120 research outputs found

    Secured Audio Signal Transmission in 5G Compatible mmWave Massive MIMO FBMC System with Implementation of Audio-to-image Transformation Aided Encryption Scheme

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    In this paper, we have made comprehensive study for the performance evaluation of mmWave massive MIMO FBMC wireless communication system. The 165F2;56 large MIMO antenna configured simulated system under investigation incorporates three modern channel coding (Turbo, LDPC and (3, 2) SPC, higher order digital modulation (256-QAM)) and various signal detection (Q-Less QR, Lattice Reduction(LR) based Zero-forcing(ZF), Lattice Reduction (LR) based ZF-SIC and Complex-valued LLL(CLLL) algorithm implemented ZF-SIC) schemes. An audio to image conversion aided chaos-based physical layer security scheme has also been implemented in such study. On considering transmission of encrypted audio signal in a hostile fading channel, it is noticeable from MATLAB based simulation study that the LDPC Channel encoded system is very much robust and effective in retrieving color image under utilization of Lattice Reduction(LR) based ZF-SIC signal detection and 16- QAM digital modulation techniques

    Operationalizing safe operating space for regional social-ecological systems

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    This study makes a first attempt to operationalize the safe operating space concept at a regional scale by considering the complex dynamics (e.g. non-linearity, feedbacks, and interactions) within a systems dynamic model (SD). We employ the model to explore eight ‘what if’ scenarios based on well-known challenges (e.g. climate change) and current policy debates (e.g. subsidy withdrawal). The findings show that the social-ecological system in the Bangladesh delta may move beyond a safe operating space when a withdrawal of a 50% subsidy for agriculture is combined with the effects of a 2 oC temperature increase and sea level rise. Further reductions in upstream river discharge in the Ganges would push the system towards a dangerous zone once a 3.5 oC temperature increase was reached. The social- ecological system in Bangladesh delta may be operated within a safe space by: 1) managing feedback (e.g. by reducing production costs) and the slow biophysical variables (e.g. temperature, rainfall) to increase the long-term resilience, 2) negotiating for transboundary water resources , and 3) revising global policies (e.g. withdrawal of subsidy) that negatively impact at regional scales. This study demonstrates how the concepts of tipping points, limits to adaptations, and boundaries for sustainable development may be defined in real world social-ecological systems

    Unravelling the interrelationships between ecosystem services and human wellbeing in the Bangladesh delta

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    Coupled social and ecological systems need to be understood from a dynamic perspective in order to operationalise complexity concepts, such as tipping points, for sustainable ecosystem management. In this study, we strive to achieve this type of conceptual understanding through the analysis of the relationships (e.g. strength, nonlinearity) between the trends of ecosystem services (ES) and human wellbeing (HWB) between 1960 and 2010 in the south-west Bangladesh delta using generalized additive and logistic regression models. We use sequential principal components analysis to investigate the connectedness within the social–ecological system as a measure of resilience. We also use published literature to help develop a system dynamic framework in order to investigate how ES and HWB are interlinked. Overall, our results support previous work, which depicts that material wellbeing (basic materials for a good life) having a strong relationship with provisioning services, which in turn, show a weak relationship with the quality of life (security and health). Moreover, our analysis confirms the ‘Environmentalist’s Paradox’ that HWB has increased despite the deterioration in ES. However, our results suggest that provisioning services are not the only important reason for the increases in observed HWB, as these have also been substantially influenced by technology and capital investment (aid and subsidy). In addition, worsening trends in regulation services and in ‘slow’ variables such as climate suggest that the resilience of the overall social-ecological system is decreasing. Such changes may have severe consequences if they continue, for example, if temperatures exceed the upper physiological limits of key provisioning services (e.g. rice, fish) in the Bangladesh delta. These indicators all suggest that although in terms of HWB the deltaic social–ecological system may be successfully adapting to environmental change, it may also be close to transgressing critical ecological boundaries in the near future

    Social-ecological systems approach for adaptation to climate change

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    Adaptation to climate change has become part of national development programs (e.g., National Adaptation Planning). Though communities are adapting to climate change across the world, this perspective argues that understanding social and ecological systems requires greater attention to enhance resilience for achieving and moving beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in response to climate change across the world. In addition, based on a systematic literature review, this perspective identifies key research gaps and addresses relevant key challenges and future research direction for social and ecological systems (SES) adaptation to climate change. Ultimately, this may also help move from the existing limits to adaptation (intolerable risks through adaptive actions) concept to social-ecological limits to adaptation and offers an opportunity to integrate adaptation to climate change in development planning by considering both SES

    Performance Analysis of Three Transition Mechanisms between IPv6 Network and IPv4 Network: Dual Stack, Tunneling and Translation

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    Due to the increasing demand of the Internet, we are facing a great problem of the depletion of our existing IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) network. To solve the situation, we have to use IP version 6 in coming years. But the IPv4 network will not be opt out, but also coexist with IPv6 network. For the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa, there are three prominent transition mechanisms are used. They are Dual Stack, Tunneling and Translation. In this paper, the performances of these three mechanisms have been analyzed. IPv6 header format, its security and the routing also have been focused. For the simulation Packet Tracer simulation software has been used

    Aspect of Thrombolytic Therapy: A Review

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    Thrombolytic therapy, also known as clot busting drug, is a breakthrough treatment which has saved untold lives. It has been used in the clinical area to treat venous and arterial thromboembolic complaints which are a foremost cause of death. In 1761, Morgagni lead the way of thrombolytic therapy. Now day’s different types of thrombolytic drugs are currently available in market: alteplase, anistreplase, urokinase, streptokinase, tenecteplase, and so forth. Thrombolytic therapy should be given with maintaining proper care in order to minimize the risk of clinically important bleeding as well as enhance the chances of successfully thrombolysis of clot. These cares include preinfusion care, during the infusion care, and postinfusion care. Besides proper knowledge of contraindication, evolutionary factor, and combination of drug is essential for successful thrombolytic therapy. In these review we discussed about these aspect of thrombolytic therapy

    Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on air quality in Bangladesh : Analysis and AQI forecasting with support vector regression

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    Over the past few decades, air pollution has emerged as a significant environmental hazard, causing premature deaths in Southeast Asia. The proliferation of industrialization and deforestation has resulted in an alarming increase in pollution levels. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly reduced the amount of volatile organic compounds and toxic gases in the air due to the decrease in human activity caused by lockdowns and restrictions. This study aims to investigate the air quality in various geographical areas of Bangladesh, comparing the air quality index (AQI) during different lockdown periods to equivalent eight-year time spans in 10 of the country's busiest cities. This study demonstrates a strong correlation between the rapid and widespread dispersion of COVID-19 and air pollution reduction in Bangladesh. In addition, we evaluated the performance of Support Vector Regression (SVR) in AQI forecasting using the time series dataset. The results can help improve machine learning and deep learning models for accurate AQI forecasting. This study contributes to developing effective policies and strategies for reducing air pollution in Bangladesh and other countries facing similar challenges

    Recent changes in ecosystem services and human well-being in the Bangladesh coastal zone

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    This study takes an historical approach in order to establish how the form and function of the social-ecological system that represents the Bangladesh south-western coastal zone has changed over recent decades. Time series data for a range of ecosystem services and drivers are analysed to define the range of trends, the presence of change points, slow and fast variables and the significant drivers of change. Since the 1980s, increasing gross domestic product and per capita income mirror rising levels of food and inland fish production. As a result, the size of population below the poverty line has reduced by ~17 %. In contrast, non-food ecosystem services such as water availability, water quality and land stability have deteriorated. Conversion of rice fields to shrimp farms is almost certainly a factor in increasing soil and surface water salinity. Most of the services experienced statistically significant change points between 1975 and 1980, and among the services, water availability, shrimp farming and maintenance of biodiversity appear to have passed tipping points. An environmental Kuznets curve analysis suggests that the point at which growing economic wealth feeds back into effective environmental protection has not yet been reached for water resources. Trends in indicators of ecosystem services and human well-being point to widespread non-stationary dynamics governed by slowly changing variables with an increased likelihood of systemic threshold changes/tipping points in the near future. The results will feed into simulation models and strategies that can define alternative and sustainable paths for land management

    Predicting the success of suicide terrorist attacks using different machine learning algorithms

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    Extremism has become one of the major threats throughout the world over the past few decades. In the last two decades, there has been a sharp increase in extremism and terrorist attacks. Nowadays, terrorism concerns all nations in terms of national security and is considered one of the most priority research topics. In order to support the national defense system, academics and researchers are analyzing various datasets to determine the reasons behind these attacks, their patterns, and how to predict their success. The main objective of our paper is to predict different types of attacks, such as successful suicide attacks, successful non-suicide attacks, unsuccessful suicide attacks, and unsuccessful non-suicide attacks. For this purpose, various machine learning algorithms, namely Random Forest, K Nearest Neighbor, Decision Tree, LightGBM Boosting, and a feedforward Artificial Neural Network called Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), are used to determine the success of suicide terrorist attacks. With an accuracy rate of 98.4% and an AUC-ROC score of 99.9%, the Random Forest classifier was the most accurate among all other algorithms. This model is more trustworthy than previous work and provides a useful comparison between machine learning methods and an artificial neural network because it is less dependent and has a multiclass target feature
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