1 research outputs found

    Fisebility study of collection and rearing of proleus stage of lobster (Panolirus homarus) in the cement tanks

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    The present study was carried out from late October2010 to end of June 2011. Executive operations were done in two stages; proleus catching from the sea and stocking/rearing them in a control conditions. Totally, it took 8 months from start to finish. The research objectives were; - Proleus catching techniques achievement. -Proleus keeping, stoking and rearing achievement. 32 pieces of proleus and post-proleus were collected by special installed collectors at the beneath of the sea. They were stocked after adaptation and initially biometry. In order to stocking, two 4th-tone tanks (one for proleus stage and another one for post-proleus stage) were applied. 0.77 gram and 11.8 gram was recorded as average weighted for proleus and post- proleus, respectively. Four stations were chosen for collecting of require samples. They were starched from west side of Ramin’s Jetty toward east. 84% of the samples were caught from the station two, using sandwich collectors. Collector’s efficiencies were compared to each others, in this study. A significant difference was observed between the sandwich collectors efficiency with the other collectors (p0.05). Comparison of the proleus abundance between stations showed a significant difference between station 2 and other stations, but there wasn’t any sig. difference between the stations number 2, 3 and 4, together (p>0.05). The samples were fed by fish waste, bivalves and squid. The amount of larval requirement food was calculated based on 15% of their body weight. During breading period, 50% of the rearing tanks water was exchanged, daily. Total weight, total length and carapace length was measured, monthly. 0.6 gram, 5.5 mm and 1 mm was recorded for mean total weight, mean total length and mean carapace length for proleus and 18.3 gram, 25.4 mm and 8 mm was recorded for mean total weight, mean total length and mean carapace length for post-proleus. According to the results, can be realized that growth rate in post-proleus was much faster than the growth rate of proleus. Finally, comparison of the total weight, total length and carapace length between proleus and post-proleus were showed a sig. differences between the two reared groups (p>0.05)