193 research outputs found

    Modeling the strangeness content of hadronic matter

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    The strangeness content of hadronic matter is studied in a string-flip model that reproduces various aspects of the QCD-inspired phenomenology, such as quark clustering at low density and color deconfinement at high density, while avoiding long range van der Waals forces. Hadronic matter is modeled in terms of its quark constituents by taking into account its internal flavor (u,d,s) and color (red, blue, green) degrees of freedom. Variational Monte-Carlo simulations in three spatial dimensions are performed for the ground-state energy of the system. The onset of the transition to strange matter is found to be influenced by weak, yet not negligible, clustering correlations. The phase diagram of the system displays an interesting structure containing both continuous and discontinuous phase transitions. Strange matter is found to be absolutely stable in the model.Comment: 14 pages, 1 table, 8 eps figures, revtex. Submitted to Phys. Rev. C, Presented at INPC2001 Berkeley, Ca. july 29-Aug

    Wavy Strings: Black or Bright?

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    Recent developments in string theory have brought forth a considerable interest in time-dependent hair on extended objects. This novel new hair is typically characterized by a wave profile along the horizon and angular momentum quantum numbers l,ml,m in the transverse space. In this work, we present an extensive treatment of such oscillating black objects, focusing on their geometric properties. We first give a theorem of purely geometric nature, stating that such wavy hair cannot be detected by any scalar invariant built out of the curvature and/or matter fields. However, we show that the tidal forces detected by an infalling observer diverge at the `horizon' of a black string superposed with a vibration in any mode with l≥1l \ge 1. The same argument applied to longitudinal (l=0l=0) waves detects only finite tidal forces. We also provide an example with a manifestly smooth metric, proving that at least a certain class of these longitudinal waves have regular horizons.Comment: 45 pages, latex, no figure

    Black Holes on Cylinders

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    We take steps toward constructing explicit solutions that describe non-extremal charged dilatonic branes of string/M-theory with a transverse circle. Using a new coordinate system we find an ansatz for the solutions with only one unknown function. We show that this function is independent of the charge and our ansatz can therefore also be used to construct neutral black holes on cylinders and near-extremal charged dilatonic branes with a transverse circle. For sufficiently large mass M>McM > M_c these solutions have a horizon that connects across the cylinder but they are not translationally invariant along the circle direction. We argue that the neutral solution has larger entropy than the neutral black string for any given mass. This means that for M>McM > M_c the neutral black string can gain entropy by redistributing its mass to a solution that breaks translational invariance along the circle, despite the fact that it is classically stable. We furthermore explain how our construction can be used to study the thermodynamics of Little String Theory.Comment: latex, 68 pages, 4 figures. v2: Typos fixed, argument about \chi corrected in sec. 7.4, discussion of space of physical solutions corrected and clarified in sec. 9; v3: v=\pi clarified, typos fixed, figure 1 change

    Small Black Holes on Cylinders

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    We find the metric of small black holes on cylinders, i.e. neutral and static black holes with a small mass in d-dimensional Minkowski-space times a circle. The metric is found using an ansatz for black holes on cylinders proposed in hep-th/0204047. We use the new metric to compute corrections to the thermodynamics which is seen to deviate from that of the (d+1)-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. Moreover, we compute the leading correction to the relative binding energy which is found to be non-zero. We discuss the consequences of these results for the general understanding of black holes and we connect the results to the phase structure of black holes and strings on cylinders.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure. v2: typos corrected, introduction expanded, v3: presentation of sections 2 and 3 reordered and improved, explanatory remarks added, refs adde

    Flux-branes and the Dielectric Effect in String Theory

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    We consider the generalization to String and M-theory of the Melvin solution. These are flux p-branes which have (p+1)-dimensional Poincare invariance and are associated to an electric (p+1)-form field strength along their worldvolume. When a stack of Dp-branes is placed along the worldvolume of a flux (p+3)-brane it will expand to a spherical D(p+2)-brane due to the dielectric effect. This provides a new setup to consider the gauge theory/gravity duality. Compactifying M-theory on a circle we find the exact gravity solution of the type IIA theory describing the dielectric expansion of N D4-branes into a spherical bound state of D4-D6-branes, due to the presence of a flux 7-brane. In the decoupling limit, the deformation of the dual field theory associated with the presence of the flux brane is irrelevant in the UV. We calculate the gravitational radius and energy of the dielectric brane which give, respectively, a prediction for the VEV of scalars and vacuum energy of the dual field theory. Consideration of a spherical D6-brane probe with n units of D4-brane charge in the dielectric brane geometry suggests that the dual theory arises as the Scherk-Schwarz reduction of the M5-branes (2,0) conformal field theory. The probe potential has one minimum placed at the locus of the bulk dielectric brane and another associated to an inner dielectric brane shell.Comment: v2 Major Additions: dielectric radius in gravity solution matches exactly stable and unstable points of Myers probe potential, as well as the upper bound on D-brane charge. New section probing dielectric brane that clarifies dual field theory discussion and is consistent with Scherk-Schwarz reduction of (2,0) M5-brane theory. References added. 43 pages, 4 figure

    Hagedorn transition and chronology protection in string theory

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    We conjecture chronology is protected in string theory due to the condensation of light winding strings near closed null curves. This condensation triggers a Hagedorn phase transition, whose end-point target space geometry should be chronological. Contrary to conventional arguments, chronology is protected by an infrared effect. We support this conjecture by studying strings in the O-plane orbifold, where we show that some winding string states are unstable and condense in the non-causal region of spacetime. The one-loop string partition function has infrared divergences associated to the condensation of these states.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures. Expanded discussion on evolution of on-shell modes and added appendi

    Organic film thickness influence on the bias stress instability in Sexithiophene Field Effect Transistors

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    In this paper, the dynamics of bias stress phenomenon in Sexithiophene (T6) Field Effect Transistors (FETs) has been investigated. T6 FETs have been fabricated by vacuum depositing films with thickness from 10 nm to 130 nm on Si/SiO2 substrates. After the T6 film structural analysis by X-Ray diffraction and the FET electrical investigation focused on carrier mobility evaluation, bias stress instability parameters have been estimated and discussed in the context of existing models. By increasing the film thickness, a clear correlation between the stress parameters and the structural properties of the organic layer has been highlighted. Conversely, the mobility values result almost thickness independent

    Interior Structure of a Charged Spinning Black Hole in (2+1)(2+1)-Dimensions

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    The phenomenon of mass inflation is shown to occur for a rotating black hole. We demonstrate this feature in (2+1)(2+1) dimensions by extending the charged spinning BTZ black hole to Vaidya form. We find that the mass function diverges in a manner quantitatively similar to its static counterparts in (3+1)(3+1), (2+1)(2+1) and (1+1)(1+1) dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (appended as postscript files), WATPHYS-TH94/0

    Relativistic Mean Field Model with Generalized Derivative Nucleon-Meson Couplings

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    The quantum hadrodynamics (QHD) model with minimal nucleon-meson couplings is generalized by introducing couplings of mesons to derivatives of the nucleon field in the Lagrangian density. This approach allows an effective description of a state-dependent in-medium interaction in the mean-field approximation. Various parametrizations for the generalized couplings are developed and applied to infinite nuclear matter. In this approach, scalar and vector self-energies depend on both density and momentum similarly as in the Dirac-Brueckner theory. The Schr\"{o}diger-equivalent optical potential is much less repulsive at high nucleon energies as compared to standard relativistic mean field models and thus agrees better with experimental findings. The derivative couplings in the extended model have significant effects on properties of symmetric nuclear matter and neutron matter.Comment: 35 pages, 1 table, 10 figure

    On Some New Black String Solutions in Three Dimensions

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    We derive several new solutions in three-dimensional stringy gravity. The solutions are obtained with the help of string duality transformations. They represent stationary configurations with horizons, and are surrounded by (quasi) topologically massive Abelian gauge hair, in addition to the dilaton and the Kalb-Ramond axion. Our analysis suggests that there exists a more general family, where our solutions are special limits. Finally, we use the generating technique recently proposed by Garfinkle to construct a traveling wave on the extremal variant of one of our solutions.Comment: revtex, 38 pages including 3 figure
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