP interest. Methods: Using data from a cohort study of HIV-negative AGYW in Lilongwe, Malawi (February 2016 to August 2017), we assessed the relationship between epidemiologic HIV risk (risk index developed in a previous analysis) and PrEP interest, and the extent to which perceived risk explains the relationship between HIV risk and PrEP interest. We further aimed to operationalize the pre-initiation steps of the HIV prevention cascade in the study population. Results: In total, 825 AGYW were included in analyses, of which 43% met the criterion for high epidemiologic HIV risk. While epidemiologic risk scores were positively associated with PrEP interest, high numbers of AGYW both above and below the high-risk cutoff were very interested in PrEP (68% vs. 63%). Perceived risk partially explained the relationship between HIV risk and PrEP interest; greater epidemiologic HIV risk was associated with high perceived risk, which was in turn associated with PrEP interest. Many more high-risk AGYW were interested in PrEP (68%) than expressed a high level of perceived HIV risk (26%). Conclusions: These results highlight key relationships between epidemiologic HIV risk, risk perception and interest in PrEP. While risk perception did partially explain the relationship between epidemiologic risk and PrEP interest, there may be other important motivational mechanisms that are not captured in many HIV prevention cascades. The high number of participants with risk scores below the high-risk cutoff who both expressed high perceived risk and interest in PrEP suggests that demand for PrEP among AGYW may not be well aligned with epidemiologic risk

    Timing of HIV testing among pregnant and breastfeeding women and risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission in Malawi: a sampling-based cohort study

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    Introduction: Pregnant women living with HIV can achieve viral suppression and prevent HIV mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) with timely HIV testing and early ART initiation and maintenance. Although it is recommended that pregnant women undergo HIV testing early in antenatal care in Malawi, many women test positive during breastfeeding because they did not have their HIV status ascertained during pregnancy, or they tested negative during pregnancy but seroconverted postpartum. We sought to estimate the association between the timing of last positive HIV test (during pregnancy vs. breastfeeding) and outcomes of maternal viral suppression and MTCT in Malawi’s PMTCT programme. Methods: We conducted a two-stage cohort study among mother–infant pairs in 30 randomly selected high-volume health facilities across five nationally representative districts of Malawi between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2017. Log-binomial regression was used to estimate prevalence ratios (PR) and risk ratios (RR) for associations between timing of last positive HIV test (i.e. breastfeeding vs. pregnancy) and maternal viral suppression and MTCT, controlling for confounding using inverse probability weighting. Results: Of 822 mother–infant pairs who had available information on the timing of the last positive HIV test, 102 mothers (12.4%) had their last positive test during breastfeeding. Women who lived one to two hours (PR = 2.15; 95% CI: 1.29 to 3.58) or >2 hours (PR = 2.36; 95% CI: 1.37 to 4.10) travel time to the nearest health facility were more likely to have had their last positive HIV test during breastfeeding compared to women living <1 hour travel time to the nearest health facility. The risk of unsuppressed VL did not differ between women who had their last positive HIV test during breastfeeding versus pregnancy (adjusted RR [aRR] = 0.87; 95% CI: 0.48 to 1.57). MTCT risk was higher among women who had their last positive HIV test during breastfeeding compared to women who had it during pregnancy (aRR = 6.57; 95% CI: 3.37 to 12.81). Conclusions: MTCT in Malawi occurred disproportionately among women with a last positive HIV test during breastfeeding. Testing delayed until the postpartum period may lead to higher MTCT. To optimize maternal and child health outcomes, PMTCT programmes should focus on early ART initiation and providing targeted testing, prevention, treatment and support to breastfeeding women

    The acceptability of antidepressant treatment in people living with HIV in Malawi: A patient perspective

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    Depression is common among people living with HIV (PLWH). Measurement-based care models that measure depression severity and antidepressant side effects, and use an algorithm to guide antidepressant prescription by non-specialized health workers represent an evidence-based treatment for severe depression in sub-Saharan Africa. We conducted in-depth interviews from June to December 2018 with eleven patients enrolled in Project SOAR-Mental Health, a pilot project integrating depression treatment into HIV care in Malawi. Patients treated with amitriptyline or fluoxetine participated in interviews exploring antidepressant acceptability through patient knowledge, side effect severity, pill burden, adherence, perceived efficacy, and tolerability. Patients described a lack of detailed antidepressant education from their providers. Variable, typically self-limiting side effects were reported from both amitriptyline and fluoxetine. While most side effects were mild, three patients reported functional impairment. Patients reported high adherence, though the additional pill burden was a challenge. Most patients found the antidepressants efficacious, tolerable, beneficial and acceptable. Although patient psychoeducation is notably lacking as a facet of clinical management, antidepressant prescription by primary care providers appears acceptable for comorbid severe depression in PLWH initiating HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa. Health workers should be mindful of dosing to minimise side effects and considerate of the additional pill burden. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov ID [NCT03555669]. Retrospectively registered on 13 June 2018

    Prevalence of HIV and disease outcomes on the medical and surgical wards at Kamuzu Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi

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    Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) in a range of clinical settings. We describe the characteristics of patients diagnosed with HIV on the medical and surgical wards at a tertiary care hospital in Malawi. Methods: Under the universal opt-out HCT protocol we characterized the number of new HIV/AIDS infections and associated clinical features among hospitalized surgical and medical patients diagnosed during the course of admission. Results: All 2985 and 3959 medical and surgical patients, respectively, admitted between April 2012 and January 2013 were screened for HCT. 62% and 89% of medical and surgical patients, respectively, had an unknown status on admission and qualified for testing. Of the patients with an unknown status, a new HIV diagnosis was made in 20% and 7% of medical and surgical patients, respectively. Of the newly diagnosed patients with a CD4 count recorded, 91% and 67% of medical and surgical patients, respectively, had a count less than 350, qualifying for ART by Malawi ART guidelines. Newly HIV-diagnosed medical and surgical patients had an inpatient mortality of 20% and 2%, respectively. Discussion: While newly diagnosed HIV-positive medical patients had high inpatient mortality and higher rates of WHO stage 3 or 4 conditions, surgical patients presented with less advanced HIV, though still meeting ART initiation guidelines. The medical inpatient wards are an obvious choice for implementing voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), but surgical patients present with less advanced disease and starting treatment in this group could result in more years of life gained

    Association Between Depression and HIV Care Engagement Outcomes Among Patients Newly Initiating ART in Lilongwe, Malawi

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    As in other sub-Saharan countries, the burden of depression is high among people living with HIV in Malawi. However, the association between depression at ART initiation and two critical outcomes—retention in HIV care and viral suppression—is not well understood. Prior to the launch of an integrated depression treatment program, adult patients were screened for depression at ART initiation at two clinics in Lilongwe, Malawi. We compared retention in HIV care and viral suppression at 6 months between patients with and without depression at ART initiation using tabular comparison and regression models. The prevalence of depression among this population of adults newly initiating ART was 27%. Those with depression had similar HIV care outcomes at 6 months to those without depression. Retention metrics were generally poor for those with and without depression. However, among those completing viral load testing, nearly all achieved viral suppression. Depression at ART initiation was not associated with either retention or viral suppression. Further investigation of the relationship between depression and HIV is needed to understand the ways depression impacts the different aspects of HIV care engagement

    Prevalence and Correlates of Probable Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Female Sex Workers in Lilongwe, Malawi

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    Globally, female sex workers (FSW) experience a high prevalence of mental health disorders, but in sub-Saharan Africa, these are rarely identified. If left untreated, mental health disorders may place FSW and their partners at risk for HIV/sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We assessed the prevalence and correlates of probable depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal ideation (SI) in a cohort of 200 FSW in Lilongwe, Malawi. FSW completed the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and the PTSD Check List—Civilian Version. The prevalence of depression was 8%, as was the prevalence of PTSD. Nearly half (49%) of FSW were experiencing mild depression. FSW were more likely to have probable depression if they completed primary school or initiated sex work before 18 years. They were more likely to have probable PTSD if they had ≥ 20 clients per week or initiated sex work before 18 years. Interventions are needed to diagnose mental health disorders among FSW at great risk for HIV/STIs

    Safety and efficacy of Option B+ ART in Malawi: few severe maternal toxicity events or infant HIV infections among pregnant women initiating tenofovir/lamivudine/efavirenz

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    Objectives: Malawi's Option B+ universal antiretroviral therapy (ART) program for pregnant and breastfeeding women does not include routine laboratory monitoring. We report safety outcomes of pregnant women who initiated ART through Option B+. Methods: We analysed 12-month data from an observational cohort study on Option B+ among women newly initiating tenofovir/lamivudine/efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV) at a government antenatal clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi. Proportions of women engaged in care, incidence of DAIDS grade ≥ 2 laboratory toxicity, grade ≥ 3 adverse events (AEs), viral suppression (<1000 copies/mL), birth outcomes and infant HIV infections are reported. Results: At ART initiation, participants (n = 299) had a median age of 26 years (IQR 22–30), median CD4 count of 352 cells/μl (IQR 231–520) and 94% were in WHO Stage 1. We noted 76 incident DAIDS Grade ≥ 2 laboratory results among 58 women, most commonly elevated liver function tests (n = 30 events) and low haemoglobin (n = 27). No women had elevated creatinine. Clinical AEs (n = 45) were predominantly infectious diseases and Grade 3. Five participants (2%) discontinued TDF/3TC/EFV due to virologic failure (3) or toxicity (2). Twelve months after ART initiation, most women were engaged in care (89%) and had HIV RNA < 1000 copies/ml (90%). 8% of pregnancies resulted in preterm birth, 9% were low birthweight (<2500 g), and 2% resulted in infant HIV infection at 6 weeks post-delivery. Conclusion: Most women remained on ART and were virally suppressed 12 months after starting Option B+. Few infants contracted HIV perinatally. While some women experienced adverse laboratory events, clinical symptom monitoring is likely reasonable