242 research outputs found

    Vastly Different Exercise Programs Similarly Improve Parkinsonian Symptoms:A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Objectives: To directly compare the effects of agility exergaming (EXE) and stationary cycling (CYC) exercise training on Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients’ mobility and clinical symptoms. Design: Randomized clinical trial. Setting: Outpatient physiotherapy clinic in a hospital. Participants: Seventy-four stage 2–3, nondemented PD patients were included in this study. Intervention: The groups were as follows: EXE (n = 25), CYC (n = 25), and a wait-listed control group (CON; n = 24). The EXE and CYC groups exercised 5×/week for 5 weeks, matched at 80% of the age-predicted maximal heart rate. Main Outcomes: The primary outcome was the Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-II) score. Secondary outcomes were Parkinson’s Disease Quastionnaire-39 (PDQ-39), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living (SE-ADL) scale, Euro-Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) questionnaire, the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest), the Tinetti Assessment Tool (TAT), the Dynamic Gait Index, the 6-min walk test (6MWT), and standing posturography. Results: After treatment, UPDRS-II scores improved (mean change: EXE, –4.5 points; CYC, –3.2 points). The results for the other outcomes (EXE and CYC, respectively) were: PDQ, 13 and 17%; BDI, –2.5 and –2.1 points; 6MWT, 129.6 and 141.6 m; and EQ-5D, 12 and 9% (all p 0.05). Conclusion: Two highly different exercise programs resulted in similar improvement of most motor and clinical symptoms in PD patients

    Old adults preserve motor flexibility during rapid reaching

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    Purpose Our ability to flexibly coordinate the available degrees of freedom allows us to perform activities of daily living under various task constraints. Healthy old adults exhibit subclinical peripheral and central nervous system dysfunctions, possibly compromising the flexibility in inter-joint coordination during voluntary movements and the ability to adapt to varying task constraints. Method We examined how healthy old (75.4 +/- 5.2 years, n = 14) compared with young adults (24.3 +/- 2 years, n = 15) make use of the available motor flexibility to adapt to physical and dexterity constraints during a rapid goal-directed reaching task. We manipulated physical and dexterity demands by changing, respectively, external resistance and target size. Motor flexibility was quantified by an uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis. Results We found that healthy young and old adults employ similar motor flexibility as quantified by the ratio between goal equivalent and non-goal equivalent variability (V-Ratio) and were similarly able to adapt to increases in physical and dexterity demands during goal-directed rapid reaching (V-Ratio: p = .092; young: 0.548 +/- 0.113; old: 0.264 +/- 0.117). Age affected end-effector kinematics. Motor flexibility and end-effector kinematics did not correlate. Conclusions The data challenge the prevailing view that old age affects movement capabilities in general and provide specific evidence that healthy old adults preserve motor flexibility during a reaching task. Future studies applying UCM analysis should examine if experimental set-ups limit movement exploration, leaving possible age differences undetected

    Training History-Dependent Functional Role of EMG Model-Predicted Antagonist Moments in Knee Extensor Moment Generation in Healthy Young Adults

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    Resistance training (RT) improves the skeletal muscle’s ability to generate maximal voluntary force and is accompanied by changes in the activation of the antagonist muscle which is not targeted primarily by RT. However, the nature and role of neural adaptation to RT in the antagonist muscle is paradoxical and not well understood. We compared moments, agonist muscle activation, antagonist activation, agonist-antagonist coactivation, and electromyographic (EMG) model-predicted moments generated by antagonist hamstring muscle coactivation during isokinetic knee extension in leg strength-trained (n = 10) and untrained (n = 11) healthy, younger adults. Trained vs. untrained adults were up to 58% stronger. During knee extension, hamstring activation was 1.6-fold greater in trained vs. untrained adults (p = 0.022). This hamstring activation produced 2.6-fold greater model-predicted antagonist moments during knee extension in the trained (42.7 ± 19.55 Nm) vs. untrained group (16.4 ± 12.18 Nm; p = 0.004), which counteracted (reduced) quadriceps knee extensor moments ~43 Nm (0.54 Nm·kg−1) and by ~16 Nm (0.25 Nm·kg−1) in trained vs. untrained. Antagonist hamstring coactivation correlated with decreases and increases, respectively, in quadriceps moments in trained and untrained. The EMG model-predicted antagonist moments revealed training history-dependent functional roles in knee extensor moment generation

    Age- and Sex-Related Differences in Motor Performance During Sustained Maximal Voluntary Contraction of the First Dorsal Interosseous

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    Age and sex affect the neuromuscular system including performance fatigability. Data on performance fatigability and underlying mechanisms in hand muscles are scarce. Therefore, we determined the effects of age and sex on force decline, and the mechanisms contributing to force decline, during a sustained isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with the index finger abductor (first dorsal interosseous, FDI). Subjects (n = 51, age range: 19-77 years, 25 females) performed brief and a 2-min sustained MVC with the right FDI. Abduction force and root mean squared electromyographic activity (rms-EMG) were recorded in both hands. Double-pulse stimulation was applied to the ulnar nerve during (superimposed twitch) and after (doublet-force) the brief and sustained MVCs. Compared to females, males were stronger (134%, p <0.001) and exhibited a greater decline in voluntary (difference: 8%, p = 0.010) and evoked (doublet) force (difference: 12%, p = 0.010) during and after the sustained MVC. Age did not affect MVC, force decline and superimposed twitch. The ratio between the doublet-and MVC-force was greater in females (0.33, p = 0.007) and in older (0.38, p = 0.06) individuals than in males (0.30) and younger (0.30) individuals; after the sustained MVC this ratio increased with age and the increase was larger for females compared to males (p = 0.04). The inadvertent contralateral, left force and rms-EMG activity increased over time (2.7-13.6% MVC and 5.4-17.7% MVC, respectively). Males had higher contralateral forces than females (p = 0.012) and contralateral force was higher at the start of the contralateral contraction in older compared with young subjects (difference: 29%, p = 0.008). In conclusion, our results suggest that the observed sex-differences in performance fatigability were mainly due to differences in peripheral muscle properties. Yet the reduced amount of contralateral activity and the larger difference in evoked versus voluntary force in female subjects indicate that sex-differences in voluntary activation should not be overlooked. These data obtained in neurological healthy adults provides a framework and help the interpretation and referencing of neurophysiological measures in patients suffering from neuromuscular diseases, who often present with symptoms of performance fatigability

    Small and inconsistent effects of whole body vibration on athletic performance:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    We quantified the acute and chronic effects of whole body vibration on athletic performance or its proxy measures in competitive and/or elite athletes. Systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Whole body vibration combined with exercise had an overall 0.3 % acute effect on maximal voluntary leg force (-6.4 %, effect size = -0.43, 1 study), leg power (4.7 %, weighted mean effect size = 0.30, 6 studies), flexibility (4.6 %, effect size = -0.12 to 0.22, 2 studies), and athletic performance (-1.9 %, weighted mean effect size = 0.26, 6 studies) in 191 (103 male, 88 female) athletes representing eight sports (overall effect size = 0.28). Whole body vibration combined with exercise had an overall 10.2 % chronic effect on maximal voluntary leg force (14.6 %, weighted mean effect size = 0.44, 5 studies), leg power (10.7 %, weighted mean effect size = 0.42, 9 studies), flexibility (16.5 %, effect size = 0.57 to 0.61, 2 studies), and athletic performance (-1.2 %, weighted mean effect size = 0.45, 5 studies) in 437 (169 male, 268 female) athletes (overall effect size = 0.44). Whole body vibration has small and inconsistent acute and chronic effects on athletic performance in competitive and/or elite athletes. These findings lead to the hypothesis that neuromuscular adaptive processes following whole body vibration are not specific enough to enhance athletic performance. Thus, other types of exercise programs (e.g., resistance training) are recommended if the goal is to improve athletic performance

    Age-specific modifications in healthy adults' knee joint position sense

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    Aim: Right-handed young adults perform target-matching tasks more accurately with the non-dominant (ND) compared to the dominant (D) limb, but it is unclear if age affects this disparity. We determined if age affects target-matching asymmetry in right-side dominant healthy adults. Method: Young (n = 12, age: 23.6 y, 6 females) and older (n = 12; age: 75.1 y, 7 females) adults performed a passive joint position-matching task with the D and ND leg in a randomized order. Result: Age affected absolute, constant, and variable knee JPS errors but, contrary to expectations, it did not affect target-matching asymmetries between the D and ND knees. However, older participants tended to underestimate while young subjects overestimated the target angles. Moreover, older as compared to young subjects performed the target-matching task with higher variability. Conclusion: Altogether, age seems to affect passive knee target-matching behaviour in right-side dominant healthy adults. The present data indicate that healthy aging produces age-specific modifications in passive joint position sense.</p

    Barriers, motivators, and facilitators of physical activity in dementia patients:A systematic review

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    Purpose: Physical activity (PA) has the potential to slow the progression of dementia patients' cognitive and physical decline. A better understanding of the factors that facilitate or hamper dementia patients' PA participation will increase the success rate of implementing PA in dementia patients' daily care. We systematically screened the barriers, motivators, and facilitators of PA participation in dementia patients, complementing previous analyses of quantitative correlates of PA in community-dwelling dementia patients. Methods: Systematic searches yielded 78 potential studies of which seven met the eligibility criteria including 39 dementia patients and 36 caregivers (33 spouses and three daughters). Results: We identified 35 barriers, 26 motivators, and 21 facilitators related to PA. We reduced these factors to six themes within the social-ecological model. Prominent barriers to PA were physical and mental limitations and difficulties with guidance and organization of PA by caregivers. Motivators included the motivation to maintain physical and mental health and participate in preferred PA options. Facilitators included strategies to avoid health problems, providing support and guidance for PA, and access to convenient and personalized PA options. Conclusions: The emerging picture suggests that dementia patients' PA participation will increase if service providers become familiar with the health benefits of PA, the characteristics of PA programs, methods of delivery, and the concepts of how such programs can be personalized to and synchronized with patients' individual needs. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Training intensity-dependent increases in corticospinal but not intracortical excitability after acute strength training

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the increases in corticospinal excitability (CSE) observed after one session of unilateral isometric strength training (ST) are related to changes in intracortical excitability measured by magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) in the trained and the contralateral untrained biceps brachii (BB) and whether such changes scale with training intensity. On three separate days, 15 healthy young men performed one ST session of 12 sets of eight isometric contractions of the right elbow flexors at 0% (control session), 25%, or 75% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) in a random order. Before and after each session separated at least by 1 week, motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), contralateral silent period (SP), and intracortical facilitation (ICF) generated by TMS were measured in the trained and the untrained BBs. Compared with baseline, MEPs recorded from the trained BB increased by similar to 47% after training at 75% of MVC (P .05). MEPs in the untrained BB and SICI, SP, and ICF in either BB did not change. Therefore, acute high-intensity but not low-intensity unilateral isometric ST increases CSE in the trained BB without modifications in intracortical inhibition or facilitation. Thus, increases in corticospinal neurons or alpha-alpha-motoneuron excitability could underlie the increases in CSE. Regardless of contraction intensity, acute isometric ST did not modify the excitability of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex measured by TMS

    A below-knee compression garment reduces fatigue-induced strength loss but not knee joint position sense errors

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    Purpose We examined the possibility that wearing a below-knee compression garment (CG) reduces fatigue-induced strength loss and joint position sense (JPS) errors in healthy adults. Methods Subjects (n = 24, age = 25.5 +/- 4 years) were allocated to either one of the treatment groups that performed 100 maximal isokinetic eccentric contractions at 30 degrees(-1)with the right-dominant knee extensors: (1) with (EXPCG) or (2) without CG (EXP) or to (3) a control group (CONCG:CG, no exercise). Changes in JPS errors, and maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque were measured immediately post-, 24 h post-, and 1 week post-intervention in each leg. All testing was done without the CG. Results CG afforded no protection against JPS errors. Mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that absolute JPS errors increased post-intervention in EXPCG and EXP not only in the right-exercised (52%,p = 0.013; 57%,p = 0.007, respectively) but also in the left non-exercised (55%,p = 0.001; 58%,p = 0.040, respectively) leg. Subjects tended to underestimate the target position more in the flexed vs. extended knee positions (75-61 degrees: - 4.6 +/- 3.6 degrees, 60-50 degrees: - 4.2 +/- 4.3 degrees, 50-25 degrees: - 2.9 +/- 4.2 degrees), irrespective of group and time. Moreover, MVIC decreased in EXP but not in EXPCG and CONCG at immediately post-intervention (p = 0.026,d = 0.52) and 24 h post-intervention (p = 0.013,d = 0.45) compared to baseline. Conclusion Altogether, a below-knee CG reduced fatigue-induced strength loss at 80 degrees knee joint position but not JPS errors in healthy younger adults

    Effects of Physical Exercise Training in the Workplace on Physical Fitness:A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Background There is evidence that physical exercise training (PET) conducted at the workplace is effective in improving physical fitness and thus health. However, there is no current systematic review available that provides high-level evidence regarding the effects of PET on physical fitness in the workforce. Objectives To quantify sex-, age-, and occupation type-specific effects of PET on physical fitness and to characterize dose-response relationships of PET modalities that could maximize gains in physical fitness in the working population. Data Sources A computerized systematic literature search was conducted in the databases PubMed and Cochrane Library (2000-2019) to identify articles related to PET in workers. Study Eligibility Criteria Only randomized controlled trials with a passive control group were included if they investigated the effects of PET programs in workers and tested at least one fitness measure. Study Appraisal and Synthesis Methods Weighted mean standardised mean differences (SMDwm) were calculated using random effects models. A multivariate random effects meta-regression was computed to explain the influence of key training modalities (e.g., training frequency, session duration, intensity) on the effectiveness of PET on measures of physical fitness. Further, subgroup univariate analyses were computed for each training modality. Additionally, methodological quality of the included studies was rated with the help of the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) Scale. Results Overall, 3423 workers aged 30-56 years participated in 17 studies (19 articles) that were eligible for inclusion. Methodological quality of the included studies was moderate with a median PEDro score of 6. Our analyses revealed significant, small-sized effects of PET on cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), muscular endurance, and muscle power (0.2
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