3 research outputs found

    驴Pueden las autoridades sanitarias parar la medicalizaci贸n del parto? El caso de Espa帽a a principios del siglo XX

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    25 p.The medicalisation of childbirth is a worldwide trend, that has its roots in past centuries. Despite being a widely studied phenomenon, the attempts taken to prevent its spread have rarely been addressed. This research presents the measures taken by the health authorities against the medicalisation of childbirth in Spain, in the early twentieth century. The episode was linked to a famous obstetrician, Miguel Orellano, who published several papers advocating a new method of conducting a delivery. This method involved a great deal of unnecessary intervention that turned delivery into a major surgical procedure. We will see if the health authorities have achieved their goa

    La pandemia de la COVID-19. Una oportunidad para aprender a conciliar trabajo y familia en las Fuerzas Armadas espa帽olas

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    The lockdown, during the first wave of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 virus, caused the closure of educational centers, complicating the situation for families with dependent minors. The challenge was even greater among the so-called key workers, such as the personnel of the Spanish Armed Forces (SAF). Given the imbalanced distribution of care tasks in Spain and the minority position of females in the SAF, the situation of military women was potentially critical.  Objective. To analyze the use of extraordinary family-work balancing policies, implemented by the Ministry of Defense during the state of emergency, by servicewomen within the SAF. Material and method. A quantitative, cross-sectional, and retrospective study was carried out through an electronic, anonymous and self-administered questionnaire to a sample of 473 military women. Results. During the analyzed period, the percentage of military women using measures to reconcile work and family life slightly increased. However, in cases of couples/ex-partners where both parents are military, the number of fathers benefiting from them doubled. On the other hand, single-mother families opted for the mother to stay at home. Conclusions. The mandatory lockdown changed the usage profile of measures to reconcile work and family within the SAF. Even though there was a greater presence of mothers in single-mother homes, there was also a greater co-responsibility in homes with both military parents. New analyses of the factors that have led to this greater co-responsibility could provide valuable information to reduce the professional consequences of motherhood for women in the SAF.El confinamiento, impuesto durante la primera ola de la pandemia causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, ocasion贸 el cierre de centros educativos complicando la situaci贸n para las familias con menores a cargo. El desaf铆o fue a煤n mayor entre los trabajadores denominados 芦esenciales禄, como el personal de las Fuerzas Armadas espa帽olas (F.A.S.). Dada la distribuci贸n asim茅trica de las tareas de cuidado en Espa帽a y la posici贸n minoritaria de las f茅minas en la instituci贸n armada, la situaci贸n de las mujeres mil-itares era potencialmente cr铆tica. Objetivo. Analizar el uso de las medidas extraordinarias de conciliaci贸n, implementadas por el Ministerio de Defensa durante el estado de alarma. Material y m茅todo. Se realiz贸 un estudio cuantitativo, transversal y retrospectivo a trav茅s de un cuestionario electr贸nico, an贸nimo y autoadministrado a una muestra de 473 mujeres militares. Resultados. Durante el periodo analizado, aument贸 ligeramente el porcentaje de mujeres militares que hac铆an uso de medidas de conciliaci贸n familiar. Sin embargo, en casos de parejas/exparejas donde ambos progenitores son militares, se duplic贸 el n煤mero de padres que disfrutaron de ellas. Por su parte, las familias monomarentales optaron por la permanencia de la madre en el domicilio. Conclusiones. El confinamiento cambi贸 el perfil de uso de la conciliaci贸n familiar en las F.A.S., con mayor presencia de las madres en hogares monomarentales, pero tambi茅n mayor corresponsabilidad en hogares con ambos progenitores militares. Nuevos an谩lisis sobre los factores que han propiciado esta mayor corresponsabilidad podr铆an aportar valiosa informaci贸n para lograr reducir las consecuencias profesionales de la maternidad en las mujeres de las F.A.S

    La pandemia de la COVID-19. Una oportunidad para aprender a conciliar trabajo y familia en las Fuerzas Armadas espa帽olas

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    El confinamiento, impuesto durante la primera ola de la pandemia causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, ocasion贸 el cierre de centros educativos complicando la situaci贸n para las familias con menores a cargo. El desaf铆o fue a煤n mayor entre los trabajadores denominados 芦esenciales禄, como el personal de las Fuerzas Armadas espa帽olas (F.A.S.). Dada la distribuci贸n asim茅trica de las tareas de cuidado en Espa帽a y la posici贸n minoritaria de las f茅minas en la instituci贸n armada, la situaci贸n de las mujeres militares era potencialmente cr铆tica. OBJETIVO. Analizar el uso de las medidas extraordinarias de conciliaci贸n, implementadas por el Ministerio de Defensa durante el estado de alarma. MATERIAL Y M脡TODO.Se realiz贸 un estudio cuantitativo, transversal y retrospectivo a trav茅s de un cuestionario electr贸nico, an贸nimo y autoadministrado a una muestra de 473 mujeres militares. RESULTADOS. Durante el periodo analizado, aument贸 ligeramente el porcentaje de mujeres militares que hac铆an uso de medidas de conciliaci贸n familiar. Sin embargo, en casos de parejas/exparejas donde ambos progenitores son militares, se duplic贸 el n煤mero de padres que disfrutaron de ellas. Por su parte, las familias monomarentales optaron por la permanencia de la madre en el domicilio. CONCLUSIONES. El confinamiento cambi贸 el perfil de uso de la conciliaci贸n familiar en las F.A.S., con mayor presencia de las madres en hogares monomarentales, pero tambi茅n mayor corresponsabilidad en hogares con ambos progenitores militares. Nuevos an谩lisis sobre los factores que han propiciado esta mayor corresponsabilidad podr铆an aportar valiosa informaci贸n para lograr reducir las consecuencias profesionales de la maternidad en las mujeres de las F.A.S.The lockdown, during the first wave of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 virus, caused the closure of educational centers, complicating the situation for families with dependent minors. The challenge was even greater among the so-called key workers, such as the personnel of the Spanish Armed Forces (SAF). Given the imbalanced distribution of care tasks in Spain and the minority position of females in the SAF, the situation of military women was potentially critical. OBJECTIVE. To analyze the use of extraordinary family-work balancing policies, implemented by the Ministry of Defense during the state of emergency, by servicewomen within the SAF. MATERIAL AND METHOD. A quantitative, cross-sectional, and retrospective study was carried out through an electronic, anonymous and self-administered questionnaire to a sample of 473 military women. RESULTS. During the analyzed period, the percentage of military women using measures to reconcile work and family life slightly increased. However, in cases of couples/ex-partners where both parents are military, the number of fathers benefiting from them doubled. On the other hand, single-mother families opted for the mother to stay at home.CONCLUSIONS. The mandatory lockdown changed the usage profile of measures to reconcile work and family within the SAF. Even though there was a greater presence of mothers in single-mother homes, there was also a greater co-responsibility in homes with both military parents. New analyses of the factors that have led to this greater co-responsibility could provide valuable information to reduce the professional consequences of motherhood for women in the SAF.European Cooperation in Science and Technology-COS