50 research outputs found


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    Mutual trade between EU countries and Indonesia is a bilateral commodity trade flow exceeding 17 billion Euros. Analysis of the trade between the two entities is an important contribution leading to the definition of the significance that the ongoing cooperation between the EU and Indonesia has. EU is for Indonesia very important trading partner, for EU is Indonesia a strategic political partner. The bilateral trade is currently greatly benefiting Indonesia, however, this market has a potential for EU due to the fact, that it is one of the most populous country in the Asian region and the in world in general. The trade exchange is based on export and import of most basic aggregate commodities; while between the two partners exist significant differences in terms of available comparative advantages. A specificity of the mutual trade is the limited territorial structure of this exchange, as the main volume of transactions is realized between Indonesia and only a few EU countries.   Keywords: EU, Indonesia, mutual, foreign trade, commodity, territory, structure, analysis, competitivenes

    The corporate social responsibility : the case study of the water as a strategic commodity for future

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    The wine market - an empicrical examination of in-store consumer behaviour

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    Business success in the current highly competitive environment determines primarily the ability to understand the customer and his needs and identify the factors that influence consumer behavior. Therefore, the examination of consumer behavior and obtaining feedback on the development and state of the market as well as identifying current trends is an essential part of any successful business. Producers and traders are increasingly forced to adapt to the rapid development and changes in the market. This is especially important with food products, given the wide range of assortment, substitutability of particular groceries and strengthening competitive pressure of manufacturers and retailers. In general, consumer decision-making related to food is influenced by a number of different factors that are changing under the influence of new trends (greater emphasis on quality, country of origin etc.). Even more specific category is the wine market, which is subject to specific criteria of consumer choice, since from a consumer perspective, it is not a product of daily consumption. The world wine market is increasing; new producers as well as new groups of customers are emerging on the market. The distribution channels are becoming more diversified and wine is offered in both specialty stores and self-service outlets; hypermarkets, supermarkets and discount stores. Due to this trend the investigation of in-store consumer behavior becomes crucial. The aim of the paper is to discuss the usefulness of eye tracking based research for examining perceptions of people shelf displays. The research integrates measurements with a mobile eye camera (Eye tracker glasses) in real conditions of a wine shop in order to reveal the impact of merchandising (display of domestic and foreign wines) on the visual attention of the consumer. The results of qualitative research carried out in March 2015 will be presented

    Role of public relations in the sustainability marketing in the Slovak agribusiness practice

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    The paper points at importance of Public Relations and its role in the sustainability marketing in the Slovak agribusiness practice. Strategically, the business must be centered on the customers more than the products. Public Relations help the companies target more on consumer´s needs. If the companies push more on the product and disregard consumers wants and the benefits they can get, company will lose the customers in no time. Paper shows the selected successful stories of sustainability marketing in agribusiness in Slovakia and most popular types of PR – events and frequencies of their organizing in the agricultural companies with foreign participation and domestic ones as well as importance of using media for promotion. When reaching sustainability and business success, there are certain requirements that have to be met. In the business, the four Ps are used together with some more innovative solutions and approaches as public, politics, and some other external and internal factors. In addition to those factors there are in the paper shown certain requirements that have to be met in order to be successful in responsible business, marked with S as satisfaction, safety and sustainability ar

    Comparative Study of Honey Consumption in Slovakia and Russia

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    The current situation on the food market is influenced by various diet trends including eating healthy products. The honey consumption has an increasing tendency because more and more consumers consider honey as a healthy alternative to a refined sugar. The aim of this research paper was to identify consumption patterns regarding honey in terms of annual consumption, its frequency, volume of honey per purchase, consumption structure by family members and factors affecting consumers at honey purchase. The primary data was obtained from a questionnaire survey, which was conducted in Slovakia on the sample of 316 respondents as well as in Russia on the sample of 309 respondents. For a deeper analyses several assumptions were formulated where dependencies between demographic factors (age, education and income,) and annual consumption by using Chi-Square Test of Independence and Cramer´V coefficient, as well as, differences in factors affecting consumers at honey purchase by using Friedman test have been statistically tested. Based on the results it was found out that, the majority of Slovak consumers make honey reserves and prefer to buy 1 kg per purchase while the majority of Russian consumers purchase honey if necessary and prefer to buy 0.5 or 2 - 5 kg per purchase. Honey is generally consumed by all family members in both countries. The mostimportant factors for Slovak consumers was the country of origin (2.59) followed by taste (3.51), type (3.97) and price (4.18), while the least important factors were the size of packaging (6.70) and the design of packaging (6.80). For Russian consumers the most important factors werethe type (2.97), design of packaging (3.13), price (3.28) and taste (3.61) while the least important factors were the size of packaging (6.98), brand (6.50) and the country of origin (6.50). The majority of consumers in both countries consume from 2 to 5 kg annually and the only significant dependence was confirmed in case of respondents´ age. The annual consumption of young generation is lower in comparison to older generations

    The efficiency, energy intensity and visual impact of the accent lighting in the retail grocery stores

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    Over the last few years, topics of displaying, presentation, lighting, energy saving and issues related to the environment while selling the fresh food (fruits, vegetable, bakery products, meat) are becoming an important matter among traders. However, just bigger companies with transnational capital have devoted their attention to this issue yet. Generally, the energy costs make up 70% of operating costs in retail stores where the cooling system and lighting are the most energy consuming. Accent lighting in modern retails is largely involved in the overall design and atmosphere in shops and plays a crucial role in presenting the goods as well. Using of accent lighting can draw the customer's attention to a specific part of the sales area and achieve the overall harmonization in the store. With the rational using of combination of energy saving and effective accent lighting retailers can achieve not only attractive presentation of displayed products but also appreciable savings in the operation of their stores. It is the only factor that can be exactly measured and controlled. Using a Colour and Lux Meters we found out the intensity and color temperature of accent lighting used in domestic and foreign retail chains for the different kinds of fresh food products. Based on the obtained values we have compiled graphs, which are showing visual comfort. We also identified different types of accent lighting, which we assigned to their impact on emotional involvement of consumers. The starting points were the tests we conducted in simulated laboratory conditions. While searching of a compromise between effective and energy efficient accent lighting we take into consideration consumers' emotional response as well as the annual electricity consumption of different types of light sources. At the end we recommend options for energy-efficient, effective and spectacular lighting while using the optimal number of light sources and their logical organization, automatic control as well as using energy-saving LED lights or practical skylights. Improvements in energy efficiency of technical equipments could reduce the operating costs for retailers as well as enhance the attractiveness of displayed goods and customer satisfaction and thereby increase their sales

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